Greetings to the Assemblies Paul, an apostle, not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ, and God the father, the one raising him from the dead,
and [2the 4with 5me 1all 3brethren], to the assemblies of Galatia.
Favor to you and peace from God the father, and our Lord Jesus Christ,
the one giving himself for our sins, so as to rescue us from out of the present [2age 1wicked], according to the will [2God 3and 4father 1of our],
to whom be the glory in the eons of the eons. Amen.
Good News I marvel that so quickly you are transferred from your calling in favor of Christ, to another good news,
which is not another; except there are some disturbing you, and wanting to convert the good news of the Christ.
But even if we or an angel out of heaven should announce good news to you beyond which good news we announced to you, let him be anathema!
As we described beforehand, and just now again I say, If anyone announces good news to you beyond what you took to yourselves, let him be anathema!
Paul Recounts His Conversion For now, [2men 1do I comply with], or God? Or do I seek [2men 1to please]? For if still [2men 1I please], [4Christ's 5bondman 2not 3then 1I was].
But I make known to you, brethren, the good news, the good news announced by me, that it is not according to man.
[3not even 1For 2I 6from 7man 4received 5it], nor was taught it, but through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
For you heard my behavior at some time or other in Judaism, that according to excess I persecuted the assembly of God, and ravaged it.
And I progressed in the Judaism beyond many contemporaries among my race, [2exceedingly more 3zealous 1being 5of my fathers 4of the traditions].
But when God thought well to separate me from out of the belly of my mother, and called me by his favor,
to reveal his son in me, that I should announce him good news among the nations; immediately I did not confer with flesh and blood;
nor went I up to Jerusalem to the [2before 3me 1apostles]; but I went forth to Arabia, and again returned to Damascus.
Thereupon after [2years 1three] I went up to Jerusalem to inquire of Peter, and I remained with him [2days 1fifteen].
But other apostles I did not see, except James the brother of the Lord.
And what things I write to you, behold, before God that I do not lie.
Thereupon I came to the regions of Syria and Cilicia.
And I was not known by face to the assemblies of Judea -- to the ones in Christ.
Only they were hearing that, The one persecuting us at one time, now announces good news -- the belief; which at one time he ravaged.
And they glorified [2in 3me 1God].
Paul Recounts His Ministry Then after fourteen years again I ascended to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking along also Titus.
And I ascended according to revelation, and presented to them the good news which I proclaim among the nations, and in private to the ones assuming leadership, lest perhaps in vain I run, or ran.
But not even Titus, the one with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised.
And on account of the intrusions of false brethren, ones who entered privately to spy out our freedom, which we have in Christ Jesus, that they shall reduce us to slavery;
to whom not even for an hour we yielded way in the submission, that the truth of the good news should abide with you.
But from the ones seeming to be something, as to like whatever they were, [2nothing 3to me 1differs]; [4the person 1God 5of a man 2does not 3take]; [6to me 1for 2the ones 3seeming important 5nothing 4conferred];
but on the other hand, having seen that I have been trusted with the good news of the uncircumcised, as Peter of the circumcision,
(for the one operating in Peter for commission of the circumcision, operated also to me among the nations),
and knowing the favor being given to me, James and Cephas and John, the ones assuming to be columns of strength, [5their right hands 1gave 2to me 3and 4Barnabas] of fellowship, that we should go unto the nations, but they to the circumcision.
Only [3the 4poor 1that 2we should remember], which even I was hurried [2this same thing 1to do].
Paul Confronts Peter's Hypocrisy But when Peter came to Antioch in person, I opposed him, for he was for being condemned.
[2before 3the 1For] coming of some from James, [2with 3the 4Gentiles 1he was eating]; but when they came, he kept back and separated himself, fearing the ones of the circumcision.
And [5acted the hypocrite with 6him 1also 2the 3rest 4of the Jews], so that even Barnabas was led away by them in the hypocrisy.
But when I saw that he did not walk uprightly to the truth of the good news, I said to Peter in front of all, If you, [2Jewish-like 1being], [2like the nations 1live] and not like a Jew, why [2the 3nations 1do you compel] to Judaize?
We are by nature Jews, and not [2of 3the nations 1sinners];
and knowing that [2is not 3justified 1man] from works of law, but through belief of Jesus Christ, and we [2in 3Christ 4Jesus 1trusted], that we should be justified of belief of Christ, and not by works of law; for not shall [3be justified 4by 5works 6of law 1any 2flesh].
And if seeking to be justified in Christ, we have been found also ourselves sinners, is then Christ [2of sin 1a servant]? May it not be.
For if what I deposed, these things again I build back up, [2a violator 3myself 1I stand].
For I through law [2to law 1died], that to God I should live.
[2Christ 1I have been crucified with], but I live, no longer I, [3lives 1but 4in 5me 2Christ]; but that [2which 4now 3I 5live 6in 1flesh], [2in 3belief 1I live] -- in the one of the son of God, of the one loving me, and delivering himself up for me.
I do not annul the favor of God. For if [2is through 3law 1righteousness], then Christ [2for nothing 1died].
Sons of Abraham are of Belief O unthinking Galatians, who charmed you, [3the 4truth 1to not 2yield to], before whose eyes Jesus Christ was written about beforehand, [2among 3you 1being crucified]?
This only I want to learn from you, was it from works of law [2the 3spirit 1you received], or by report of belief?
[2so 3unthinking 1Are you]? Commencing in spirit, [2now 4in flesh 1you are 3completed]?
[2so many things 1Did you suffer] in vain, if indeed that it be vain?
The one then supplying to you the spirit, and operates power in you -- is it from works of law or is it from report of belief?
As how Abraham trusted in God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness.
Know then that the ones of belief, these are sons of Abraham.
[4saw at a distance 1And 2the 3scripture] that of belief [2justifies 3the 4nations 1God], advancing good news to Abraham, saying that, [4shall be blessed 5by 6you 1All 2the 3nations].
So that the ones of belief are blessed with the believing Abraham.
For as many as [2of 3works 4of law 1are], [2under 3a curse 1they are]. For it has been written, Accursed be all who do not adhere in all the things having been written in the scroll of the law to do them.
The Just shall Live of Belief But that by law no one is being justified with God is manifest; for it says, The just [2of 3belief 1shall live].
But the law is not of belief; but the [2observing 3them 1man] shall live by them.
Christ bought us back from the curse of the law, having become [2for 3us 1a curse]. For it has been written, Accursed is every one hanging upon a tree,
that to the nations the blessing of Abraham should take place in Christ Jesus, that the promise of the spirit we should receive through the belief.
Brethren, according to man I speak. Even [2of a man 3having been validated 1a covenant], no one annuls or adds further.
And to Abraham [3were spoken 1the 2promises], and to his seed. [2he does not 3say 1And], to the seeds, as unto many; but as unto one, saying, And to your seed -- which is Christ.
And this I say, the covenant being validated before by God in Christ -- [3after 7years 4four hundred 5and 6thirty 2taking place 1the law] does not void so as to render useless the promise.
For if [3is of 4law 1the 2inheritance], no longer is it of promise; but to Abraham through promise God granted it.
The Purpose of the Law Why then the law? [3of the 4violations 2for favor 1It was added], until of which time [3should come 1the 2seed] to whom it has been promised; it was set in order by messengers in the hand of a mediator.
But the mediator [3one 2not 1is]; but God is one.
Then is the law against the promises of God? May it not be. For if [2was given 1a law] being able to restore life, then really [4then 5of 6law 3was 1the 2righteousness].
But [3consigned 1the 2scripture] the whole under sin, that the promise of belief of Jesus Christ should be given to the ones trusting.
[2before 1But 5coming 3the 4belief], [2by 3law 1we were guarded], having been consigned to the about to be [2belief 1uncovering].
So that the law [2our instructor 1has become] up to Christ, that [2of 3belief 1we should be justified].
[4having come 1But 2of the 3belief], no longer [2under 3an instructor 1are we];
[3all 1for 4sons 5of God 2you are] through the belief in Christ Jesus.
For as many as was immersed [2Christ 1put on].
There is not Jew nor Greek; there is not bondman nor free; there is not male and female; [4all 1for 2you 5one 3are] in Christ Jesus.
And if you are of Christ, then [2of the 4of Abraham 3seed 1you are], and [2according to 3promise 1heirs].
Heirs of God Through Christ And I say, for as long a time the heir is an infant, in no way does he differ from a bondman, though [2master 3of all things 1being];
but [2under 3caretakers 1he is] and managers until the prescribed time of the father.
So also us, when we were infants under the elements of the world, we were being enslaved.
But when came the fullness of the time, God sent forth his son, being born of a woman, being born under law,
that the ones under law he should buy back, that the adoption we should accept.
But because you are sons, God sent out the spirit of his son in your hearts, crying out, Abba father.
So that no longer are you a bondman, but a son; and if a son, also an heir of God through Christ.
But then indeed not knowing God, you were a slave to the ones not by nature being gods.
But now, having known God, but rather having been known by God, how do you return again unto the weak and poor elements, in which again, as at the beginning [2to serve 1you want]?
[2days 1You closely watch], and months, and times, and years.
I fear for you, lest perhaps in vain I have tired in labor for you.
[4become 5as 6I am 7for 8also I am 9as 10you 3brethren 1I beseech 2you]! In nothing you wronged me.
But you know that through weakness of the flesh I announced good news to you formerly,
and my test, the one in my flesh, you treated not with contempt, nor rejected with contempt; but as a messenger of God you received me, even as Christ Jesus.
Paul's Relationship to the Galatians What then was your blessing? For I witness to you that if able, [2eyes 1having gouged out your] you would have given them to me.
So then [2enemy 1have I become your] being truthful with you?
They are zealous for you, but not for well, but [2to exclude 3you 1they want], that you should be zealous for them.
But it is good to be zealous in good at all times, and not only in my being at hand with you.
My sons, whom again I travail as far as of which time [2should have been formed 1Christ] in you.
And I wanted to be at hand with you just now, and to change my voice; for I am perplexed as to you.
Tell me, O ones [3under 4law 1wanting 2to be], [3the 4law 1do you not 2hearken to]?
For it has been written that Abraham [2two 3sons 1had]; one of the maidservant, and one of the free woman.
But the one indeed of the maidservant [2according to 3flesh 1has been born]; but the one of the free woman was through the promise.
Which things are allegorized; for these are the two covenants; one indeed from mount Sinai, [2in 3slavery 1born], which is Hagar.
For Hagar [3Sinai 2mount 1is] in Arabia, and corresponding with the present Jerusalem, and she slaved with her children.
But the upward Jerusalem is free, which is mother of all of us.
For it has been written, Be glad O sterile one, the one not giving birth! Break asunder and yell, O one not travailing! for many are the children of the barren rather than of the one having the husband.
And we, brethren, like Isaac, [3of promise 2children 1are].
But as then the one [2according to 3flesh 1born] persecuted the one born according to spirit, so also now.
But what says the scripture? Cast out the maidservant and her son! for in no way shall [5inherit 1the 2son 3of the 4maidservant] with the son of the free one.
So then, brethren, we are not [2of the maidservant 1children], but of the free one.
The Freedom of Christ In the freedom then in which Christ freed us, stand firmly, and do not again [2with the yoke 3of slavery 1be pressed upon]!
Behold! I Paul say to you, that if you should be circumcised, Christ [2you 3no 1shall derive] benefit.
And I testify again to every man being circumcised, that he is a debtor [2the entire 3law 1to observe].
You were rendered useless from the Christ, O ones whoever [2by 3the law 1are being justified]; [2favor 1you fell from].
For we in spirit of belief [2the hope 3of righteousness 1await].
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision prevails any, nor uncircumcision, but belief [2through 3love 1operating].
You were running well; who hindered you [3with the 4truth 1to not 2comply]?
The persuasion is not from out of him calling you.
A little yeast [2the entire 3batch 1leavens].
I am persuaded as to you in the Lord, that [2not 4any other way 1you shall 3think]; and the one disturbing you shall bear the judgment, whoever he should be.
The Fruit of The Spirit But I, brethren, if circumcision I still proclaim, why yet am I persecuted? Then [5is cleared away 1the 2obstacle 3of the 4cross].
Ought that they shall cut off the ones overthrowing you.
For you [2unto 3freedom 1were called], brethren; only not the freedom in opportunity in the flesh; but through the love serve one another!
For the whole law in one account is fulfilled, in the saying, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
But if [2one another 1you bite] and devour, take heed! lest by one another you should be consumed.
And I say, [2in spirit 1Walk]! and [3the desire 4of the flesh 1in no way 2should you fulfill].
For the flesh lusts against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh; and these things are an adversary to one another, that not what ever you should want these things you should do.
But if in spirit you be led, you are not under law.
[7apparent 1And 6are 2the 3works 4of the 5flesh]; which are, adultery, harlotry, uncleanness, lewdness,
idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strifes, jealousies, rages, contentions, discords, sects,
envies, murders, intoxications, debaucheries, and the things likened to these; which I say beforehand to you, as also I foretold, that the ones [2such things 1practicing 4the kingdom 5of God 3shall not inherit].
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, leniency, graciousness, goodness, belief,
gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
But the ones of the Christ [2the 3flesh 1crucified] with the passions and the lusts.
If we live in spirit, in spirit also we should be conformed to.
We should not become ones self-seeking of glory, [2one another 1challenging], [2one another 1bearing a grudge against].
Bear One Another's Loads Brethren, if even [2should be taken first 1a man] in some transgression, you the spiritual ones ready such in spirit of gentleness! watching yourself lest also you should be tested.
[2one another's 3loads 1Bear]! and so you shall fulfill the law of the Christ.
For if anyone thinks to be anything, being nothing, he deceives his own mind.
And [4his own work 1let 3try 2each], and then in himself only [2cause for boasting 1shall he have], and not as to another.
For each [2his own 3load 1shall bear].
[2let 7participate with 1And 3the one 4being instructed in 5the 6word] the one instructing in all good things!
Sowing and Reaping Be not misled! God is not to be sneered at; for whatever [2should 3sow 1a man], this also he shall reap.
For the one sowing to his own flesh, of the flesh shall harvest corruption; but the one sowing for the harvest, of the spirit shall reap life eternal.
And in [2good 1doing] we should not tire; [3time 1for 2in its own] we shall harvest, not fainting.
So then as [2occasion 1we have], we should work good to all, and especially to the members of the family of the belief.
Boast Only in Christ Behold how great [3to you 1letters 2I wrote] with my hand!
As many as want to have the right appearance in the flesh, these compel you to be circumcised; only that [2not 4for the 5cross 6of the 7Christ 1they should 3be persecuted].
For neither the ones being circumcised themselves [2the law 1guard], but they want you to be circumcised, that [2in 3your 4flesh 1they should boast].
But for me may it not be to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom to me the world has been crucified, and I to the world.
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision prevails in anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.
And as many as [2to this rule 1shall conform], peace be upon them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.
For the rest, [4troubles 5for me 2no one 1let 3make]; for I [2the 3marks 4of the 5Lord 6Jesus 7in 8my body 1bear].
The favor of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. Amen.