A Second Letter to Theophilus Indeed the first matter I made concerning all the things, O Theophilus, which Jesus began to both do and to teach,
until which day giving charge to the apostles through [2spirit 1holy] whom he chose, he was taken up;
to whom also he rendered himself living after his suffering, with many evidences, during [2days 1forty] being seen by them, and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God.
Promise of Holy Spirit And being assembled together, he exhorted them [3from 4Jerusalem 1to not 2separate], but to remain about for the promise of the father, which he says, You heard of me.
For John indeed immersed in water, but you shall be immersed in [2spirit 1holy] not after these many days.
They indeed then having come together, asked him, saying, O Lord, is it in this time you restore the kingdom to Israel?
And he said to them, [2not 3for you 1It is] to know times or seasons which the father put in his own authority.
But you shall receive power [4coming 1of the 2holy 3spirit] upon you. And you will be to me witnesses in both Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and unto the end of the earth.
The Ascension of Jesus And [2these things 1having said], of their looking, he was lifted up, and a cloud undertook him from their eyes.
And as they were gazing into the heaven at his going, and behold, [2men 1two] stood by them in [2attire 1white],
ones who also said, Men, Galileans, why do you stand looking into the heaven? This Jesus, the one being taken up from you into the heaven, so shall come in which manner you saw him going into the heaven.
Then they returned unto Jerusalem from the mount, of the one being called Olive Grove, which is near Jerusalem, [2for a Sabbath 1sufficing] journey.
The Upper Room And when they entered, they ascended unto the upper room, where were staying both Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew, James of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Jude of James.
These all were attending constantly with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
Peter Addresses the Multitude And in those days, Peter having risen up in the midst of the disciples, said, (and was the multitude of names together about a hundred twenty,)
Men, brethren, it was necessary to fulfill this scripture, which [4foretold 1the 3spirit 2holy] through the mouth of David concerning Judas, the one becoming a guide to the ones seizing Jesus.
For he was counted with us, and obtained a lot of this service.
This one indeed then acquired a place from the wage of iniquity; and [2fallen headlong 1being], he split open in the middle, and [3poured out 1all 2his intestines].
And [2known 1it became] to all the ones dwelling in Jerusalem, so as to call that place, in [2own 3dialect 1their], Akeldama; that is, Place of Blood.
For it has been written in the book of Psalms, Let [3become 2property 1his] desolate, and let there not be one dwelling in it! and, [4his overseeing 1May 3receive 2another].
It is necessary then of the [2coming together 3with us 1men] during all the time in which [4entered 5and 6went forth 7among 8us 1the 2Lord 3Jesus],
beginning from the immersion of John until the day of which he was taken up from us, [4a witness 7of his resurrection 3to become 5with 6us 1for one 2of these].
Matthias Chosen by Lot And they established two, Joseph the one being called Barsabas, who was called Justus, and Matthias.
And praying, they said, You, O Lord, are a knower of hearts of all, make manifest! whom you chose of these -- [2of the 3two 1the one],
to receive the lot of this service and commission, from of which Judas violated to go unto [2place 1his own].
And they gave their lots, and [3fell 1the 2lot] upon Matthias, and he was alloted with the eleven apostles.
Pentecost And in the filling up the days of Pentecost, they were all together with one accord in the same place.
And came suddenly from out of the heaven a sound as if [4being brought 1of a 3breath 2violent], and filled the whole house of which they were settled.
And appeared to them divided tongues as of fire, and it sat upon [2one 1each] of them.
And they were filled all together [2spirit 1of holy], and they began to speak with other languages, as the spirit gave to them to be declared.
And there were [3in 4Jerusalem 2dwelling 1Jews], [2men 1reverent] from every nation of the ones under the heaven.
[5having taken place 1And 2the 3report 4of this], [3came together 1the 2multitude] and were confounded, for they heard [2one 1each 4in his own 5dialect 3of them speaking].
And they were amazed and marvelled, saying to one another, [4not 1Behold 5all 3these 2are], the ones speaking, Galileans?
And how hear we each in [2own 3dialect 1our], in which we were born --
Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the ones inhabiting Mesopotamia, and Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia,
both Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the parts of Libya of the one about Cyrene, and the Romans emigrating here, both Jews and converts,
Cretans and Arabians -- we hear them speaking in our own languages the magnificent things of God.
[3were amazed 1And 2all] and perplexed, [2the other 3to 4another 1saying], What ever would this be?
But others taunting said that, [2sweet new wine 1They are stuffed with].
[3standing 1And 2Peter] with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and declared to them, Men, Jews, and [2the ones 3dwelling 4in Jerusalem 1all]; [2this 4made known to you 1let 3be], and give ear to my words!
[3are not 1For 5as 6you 7undertake 2these 4intoxicated], for it is [2hour 1the third] of the day.
Spirit Poured Out But this is the thing being spoken by the prophet Joel,
And it will be in the last days, says God, I will pour out from my spirit upon all flesh; and [4shall prophesy 1your sons 2and 3your daughters]; and your young men [2visions 1shall see], and your old men [2dreams 1shall dream].
And indeed upon my manservants and upon my maidservants in those days I will pour out from my spirit; and they shall prophesy.
And I will execute miracles in the heaven upward, and signs upon the earth below; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be converted into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming -- the [4day 5of the Lord 1great 2and 3apparent].
And it shall be all who ever should call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered.
Men, Israelites, hear these words! Jesus the Nazarene, a man from God exhibited unto you powers and miracles and signs, which [2did 3through 4him 1God] in your midst, as even you yourselves know.
This one [2by the 3confirmed 4counsel 5and 6foreknowledge 7of God 1delivered up]; having taken, [2by 4hands 3lawless 5staking him up 1you did away with].
Whom God raised up, having loosed the pangs of death; in so far as it was not possible for him to be held by it.
For David says concerning him, I foresaw the Lord before me continually; for [2at 3my right hand 1he is] that I shall not be shaken.
On account of this [2was made merry 1my heart], and [2exulted 1my tongue]; but still also my flesh shall encamp in hope.
For you shall not abandon my soul into Hades, nor shall you give your sacred one to see corruption.
You made known to me the ways of life; you shall fill me with gladness with your countenance.
Men, brethren, it is allowed to speak with an open manner to you concerning the patriarch David, that both he came to an end and was entombed, and his tomb is among us as far as this day.
A prophet then being, and knowing that [4an oath 2swore 3to him 1God], (of the fruit of his loin, the one according to the flesh,) to raise up the Christ, to sit upon his throne,
looking out ahead he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that [2was not left 1his soul] in Hades, nor his flesh saw corruption.
This Jesus God raised up, of which all we are witnesses.
By the right hand then of God having been raised up high, and the promise of the holy spirit having received by the father, he poured out this which you now see and hear.
[3did not 1For 2David] ascend into the heavens. For he says himself, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit down at my right,
until whenever I should establish your enemies as a footstool of your feet.
With certainty then let [4know 1all 2the house 3of Israel]! that [4both 5Lord 6and 7Christ 3him 1God 2made] -- this Jesus whom you crucified.
Three Thousand Added to the Assembly And having heard, they were vexed in the heart, and they said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, What shall we do men, brethren?
And Peter said to them, Repent, and be immersed each of you in the name of Jesus Christ for a release of sins! and you shall receive the present of the holy spirit.
For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all the ones far away, as many as should call on the Lord our God.
[3other 1And with 4words 2many more] he testified and appealed, saying, Be delivered from [2generation 1this crooked].
The ones indeed then gladly receiving his word were immersed; and were added [2day 1in that 5souls 3about 4three thousand].
Possessions Held in Common And they were attending constantly in the teaching of the apostles, and in the fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.
[3came 1And 4to every 5soul 2fear]; and many miracles and signs [2through 3the 4apostles 1took place].
But all the ones believing were together, and had all in common.
And the possessions and the things of substance they sold, and they divided them to all in so far as anyone [2need 1had].
[2by 3day 1And] attending constantly with one accord in the temple, and breaking [2in their houses 1bread], they shared provision with exultation and simplicity of heart,
praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added the ones being delivered daily to the assembly.
The Lame Man Healed [2together 1And] Peter and John ascended unto the temple at the hour of prayer -- the ninth.
And a certain man [2lame 3from 5belly 4his mother's 1being] was borne, whom they put daily at the door of the temple being called Beautiful, to ask charity from the ones entering into the temple.
Who seeing Peter and John being about to enter into the temple, asked charity.
[3gazing 1And 2Peter] at him with John, said, Look at us!
And he waited for them, expecting [2something 3from 4them 1to receive].
[3said 1But 2Peter], Silver and gold does not exist to me; but what I have, this I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth arise and walk!
And laying hold of him by the right hand, he raised him. And immediately [5were solidified 1his 2bases 3and 4ankles].
And leaping up, he stood and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.
And [4saw 5him 1all 2the 3people] walking and praising God.
And they recognized him, that this one was the one [2for 3charity 1sitting down] at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. And they were filled with stupefaction and astonishment over the thing having happened to him.
[5holding 1And 2of the 4who was healed 3lame man] Peter and John, [4ran together 5to 6them 1all 2the 3people] unto the stoa being called Solomon's, utterly astonished.
And seeing, Peter responded to the people, Men, Israelites, why do you marvel at this? or [3us 1why 2gaze upon] as if it was by our own power or piety making him to walk?
The God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers glorified his servant Jesus; whom you delivered up, and denied him in front of Pilate, having adjudged to release that one.
But you [2the 3holy 4and 5righteous one 1denied], and asked for a man, a murderer, to be granted to you;
and the chief of life you killed, whom God raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses.
And by the belief, of the one of his name, this one whom you view, and you know, [2he made solid 1his name]; and the belief which is by him he gave to him this wholeness before all of you.
And now, brethren, I know that according to ignorance you acted, as also your rulers.
But what God preannounced through the mouth of all his prophets, [3to suffer 1for the 2Christ], he fulfilled thus.
Repent then, and turn, for the wiping away of your sins! so that [3should come 1times 2of respite] from the presence of the Lord,
and he should send the one who was publicly proclaimed to you -- Jesus Christ,
which [2must 1heaven] indeed receive till times of restoration of all things, of which God spoke through the mouth of all his holy prophets from the eon.
[2Moses 3indeed 1For 5to 6the 7fathers 4said] that, [4a prophet 5unto you 3shall raise up 1the Lord 2your God] from your brethren, as me; him you shall hear according to all as much as he should speak to you.
And it shall be every soul which ever should not hearken to that prophet, shall be utterly destroyed from the people.
And indeed all the prophets from Samuel and of the ones in order, as many as spoke, also announced these days.
You are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant of which God ordained to our fathers, saying to Abraham, And in your seed shall be blessed all the families of the earth.
To you first God, having raised up his servant Jesus, sent him blessing you, in the turning each from your wickednesses.
Five Thousand Believe [3speaking 1And 2of their] to the people, [3stood by 4them 1the 2priests], and the commandant of the temple, and the Sadducees,
being worked up because of their teaching the people, and announcing in Jesus the resurrection of the dead.
And they put upon them the hands, and put them in keep until the morrow; for it was evening already.
But many of the ones hearing the word believed; and [5was 1the 2number 3of the 4men] about [2thousand 1five].
Peter and John before the Sanhedrin And it came to pass on the morrow, [3gathered together 1their 2rulers], and elders, and scribes in Jerusalem,
and Annas the chief priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the family of the chief priest.
And having stood them in the midst, they inquired, By what power, or in whose name do you this?
Then Peter, filled [2spirit 1of holy], said to them, Rulers of the people, and elders of Israel.
If we today are questioned about a good work [2man 1of the infirm], by how this one was delivered;
let it be made known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by this one this man stands before you in health.
This one is the stone being treated with contempt by you the ones building, the one becoming for head of the corner.
And there is not [2in 4other 3no one 1deliverance]; for neither [3name 1is there 2another] under heaven being given to men by which [2must 3be delivered 1we].
And viewing the open manner of Peter and John, and taking it in that [3men 2illiterate 1they are] and common people, they marvelled; and they recognized them, that [2with 3Jesus 1they were].
[3the 1But 4man 2seeing] with them standing, the one having been cured, [2nothing 1they had] to contradict.
And having bid them [2outside 3the 4sanhedrin 1to go forth], they engaged with one another,
saying, What shall we do to these men? For indeed a known sign having taken place through them [2to all 3the ones 4dwelling 5in Jerusalem 1is apparent]; and we are not able to deny it.
But that [2not 4unto 5more 1it should 3be spread] among the people, with intimidation we should press upon them, to no longer speak in this name to not one of men.
And having called them, they summoned them [3altogether 1to not 2utter a sound] nor to teach in the name of Jesus.
But Peter and John answering to them said, If it is just before God to hearken to you rather than God, you judge!
[3are not 4able 1For 2we] what we know and hear to not speak.
And the one adding threats released them, [2nothing 1finding] how they shall punish them, on account of the people. For all glorified God over the thing having taken place.
[7years old 1For 4was 5more than 6forty 2the 3man] upon which had taken place this sign of healing.
And having been released, they came to their own, and reported as much as [7to 8them 1the 2chief priests 3and 4the 5elders 6said].
And having heard, with one accord they lifted a voice to God, and said, O Master, you are God, the one making the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all the things in them;
the one [2through 3the mouth 4of David 5your servant 1having spoken], Why do [2neigh 1nations], and peoples meditate upon vain things?
[5stood 1The 2kings 3of the 4earth], and the rulers gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ.
For they gathered together in truth against the holy one, your servant Jesus, whom you anointed -- both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with nations, and peoples of Israel,
to do as much as your hand and your counsel predefined to take place.
And at present, O Lord, look upon their intimidations, and grant to your servants with every open manner to speak your word!
in the thing [2your hand 1you stretching out] for healing; and signs and miracles to take place through the name [2holy 3servant 1of your] Jesus.
And in their beseeching [7was shaken 1the 2place 3in 4which 5they were 6being gathered together], and they were [2filled 1all 4spirit 3of holy], and they spoke the word of God with confidence.
And the multitude of the ones believing was [2heart 3and 4soul 1of one]; and not even one [2anything 3existing 4to him 1said] to be his own; but [2were 4to them 1all things 3in common].
And with great power [3rendered 4testimony 1the 2apostles] of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; [3favor 1and 2great] was upon all of them.
For neither [2lacking 1anyone] existed among them; for as many as were owners of places or houses existing to them, by selling they brought the value of the things being sold,
and they put it by the feet of the apostles; and it was distributed to each in so far as any should [2need 1have].
And Joses, the one being called Barnabas by the apostles, (which is, being translated, Son of Comfort), a Levite, a Cypriot by race,
[3existing 4to him 2a field 1having sold], brought the thing, and put it by the feet of the apostles.
Ananias and Sapphira [3man 1And 2a certain], Ananias by name, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession.
And he pilfered from the value, [3being fully conscious of it 1and 2his wife], and having brought a certain part [2by 3the 4feet 5of the 6apostles 1put it].
[3said 1And 2Peter], Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart for you to lie against the [2spirit 1holy], and to pilfer from the value of the place?
[4not 1Remaining 2in your possession 3did it] remain? and for selling [2in 3your 4authority 1it existed]? Why is it that you put [2in 3your heart 1this thing]? You did not lie to men, but to God.
[3hearing 1And 2Ananias] these words, falling down, he expired. And there became [2fear 1great] upon all the ones hearing these things.
And having risen up, the younger men wrapped him, and having brought him forth they entombed him.
And it came to pass about [2hours 1three] interval, and his wife, not knowing what happened, entered.
[3responded 1And 4to her 2Peter], Tell me if [2so much 3for the 4place 1you rendered]? And she said, Yes, for so much.
And Peter said to her, Why is it that you joined in one accord to test the spirit of the Lord? Behold, the feet of the ones burying your husband are at the door, and they shall bring you forth.
And she fell immediately by his feet, and expired. [4having entered 1And 2the 3young men], found her dead; and having brought her forth they entombed her by her husband.
And there became [2fear 1great] upon the entire assembly, and upon all the ones hearing these things.
And by the hands of the apostles there took place signs and miracles among the people -- many, (and they were with one accord all together in the stoa of Solomon;
but of the rest no one dared join them, but [3magnified 4them 1the 2people];
and more were added believing in the Lord, multitudes of men and also of women)
so as in the squares to bring forth the weak, and to put them upon beds and litters, that at the coming of Peter even the shadow should overshadow some one of them.
And came together also the multitudes of the [2all around 1cities] into Jerusalem, bringing the weak and ones being mobbed by [2spirits 1unclean], who were cured all together.
Apostles Imprisoned And having risen up, the chief priest and all the ones with him (which is the sect of the Sadducees,) were filled of zeal.
And they put their hands upon the apostles, and put them in [2keep 1a public].
But an angel of the Lord by night opened the doors of the prison, [2leading 4out 1and 3them] said,
Go! and standing, speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life!
And having heard, they entered at the dawn into the temple, and were teaching. But having come, the chief priest and the ones with him, they called together the sanhedrin and all the council of elders of the sons of Israel, and sent to the jail for them to be brought.
And the officers having come, did not find them in the prison, and having returned, they reported,
saying that, Indeed the jail we found locked with all security, and the keepers standing before the doors; but having opened [3inside 2no one 1we found].
And as they heard these words, both the priest and the commandant of the temple and the chief priests were perplexed concerning them, whatever this might be.
And having come, a certain one reported to them, saying that, Behold, the men whom you put in the prison are in the temple standing and teaching the people.
Then [3having gone forth 1the 2commandant] with the officers led them, not with force; for they feared the people, that they should not be stoned.
And having brought them, they stood them in the sanhedrin; and [3asked 4them 1the 2chief priest],
saying, Was it not with an exhortation we exhorted to you to not teach in this name? And behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you want to bring upon us the blood of this man.
And answering Peter and the apostles said, [2to yield obedience 1It is necessary] to God rather than men.
The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you laid hands upon having hanged upon a tree.
This one -- God, chief and deliverer, exalted by his right hand, to give repentance to Israel and release of sins.
And we are his witnesses of these things; [2also 3the 5spirit 1but 4holy], which God gave to the ones yielding obedience to him.
And the ones hearing were sawed through, and they consulted to do away with them.
Gamaliel's Advice And having risen up, a certain one in the sanhedrin, a Pharisee, by name Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, esteemed by all the people, urged [4outside 5a little while 1the 2apostles 3to be made to go].
And he said to them, Men, Israelites, take heed to yourselves over these men what you are about to act!
For before these days Theudas rose up, naming [2to be 3somebody 1himself], in whom [3leaned towards 1a number 2of men], about four hundred, who were done away with; and all as many as were persuaded by him, were parted, and came to nothing.
After this [4rose up 1Judas 2the 3Galilean] in the days of the census, and he separated [2of people 1a fit amount] to go after him; and that one perished; and all as many as were persuaded by him, were dispersed.
And at present I say to you, abstain from these men, and allow them! for if [2should be 3of 4men 1this counsel], then this work will be broken up.
But if [2of 3God 1it is], you will not be able to break it up, lest at any time even [2as fighters against God 1you be found].
And they were persuaded by him. And having called the apostles, having flayed them, they exhorted them to not speak in the name of Jesus, and they released them.
Indeed then they went rejoicing from in front of the sanhedrin, that they were deemed worthy for the name of Jesus to be dishonored.
And every day in the temple, and by house, they ceased not teaching and announcing good news of Jesus the Christ.
The Hellenists and Hebrews And in these days [3were multiplying 1the 2disciples], and there took place a grumbling of the Hellenists against the Hebrews, that [2were overlooked 3in 4the 6service 5daily 1their widows].
[4having called 1And 2the 3twelve] the multitude of the disciples, said, [2not 3pleasing 1It is] for us leaving behind the word of God, to serve tables.
Number [2then 1brethren]! men from among you being witnesses -- seven men, full [2spirit 1of holy] and wisdom, whom we will place over this need.
But we in prayer and in the service of the word will attend constantly.
Stephen And [3was pleasing 1the 2word] before all the multitude. And they chose Stephen, a man full of belief and [2spirit 1holy], and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a convert of Antioch,
whom they stood before the apostles. And having prayed, they placed [2on them 1hands].
And the word of God grew, and [5was multiplied 1the 2number 3of the 4disciples] in Jerusalem exceedingly; also a great multitude of the priests hearkened to the belief.
And Stephen, full of belief and power, did miracles and [2signs 1great] among the people.
And rose up certain ones of the ones from the synagogue, the one being called Libertines -- and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and the ones from Cilicia, and Asia, debating with Stephen.
And they were not able to withstand the wisdom and the spirit which he spoke.
Then they suborned men, saying that, We have heard him speaking [2words 1blasphemous] against Moses and God.
And they agitated together the people, and the elders, and the scribes; and attending to it they seized him, and brought him to the sanhedrin.
And they set [2witnesses 1false], saying, This man does not cease [3words 2blasphemous 1speaking] against [3place 2holy 1this], and the law.
For we have heard him saying, that [2Jesus 3the 4Nazarene 1this] will destroy this place, and change the customs which [2delivered up 3to us 1Moses].
And having gazed onto him, all the ones being seated in the sanhedrin beheld his face as the face of an angel.
Stephen Relates the History of the Jews [4said 1And 2the 3chief priest], Do then these things so hold to?
And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham, being in Mesopotamia before his dwelling in Haran.
And he said to him, Go forth from out of your land and from your kin, and come into a land which I show to you!
Then having gone forth from the land of the Chaldeans, he dwelt in Haran. And from there, after the dying of his father, he displaced him into this land into which you now dwell.
And he did not give to him an inheritance in it, nor [2stool 1a foot]; and he promised to give [2to him 3for 4a possession 1it], and to his seed after him, there not being a child to him.
[4spoke 1And 3thus 2God], that [2will be 1his seed] a sojourner in [2land 1an alien], and they shall enslave it, and inflict evil [2years 1for four hundred].
And the nation which ever shall enslave them I shall judge, said God. And after these things they shall come forth, and shall serve to me in this place.
And he gave to him a covenant of circumcision; and thus he engendered Isaac, and circumcised him the [2day 1eighth]; and Isaac engendered Jacob, and Jacob the twelve patriarchs.
And the patriarchs, envying Joseph, rendered him into Egypt; and God was with him,
and delivered him from out of all his afflictions, and gave to him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And he placed him as leader over Egypt and [2whole 3house 1his].
And there came a famine upon the entire land of Egypt and Canaan, and [2affliction 1great], and [2did not 3find 4fodder 1our fathers].
[3hearing 1And 2Jacob] of their being grain in Egypt, sent forth our fathers a first time.
And in the second time Joseph made himself known to his brothers; and [5apparent 4became 6to Pharaoh 1the 2family 3of Joseph].
[3having sent 1And 2Joseph], called back his father Jacob, and all his kin, in total [3souls 1seventy 2five].
[3went down 1And 2Jacob] unto Egypt, and [4came to an end 1he 2and 3our fathers].
And they were transferred unto Shechem, and were put in the tomb which Abraham purchased for a value of silver from the sons of Emmor of Shechem.
And as [3approached 1the 2time] of the promise of which God swore by an oath to Abraham, [3grew 1the 2people] and multiplied in Egypt,
until of which time there rose up [2king 1another] who knew not Joseph.
This one having dealt subtly with our race, inflicted evil upon our fathers, to make them expose their babies, so that they should not be brought forth alive.
In which time Moses was born, and was fair to God, who was reared [2months 1three] in the house of his father.
[3being exposed 1And 2he], [4took him up 1the 2daughter 3of Pharaoh], and reared him herself for a son.
And Moses was instructed in all wisdom of the Egyptians; and he was mighty in words and in works.
And as [3was filled up 4to him 1forty years 2of time], it ascended unto his heart to visit his brethren of the sons of Israel.
And beholding a certain one being wronged, he defended and executed vengeance for the one being harassed, having struck the Egyptian.
And he thought [2would perceive 1his brethren] that God [3through 4his hand 1is giving 2deliverance to them]; but they perceived not.
And the following day he appeared to ones doing combat, and he forced them to peace, having said, Men, [2brethren 1you are], why wrong one another?
But the one wronging the neighbor, thrust him away, having said, Who placed you ruler and magistrate over us?
Do [2to do away with 3me 1you want], in which manner you did away with the Egyptian yesterday?
And Moses fled at this word, and became a sojourner in the land of Midian, of which place he engendered [2sons 1two].
And [3being fulfilled 2years 1forty], there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sinai an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire of a bush.
And Moses beholding, marvelled at the vision. [3coming forward 1And 2of his] to study it, there came the voice of the Lord to him, saying,
I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. [4trembling 1And 3having become 2Moses] did not dare to study it.
[4said 1And 5to him 2the 3Lord], Untie the sandal of your feet! for the place in which you stand [2ground 1is holy].
In beholding, I saw the ill-treatment of my people in Egypt, and [2their moaning 1I heard], and I came down to rescue them. And now come, I shall send you to Egypt.
This Moses whom they denied, having said, Who placed you ruler and magistrate? This one God [2as ruler 3and 4ransomer 1sent] by the hand of the angel, of the one appearing to him in the bush.
This one led them out, having done miracles and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the red sea, and in the wilderness [2years 1forty].
This is the Moses, the one having said to the sons of Israel, [4a prophet 5to you 3shall raise up 1The lord 2our God] from out of your brethren as me.
This is the one being among the assembly in the wilderness with the angel, the one speaking to him on mount Sinai, and of the ones of our fathers; who received [2oracles 1living] to give to us;
to whom [2did not want 4subjects 3to become 1our fathers], but thrust him away, and turned their hearts unto Egypt,
having said to Aaron, Make us gods who shall go before us; for this Moses who led us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what has happened to him.
And they made a calf image in those days, and led up a sacrifice to the idol, and made merry in the works of their hands.
[3turned 1And 2God] and delivered them up to serve the military of the heaven; as it has been written in the book of the prophets, Did you not [3victims for slaughter 4and 5sacrifices 1offer 2to me] [2years 1for forty] in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
And you take up the tent of Molech, and the star of your god Remphan, the models of which you made to do obeisance to them; and I will displace you beyond Babylon.
The tent of testimony was with our fathers in the wilderness, as set in order by the one speaking to Moses, to make it according to the model which he had seen.
Which also [3brought in 2relieving 1our fathers] after Joshua in the taking possession of the nations, whom God pushed out from in front of our fathers, until the days of David;
who found favor before God, and asked to find a tent for the God of Jacob.
But Solomon built to him a house.
But [3does not 1the 2highest 5in 7made by hands 6temples 4dwell]; as the prophet says,
The heaven is my throne, and the earth a footstool for my feet; what house will you build to me? says the Lord, or what place for my rest?
Did not my hand make all these things?
Stephen Rebukes the Jewish Leaders O hard-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you continually [2the 4spirit 3holy 1rush headlong against]; as your fathers, so also you.
Which of the prophets [2not 3persecute 1did your fathers]? And they killed the ones preannouncing concerning the advent of the just one; of whom you now [2betrayers 3and 4murderers 1have become].
Who received the law by disposition of angels, and kept it not.
Stephen Stoned to Death And hearing these things, they were sawed through in their hearts, and gnashed their teeth against him.
And being full [2spirit 1of holy], having gazed into the heaven, he beheld the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right of God.
And he said, Behold, I view the heavens being opened, and the son of man [2at 3the right 1standing] of God.
And crying out [2voice 1with a great], they held their ears, and advanced with one accord against him.
And having cast him outside the city, they stoned him. And the witnesses put aside their garments by the feet of a young man, being called Saul.
And they stoned Stephen, the one calling upon and saying, O Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!
And having placed the knees, he cried out [2voice 1a great], O Lord, you should not set [2to them 1this sin]. And this having said, he went to sleep.
The Persecution of the Assembly And Saul was assenting with his removal. And came to pass in that day [2persecution 1a great] against the assembly, the one in Jerusalem; and all were dispersed throughout the places of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.
[4collected up 1And 5Stephen 3men 2reverent], and were making [2beating of the breast 1a great] over him.
But Saul laid waste the assembly [2by houses 1entering]. Dragging both men and women, he delivered them up into prison.
The ones then being scattered went through announcing good news -- the word.
And Philip going down unto a city of Samaria, proclaimed to them the Christ.
[4took heed 1And 2the 3multitudes] to the things being said by Philip with one accord, in their hearing and seeing the signs which he did.
For many of the ones having [2spirits 1unclean], yelling [2voice 1a great] came forth; and many having been disabled and lame were cured.
And came to pass [2joy 1a great] in that city.
Simon and the Magic Arts [3man 1And 2a certain], by name Simon, beforehand in the city was practicing magic, and amazing the nation of Samaria, saying [2to be 3some 1himself] great one.
To whom all gave heed from small unto great, saying, This one is the power of the [2God 1great].
And they were giving heed to him, because for a fit amount of time with the magic he amazed them.
And when they believed Philip announcing good news, the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were immersed, both men and women.
And Simon even himself believed, and having been immersed, was constantly attending to Philip; and viewing works of power and signs being done he was amazed.
[6having heard 1And 2the 4in 5Jerusalem 3apostles] that Samaria received the word of God, sent to them Peter and John.
Who having gone down prayed concerning them, that they should receive [2spirit 1holy].
For not yet was it [2upon 3any one 4of them 1falling]; but only [2immersed 1being] in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Then they placed the hands upon them, and they received [2spirit 1holy].
[3seeing 1And 2Simon] that through the laying on of the hands of the apostles [4was given 1the 3spirit 2holy], he brought to them things,
saying, Give to me also this authority, that whom ever I should place the hands should receive [2spirit 1holy].
And Peter said to him, [2your money 4with 5you 1May 3be] unto destruction, for [2the 3gift 4of God 1you thought 6by 7things 5is to be acquired].
There is no portion to you nor lot in this matter; for your heart is not straight before God.
Repent then from [2your evil 1this], and beseech God! if then [4shall be forgiven 5you 1the 2thought 3of your heart];
for in bile of bitterness, and bond of unrighteousness I see you being.
And responding Simon said, You beseech for me to the Lord! so that nothing should come upon me of which you have said.
They indeed then, testifying and having spoken the word of the Lord, returned unto Jerusalem, and in many towns of the Samaritans they announced good news.
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch And an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, Rise up and go according to the south! unto the way going down from Jerusalem unto Gaza; this is wilderness.
And having risen up he went. And behold, there was an Ethiopian man, a eunuch, a mighty one of Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who was over all her treasury, who had come to do obeisance in Jerusalem.
And he was returning, and sitting upon his chariot. And he read the prophet Isaiah.
[4said 1And 2the 3spirit] to Philip, Draw near and join to this chariot.
And running up, Philip heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, Then indeed you know what you read?
And he said, For how might I be able, unless someone should guide me? And he appealed to Philip having ascended to sit with him.
And the section of the scripture which he read was this, As a sheep unto slaughter he was led, and as a lamb before the one shearing it is voiceless, so he opens not his mouth.
In his humiliation his judgment was taken away. And [3his generation 1who 2shall describe], for [2is taken 3from 4the 5earth 1his life]?
[4responding 1And 2the 3eunuch] to Philip, said, I beseech you, concerning whom [2prophet 3speak 1does this]? concerning himself, or concerning some other?
[3having opened 1And 2Philip] his mouth, and having begun from this scripture, announced good news to him -- Jesus.
And as they were going along the way, they came upon some water. And [3says 1the 2eunuch], Behold, water, what prevents me to be immersed?
[3said 1And 2Philip], If you believe of your entire heart, it is allowed. And responding he said, I believe [4the 5son 6of God 3to be 1Jesus 2Christ].
And he urged [3to stop 1the 2chariot]. And [2went down 1both] into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he immersed him.
And when they ascended from out of the water, spirit of the Lord seized Philip by force, and [3did not 4see 5him 6any longer 1the 2eunuch]; for he went his way rejoicing.
And Philip was found in Azotus; and going through he announced good news to [2the 3cities 1all] until he came unto Caesarea.
The Conversion of Saul And Saul still breathing intimidation and carnage against the disciples of the Lord, having come forward to the chief priest,
asked from him letters for Damascus to the synagogues, so that if any should be found [2of the 3way 1being], both men and women, having bound them he should lead them unto Jerusalem.
And in the going, it happened as he approached to Damascus, and suddenly flashed about him light from the heaven.
And having fallen upon the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?
And he said, Who are you, O Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom you persecute. It is hard to you [2against 3spurs 1to kick].
And trembling and distraught, he said, O Lord, what do you want me to do? And the Lord said to him, But rise up and enter into the city! and it will be told to you what you must do.
But the men journeying with him stood dumb, hearing indeed the voice [3no one 1but 2viewing].
[3rose 1And 2Saul] from the ground, [3having been opened 1and 2his eyes] [2no one 1he saw]. [2leading 4by the hand 1And 3him], they brought him unto Damascus.
And he was [2days 1three] not seeing, and he did not eat nor drink.
Ananias and Saul And there was a certain disciple in Damascus, by name Ananias. And [3said 4to 5him 1the 2Lord] in a vision, Ananias! And he said, Behold, it is I, O Lord.
And the Lord said to him, Rise up, go unto the street called, Straight, and seek for the house of Judas, one named Saul of Tarsus! For behold he prays,
and he saw in a vision a man, by name Ananias, entering and placing upon him a hand, so that he should gain sight.
[3responded 1And 2Ananias], O Lord, I have heard from many concerning this man, how many evils he did to your holy ones in Jerusalem.
And here he has authority by the chief priests to bind all the ones calling upon your name.
[4said 1And 5to 6him 2the 3Lord], Go! for [2a utensil 3of choice 4to me 1this one is], to bear my name before nations, and kings, and the sons of Israel.
For I will show plainly to him how much he must [2for 3my name 1suffer].
[3went forth 1And 2Ananias] and entered into the house; and having placed [3upon 4him 1the 2hands], he said, O brother Saul, the Lord has sent me, the one appearing to you in the way by which you came, that you should gain sight, and should be filled [2spirit 1of holy].
And immediately there fell away from his eyes as it were scales; and he gained sight, and having risen up he was immersed.
And taking nourishment, he strengthened. [3existed 1And 2Saul] with the [2in 3Damascus 1disciples] some days.
And immediately in the synagogues he was proclaiming the Christ, that this one is the son of God.
[5were amazed 1And 2all 3the ones 4hearing], and they said, [2not 3this 1Is] the one ravaging in Jerusalem the ones calling upon this name, and [4here 1for 2this 3he has come], that [2them bound 1he should lead] unto the chief priests?
And Saul the more was empowered, and confounded the Jews dwelling in Damascus, instructing that this is the Christ.
The Plot to Kill Saul Now when [3were fulfilled 2of days 1a fit amount], [3advised 1the 2Jews] to do away with him.
[3was made known 1And 4to Saul 2their plot]. And they were closely watching the gates both day and night so as to do away with him.
[4taking 1And 5him 2the 3disciples] by night, lowered him through the wall, letting him down in a small basket.
Saul Joins the Disciples in Jerusalem [3having arrived 1And 2Saul] in Jerusalem, attempted to join the disciples; and all were afraid of him, not believing that he is a disciple.
But Barnabas, having taken him, brought him to the apostles, and he described to them how in the way he saw the Lord, and that he spoke to him, and how in Damascus he spoke openly in the name of Jesus.
And he was with them entering into Jerusalem,
and speaking openly in the name of the Lord Jesus. And he spoke and debated with the Hellenists; but they attempted to do away with him.
And knowing, the brethren led him down unto Caesarea, and they sent him to Tarsus.
[3the 1Indeed 2then] assemblies according to the whole of Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace, being built up and going in the fear of the Lord; and in the comfort of the holy spirit they were multiplied.
Peter Heals the Paralyzed Man And it came to pass, Peter going through all places, went down also to the holy ones dwelling in Lydda.
And he found there a certain man, Eneas by name, who was for [2years 1eight] reclining upon a litter, who was disabled.
And [2said 3to him 1Peter], Eneas, [4heals 5you 1Jesus 2the 3Christ]; rise up and make [2bed 1your own]! And immediately he rose up.
And [7saw 8him 1all 2the ones 3dwelling 4Lydda 5and 6Saron], the ones who turned unto the Lord.
Dorcas Restored to Life And in Joppa there was a certain disciple, by name Tabitha, which being interpreted is called Dorcas. She was full of good works and charity which she did.
And it came to pass in those days, she having weakened, died. And having bathed her, they put her in an upper room.
[4near 1And 3being 2Lydda] Joppa, the disciples having heard that Peter is in it, sent two men to him appealing for him to not be reluctant to go unto them.
And having risen up, Peter came together with them, whom having arrived, they led up to the upper room. And there stood beside him all the widows weeping, and displaying inner garments and cloaks, as many as [2made 4with 5them 3while being 1Dorcas].
[3having put 1And 5outside 4all 2Peter], having placed his knees, he prayed. And having turned to the body, he said, Tabitha, rise up! And she opened her eyes, and seeing Peter, she sat erect.
And having given to her his hand, he raised her up, and having called the holy ones and the widows, he presented her living.
[3known 1And 2it became] throughout the whole of Joppa. And many believed upon the Lord.
And it came to pass [3of days 2a fit amount 1that he abided] in Joppa with a certain Simon, a tanner.
Cornelius Receives a Message from God [3man 1And 2a certain] was there in Caesarea, by name Cornelius, a centurion of the cohort being called, Italic;
pious and fearing God with all his house, both performing [2charity 1much] to the people, and beseeching God always.
He beheld in a vision openly about [2hour 1the ninth] of the day an angel of God entering to him, and having said to him, Cornelius.
And gazing upon him, and [2thrown into fear 1becoming], he said, What is it, O Lord? And he said to him, Your prayers and your charity ascended for a memorial before God.
And now send forth [2unto 3Joppa 1men], and fetch Simon, who is called Peter.
This one lodges with a certain Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the sea; this one shall tell to you what is necessary for you to do.
And when [5departed 1the 2angel 3speaking 4to Cornelius], having called two of his servants, and [2soldier 1a pious] of the ones attending constantly to him,
and having described to them all things, he sent them unto Joppa.
Peter Beholds Heaven Opened And the next day, as those are journeying and [2the 3city 1approaching], Peter ascended upon the roof to pray around [2hour 1the sixth].
And he became hungry, and wanted to taste. [3were making preparations 1And 2as those], there fell upon him a change of state.
And he viewed heaven being opened; and there descending unto him a certain item as [2piece of cloth 1a great], the four corners being tied, and being lowered unto the earth;
in which were all the four-footed creatures of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the reptiles, and the birds of the heaven.
And there came a voice to him, Rise up, Peter, sacrifice and eat!
And Peter said, By no means, O Lord; for at no time ate I anything common or unclean.
And a voice again a second time came to him, What God cleansed you are not to make unclean!
And this happened unto three times. And again [3was taken up 1the 2item] into the heaven.
And as [3within 4himself 2was perplexed 1Peter] what ever [3may be 1the 2vision] which he beheld, that behold, the men, the ones being sent from Cornelius having inquired about the house of Simon, stood at the vestibule.
And calling out they inquired, Does Simon, the one being called Peter, [2here 1lodge]?
And Peter pondering over the vision, [3said 4to him 1the 2spirit], Behold, [2men 1three] seek you;
and having risen up go down and go with them! [2nothing 1examining], because I have sent them.
[3having gone down 1And 2Peter] to the men, said, Behold, I am whom you seek. What is the reason for which you are at hand?
And they said, Cornelius, a centurion, [2man 1a righteous] and one fearing God, and borne witness by the entire nation of the Jews, received a divine message by [2angel 1a holy] to fetch you unto his house, and to hear words from you.
Then having invited them, he lodged them. And the next day Peter went forth with them; and certain ones of the brethren from Joppa went together with him.
Peter and Cornelius And the next day they entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius was expecting them, having called together his relatives and important friends.
And as it came to pass at Peter entering, having met him, Cornelius, having fallen at the feet, did obeisance.
But Peter raised him, saying, Rise up! I also myself am a man.
And accompanying him, he entered and found [2were come together 1many].
And he said to them, You know that it is unlawful for a man, a Jew, to join or approach a philistine. And [3to me 1God 2showed 4not 5one 7common 8or 9unclean 2to call 6man].
Therefore also indisputably I came having been fetched. I inquire then to what matter you fetched me?
And Cornelius said, From four days ago until this hour I was fasting, and the ninth hour praying in my house; and behold, a man stood before me in [2attire 1bright].
And he says, Cornelius, [3was listened to 1your 2prayer], and your gifts of charity were remembered before God.
Send forth then unto Joppa, and call for Simon who is called Peter! this one lodges in the house of Simon, a tanner, by the sea; who, having come, shall speak to you.
Immediately then I sent to you; and you [2well 1did] having come. Now then, all we before God are at hand to hear all the things assigned to you by God.
[3having opened 1And 2Peter] his mouth, said, In truth I am overtaken that [2is not 3one who discriminates 1God],
but in every nation fearing him, and practicing righteousness, [2acceptable 3to him 1it is].
The word which he sent to the sons of Israel, announcing good news, peace through Jesus Christ, this one is Lord of all.
You know the [2taking place 1thing] in all Judea, beginning from Galilee, after the immersion which John proclaimed.
Jesus, the one from Nazareth, how [2anointed 3him 1God 5spirit 4in holy] and power; who went through benefiting and healing all the ones being overpowered by the devil; for God was with him.
And we are witnesses of all which he did both in the region of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they did away with by hanging upon a tree.
This one God raised up in the third day, and appointed him [2apparent 1to become];
not to all the people, but to witnesses, to the ones being inaugurated by God, to us who ate with and drank with him after his rising up from the dead.
And he exhorted us to proclaim to the people, and to testify that he is the one being confirmed by God as judge of the living and dead.
To him all the prophets bear witness, [2a release 3of sins 1to receive] through his name for every one believing in him.
The Nations Receive the Present of the Holy Spirit While [2was speaking 1Peter] these things, [4fell 1the 3spirit 2holy] upon all the ones hearing the word.
And [5were amazed 1the 3of 4the circumcision 2believers], as many as came with Peter, that also [7upon 8the 9nations 1the 2present 3of the 4holy 5spirit 6has been poured out].
For they heard them speaking languages, and magnifying God. Then Peter responded,
Shall water [2to be restrained 1be able] to anyone [2to not 3be immersed 1of these], who [2the 4spirit 3holy 1received] as also we?
And he assigned them to be immersed in the name of the Lord. Then they asked him to remain some days.
Peter Reports to the Jerusalem Assembly [4heard 1And 2the 3apostles], and the brethren being in Judea, that also the nations received the word of God.
And when Peter ascended unto Jerusalem, [4argued 5with 6him 1the ones 2of 3the circumcision],
saying that, To men [2an uncircumcised condition 1having] -- you entered and ate with them?
And beginning, Peter displayed to them in order, saying,
I was in the city of Joppa praying. And I beheld in a change of state a vision, [2coming down 1a certain item] as [2piece of cloth 1a great], [2by four 3corners 1being lowered] from the heaven, and it came as far as me;
on which having gazed upon I contemplated, and I saw the four-footed creatures of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the reptiles, and the birds of the heaven.
And I heard a voice saying to me, Having risen up, Peter, sacrifice and eat!
And I said, By no means, O Lord, for all common or unclean at no time entered into my mouth.
[3responded 1And 4to me 2the voice] a second time from out of heaven, What God cleansed, you are not to make unclean!
And this happened unto three times, and again it was pulled up all together into the heaven.
And behold, immediately three men stood at the house in which I was, ones being sent from Caesarea to me.
[4said 1And 5to me 2the 3spirit] to come together with them, [2nothing 1examining]. And went with me also [2six 3brethren 1these], and we entered into the house of the man.
And he reported to us how he beheld the angel in his house, standing and having said to him, Send [2unto 3Joppa 1men], and fetch Simon, the one called Peter!
who shall speak words to you by which you shall be delivered, you and all your house.
And in my beginning to speak, [4fell 1the 3spirit 2holy] upon them as also upon us in the beginning.
And I remembered the saying of the Lord, how he said, John indeed immersed in water, but you shall be immersed in [2spirit 1holy].
If then [4the 5equal 6present 2gave 3to them 1God] as also to us having believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, then I, who was I to be able to restrain God?
Conversion of the Nations And having heard these things, they were still, and they glorified God, saying, It is so indeed that also to the nations God [2repentance 1gave] unto life.
The ones indeed then being disseminated because of the affliction taking place with Stephen, went unto Phoenicia, and Cyprus, and Antioch, [4to no one 1speaking 2the 3word] except only to Jews.
And there were certain [2of 3them 1men], Cypriots and Cyrenians, who having entered unto Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists, announcing good news -- the Lord Jesus.
And [3was 1the hand 2of the Lord] with them; and a great number having believed, turned unto the Lord.
[4was heard 1And 2the 3word] in the ears of the assembly in Jerusalem concerning them; and they sent out Barnabas to go through unto Antioch.
Who, having come, and having seen the favor of God, rejoiced, and exhorted all to the attention of the heart to remain in the Lord.
For he was [2man 1a good], and full [2spirit 1of holy] and of belief. And [3was added 2multitude 1a fit] to the Lord.
[3went forth 1And 4unto 5Tarsus 2Barnabas] to search out Saul.
And having found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass to them [6year 5a whole 1to be gathered 2with 3the 4assembly], and to teach [2multitude 1a fit]. [4were 6treated 1And 5first 8in 9Antioch 2the 3disciples 7as Christians].
Agabus Signifies a Great Famine [2in 3these 1And] days came down from Jerusalem prophets unto Antioch.
And having risen, one of them, by name Agabus, signified through the spirit [2famine 1a great] about to be upon the entire world; which also came to pass under Claudius Caesar.
And the disciples, as any one was well-provided, [3confirmed 1each 2of them] for service to send help to the [2dwelling 3in 4Judea 1brethren];
which also they did, sending it to the elders by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.
James is Killed by Herod [2at 3that 1And] time [4put upon 1Herod 2the 3king] the hands to afflict some of the ones of the assembly.
And he did away with James the brother of John by the sword.
And having seen that it is pleasing to the Jews, he proceeded to seize also Peter, (and they were the days of the unleavened breads)
whom also having laid hold of, put into prison, having delivered him up to four parties of four soldiers to guard him, wanting after the passover to lead him to the people.
An Angel Releases Peter from Prison Then indeed Peter was given heed to in the prison; [4prayer 1and 2there was 3intense] taking place by the assembly unto God for him.
And when [2was about 3to lead him before them 1Herod] in that night, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, being bound [2chains 1with two]; and guards before the door kept the prison.
And behold, an angel of the Lord stood by, and a light radiated in the building; and having struck the side of Peter, he roused him, saying, Rise up quickly! And [3fell off 4of him 1the 2chains] from his hands.
[4said 1And 2the 3angel] to him, Gird yourself and tie on your sandals! And he did so. And he says to him, Put on your cloak and follow me!
And going forth, he followed him; and he did not know that it was true -- the thing taking place by the angel; but he thought [2a vision 1he was seeing].
And having gone through a first guard and a second, they came unto the gate of iron, the one bearing into the city, which by itself opened to them. And having come forth, they went [2street 1by one], and immediately [3separated 1the 2angel] from him.
And Peter having come to himself said, Now I know truly that the Lord sent his angel, and rescued me from the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews.
And being fully conscious, he came unto the house of Mary the mother of John, of the one being called Mark; where there were a fit amount being gathered together and praying.
[3having knocked 1And 2Peter] at the door of the vestibule, there came forward a maidservant to listen, by name Rhoda.
And having recognized the voice of Peter, from the joy she did not open the vestibule; but having ran in, she reported Peter to be standing before the vestibule.
But the ones by her said, You are maniacal. But she contended obstinately thus to have been. And they said, [2his angel 1It is].
But Peter continued knocking; and having opened, they beheld him, and were amazed.
And having waved to them with the hand to be quiet, he described to them how the Lord led him from out of the prison. And he said, Report to James and to the brethren these things! And having come forth he went to another place.
[3having come 1And 2day], there was [3disturbance 1no 2little] among the soldiers to what then became of Peter.
And Herod seeking him anxiously, and not finding, having questioned the guards, he urged them to be taken away. And having gone down from Judea to Caesarea, he spent time.
[3was 1And 2Herod] violently incensed with the Tyrians and Sidonians; but with one accord they were at hand with him, and having persuaded Blastus, the one over the bedroom of the king, they asked peace; because [3was maintained 1their 2place] by the royalty.
The Death of Herod [3appointed 1And 4a day 2Herod], having put on [2attire 1royal], and having sat upon the rostrum, delivered a public address to them.
And the people sounded out, saying The voice of a god, and not a man.
And immediately [3struck 4him 1an angel 2of the Lord] because he did not give the glory to God. And becoming worm-eaten, he expired.
But the word of God grew and multiplied.
And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, having fulfilled the service, having taken along also John, the one called Mark.
Paul and Barnabas And there were some in Antioch, according to the [2being there 1assembly], prophets and teachers, both Barnabas and Simeon, the one called Niger, and Lucius the Cyrenian, and Manaen [2of Herod 3the 4tetrarch 1a companion], and Saul.
[3officiating 1And 2of their] to the Lord, and fasting, [4said 1the 3spirit 2holy], Separate indeed to me Barnabas and Saul for the work which I have called them.
Then fasting and praying, and placing the hands upon them, they dismissed them.
These indeed then having gone forth by the [2spirit 1holy], went down unto Seleucia; and from there they sailed away unto Cyprus.
And having come unto Salamis, they announced the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews; and they also had John as an assistant.
And having gone through the island as far as Paphos, they found a certain magus, a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Barjesus,
which was with the proconsul Sergius Paulus, [2man 1a discerning]. This one calling on Barnabas and Saul, sought anxiously to hear the word of God.
Elymas the Magus [5opposed 1But 6them 2Elymas 3the 4magus], (for so is translated his name,) seeking to turn aside the proconsul from the belief.
And Saul, the one also called Paul, being filled [2spirit 1of holy], and having gazed at him,
said, O one full of all treachery, and all villainy, O son of the devil, O enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease turning aside the [2ways 3of the Lord 1straight]?
And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you will be blind, not seeing the sun for a time. And immediately there fell upon him a mistiness and darkness; and leading about he sought ones to guide him by hand.
Then [3beholding 1the 2proconsul] the thing having taken place, believed, being overwhelmed over the teaching of the Lord.
And having embarked from Paphos, the ones around Paul, they came unto Perga of Pamphylia. And John retreated from them and returned unto Jerusalem.
And they having gone through from Perga, they came into Antioch of Pisidia; and having entered into the synagogue on the day of the Sabbath, they sat.
And after the reading of the law and of the prophets, [3sent 1the 2chiefs of the synagogue] to them, saying, Men, brethren, if there is a word in you of comfort to the people, speak!
[3having risen up 1And 2Paul], and waving the hand, said, Men, Israelites, and ones fearing God, hearken!
The God of this people Israel chose our fathers, and [2the 3people 1exalted] in the sojourn in the land of Egypt, and with [2arm 1a high] he led them out of it.
And about forty years time he bore with them in the wilderness.
And having demolished [2nations 1seven] in the land of Canaan, he divided [3by lot 1to them 2their land].
And after these things, about [4years 1four hundred 2and 3fifty], he gave judges, until Samuel the prophet.
And from there they asked for a king. And [2gave 3to them 1God] Saul son of Kis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin -- [2years 1for forty].
And having removed him, he raised up to them David for king, to whom also [2he said 1having borne witness], I found David the one of Jesse, a man according to my heart, which shall do all my wants.
[5of this one 1God 2from 3the 4seed], according to the promise, raised up deliverance to Israel -- a deliverer, Jesus.
Which John having publicly proclaimed before the presence of his entrance, an immersion for repentance to all the people of Israel.
And as John was fulfilling the race, he said, Who do you suspect me to be? I am not he. But behold, comes after me, one of whom I am not worthy [2the 3sandal 4of his 5feet 1to untie].
Men, brethren, sons of the race of Abraham, and the ones among you fearing God -- to you the word of this deliverance was sent.
For the ones dwelling in Jerusalem, and their rulers, [2this one 1not having known], nor the voices of the prophets [2on 3every 4Sabbath 1being read], [2having judged him 1they fulfilled them].
And not one reason for death having found, they asked Pilate to do away with him.
And as they finished all the things [2concerning 3him 1being written], lowering him from the tree, they put him into a tomb.
But God raised him from the dead,
who appeared for [2days 1many] to the ones having gone up with him from Galilee unto Jerusalem, who are witnesses of him to the people.
And we announce you good news -- the [2to 3the 4fathers 1promise] taking place,
that this thing God has fulfilled [2their children 1to us], having raised up Jesus; and as in the [2Psalm 1second] it has been written, [2my son 1You are], I today have engendered you.
And that he raised him from the dead, no longer to be about to return unto corruption, thus he has spoken that, I will give to you the [2sacred things 3of David 1trustworthy].
Wherefore also in another he says, You shall not give your sacred one to see corruption.
[2David 3indeed 1For 5his own 6generation 4having assisted] by the counsel of God, went to sleep, and was added to his fathers, and saw corruption.
But the one whom God raised, did not see corruption.
[2made known 3then 1Let it be] to you men, brethren, that through this one [4to you 1a release 2of sins 3is announced],
and from all things of which you were not able in the law of Moses to be justified, in this one every one believing is justified.
Take heed then, that it should not come upon you, the thing being spoken by the prophets,
Behold, O despisers, and wonder and vanish! For a work I work during your days, which in no way should you believe if one should tell you in detail.
And exiting from out of the synagogue of the Jews, [3appealed to them 1the 2nations] in the time between the Sabbath to speak to them these things.
[4being dismissed 1And 2the 3synagogue], [7followed 1many 2of the 3Jews 4and 5worshiping 6converts] Paul and Barnabas; who speaking, persuaded them to continue in the favor of God.
And on the coming Sabbath, nearly all the city gathered to hear the word of God.
[4beholding 1But 2the 3Jews] the multitudes, they were filled with jealousy, and spoke against the things [2by 3Paul 1being spoken], disputing and blaspheming.
But speaking openly, Paul and Barnabas said, To you it was important first [4to be spoken 1for the 2word 3of God]; but since you thrust it away, and do not [3worthy 1judge 2yourselves] of eternal life, behold, we turn unto the nations.
For thus [3has given charge 4to us 1the 2Lord], saying, I have put you for a light of nations, for you to be for deliverance unto the end of the earth.
And hearing, the nations rejoiced, and glorified the word of the Lord; and [7believed 1as many as 2were 3being arranged 4for 5life 6eternal].
[6was carried 1And 2the 3word 4of the 5Lord] through the entire region.
But the Jews instigated the worshiping women, and the decent and the foremost men of the city; and they roused up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and cast them from their borders.
And they, having shaken off the dust of their feet against them, came unto Iconium.
And the disciples were filled with joy and [2spirit 1holy].
Paul and Barnabas at Iconium And it came to pass in Iconium, together they entered into the synagogue of the Jews, and spoke thus so as for [6to believe 3of both Jews 4and 5Hellenists 1a great 2multitude].
But the Jews having resisted persuasion, roused up and afflicted the souls of the nations against the brethren.
[3a fit 1Then 4time 2they spent] speaking openly in the Lord, to the bearing witness to the word of his favor, granting signs and miracles to take place through their hands.
[6was split 1And 2the 3multitude 4of the 5city]; and some were with the Jews, and some with the apostles.
And as there became a movement by the nations, and also of Jews with their rulers, to insult and to stone them,
being fully conscious, they took refuge in the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe, and the place round about,
and there they were announcing good news.
A Lame Man of Lystra Healed And a certain man in Lystra, disabled in the feet sat, [2lame 3from 4the belly 5of his mother 1being], who at no time walked.
This one heard Paul speaking; who having gazed upon him, and seeing that [2belief 1he had], of the one to be delivered,
said with a great voice, Rise upon your feet straight! And he leaped up and walked.
The Lycaonians Deify Paul and Barnabas And the multitudes beholding what Paul did, lifted up their voice in Lycaonian, saying, The gods having become like men, are come down to us.
And they called Barnabas -- Dia, and Paul -- Hermes, since he was the one leading by word.
And the priest, the one of Dia, of the one being before their city, [2bulls 3and 4garlands 5unto 6the 7vestibules 1having brought], with the multitudes, wanted to sacrifice.
And having heard, the apostles Barnabas and Paul, having torn their garments, rushed into the multitude crying,
and saying, Men, why do you do these things? Even we [3having the same passions 1are 4as you 2men], announcing good news -- for you [2from 3these 4vanities 1to turn] unto the [2God 1living], who made the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all the things in them;
who in the [2passing by 1generations] allowed all the nations to go by their ways;
though indeed not without his own witness did he allow it, but doing good from heaven to you -- [2rains 1giving], and seasons bearing fruit, filling up provision and gladness of our hearts.
And saying these things, [3hardly 4ceased 1the 2multitudes] to not sacrifice to them.
Paul Stoned [3came 1And 4from 5Antioch 6and 7Iconium 2Jews]; and having persuaded the multitudes, and having stoned Paul, they dragged him outside the city thinking him to have died.
[4having encircled 1But 5him 2the 3disciples], having risen up, he entered into the city. And the next day he went forth with Barnabas unto Derbe.
And having announced good news in that city, and having discipled a fit amount, they returned unto Lystra, and Iconium, and Antioch,
staying up the souls of the disciples, appealing to them to adhere to the belief, and saying that, By many afflictions we must enter into the kingdom of God.
Elders Appointed in Every Assembly And having hand picked for them elders in every assembly, having prayed with fastings, they placed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.
And having gone through Pisidia, they came unto Pamphylia.
And having spoken [3in 4Perga 1the 2word], they went down unto Attalia.
And from there they sailed away unto Antioch, from where they were delivered up to the favor of God, for the work which they fulfilled.
And having arrived, and having gathered together the assembly, they announced as much as God did with them, and that he opened to the nations a door of belief.
And they spent time there, not a little, with the disciples.
The Council at Jerusalem And certain ones having come down from Judea taught the brethren, saying that, If you should not be circumcised in the custom of Moses, you are not able to be delivered.
Having taken place then a faction and [3inquiry 1not 2a small] with Paul and Barnabas with them, they ordered [4to ascend 1Paul 2and 3Barnabas], and certain others of them to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem concerning this matter.
They then indeed having been sent forward by the assembly, went through Phoenicia and Samaria, telling in detail the turning of the nations; and they caused [2joy 1great] to all the brethren.
And having come unto Jerusalem, they were gladly received by the assembly, and the apostles and the elders, and they announced as much as God did with them.
And there rose up some of the ones from the sect of the believing Pharisees, saying that, It is necessary to circumcise them, also to exhort them to give heed to the law of Moses.
And there were gathered together the apostles and the elders to know concerning this matter.
And much debating having taken place, Peter, having risen up, said to them, Men, brethren, you know that from [2days 1former] God among us chose by my mouth [3to hear 1for the 2nations] the word of the good news, and to believe.
And the knower of hearts -- God, he bore witness to them, giving to them the [2spirit 1holy] as also to us,
and in nothing discriminating between us and even them, by the belief having cleansed their hearts.
Now then, why test God to place a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?
But by the favor of the Lord Jesus Christ we believe to be delivered in which manner as those.
[5were quiet 1And 2all 3the 4multitude], and heard Barnabas and Paul describing as much as God did by signs and miracles among the nations through them.
And after their quieting, James responded saying, Men, brethren, hear me!
Simeon described as how first God visited to take from out of nations a people for his name.
And with this [5agreed 1the 2words 3of the 4prophets], as it has been written,
After these things I will return and rebuild the tent of David, the one fallen; and the things having been razed of it I will rebuild, and I will re-erect it;
so that [4shall seek after 1the 2remnants 3of men] the Lord, and all the nations upon which [2has been called upon 1my name] by them, says the Lord -- the one doing all these things.
[5known 6from 7the eon 4are 1To God 2all 3his works].
Therefore I judge to not cause trouble to the ones from the nations turning towards God;
but write to them to be at a distance from the pollution of idols, and harlotry, and the thing strangled, and blood.
For Moses, from [2generations 1former] in every city, [2the ones 3proclaiming 4him 1has] in the synagogues [2every 3Sabbath 1being read].
Then it seemed good to the apostles and to the elders with the entire assembly, [2chosen 3men 4of 5them 1to send forth] unto Antioch with Paul and Barnabas -- Judas the one called Barsabbas, and Silas, [2men 1leading] among the brethren,
having written by their hand thus. The apostles, and the elders, and the brethren, to the ones in Antioch, and Syria, and Cilicia. To the brethren, to the ones of the nations, rejoice!
Since we heard that some from us having come forth disturbed you in words, subverting your souls, saying to be circumcised and to give heed to the law; to whom we did not give orders,
It seemed good to us, taking place with one accord, choosing men to send to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,
men delivering up their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have sent then Judas and Silas, and they by word are reporting the same things.
For it seemed good to the holy spirit, and to us, [3no 4more 1to place upon 2you] load except these things of necessity,
to be at a distance of things sacrificed to idols, and of blood, and of what is strangled, and of harlotry; of which keeping yourselves [2good 1you do]. Stay firm!
The ones indeed then being dismissed, came unto Antioch. And having gathered together the multitude, they gave over the letter.
And having read, they rejoiced over the exhortation.
And Judas and Silas, also themselves being prophets, through [2communication 1much] exhorted the brethren, and stayed them.
And having spent time, they were dismissed with peace from the brethren to the apostles.
And it seemed good to Silas to remain himself.
Paul and Barnabas Separate And Paul and Barnabas spent time in Antioch, teaching and announcing good news -- [5with 6also 8others 7many 1the 2word 3of the 4Lord].
And after some days Paul said to Barnabas, Returning, we should indeed visit our brethren in every city in which we announced the word of the Lord, to see how they suffice.
And Barnabas planned to take along John, the one being called Mark.
But Paul thought it worthy that the one separating from them from Pamphylia, and not coming together with them for the work, to not take this one along.
There took place then a fit of temper so that they separated from one another. And Barnabas having taken with himself Mark, sailed across unto Cyprus;
and Paul having chosen Silas, went forth having been delivered up to the favor of God by the brethren.
And he went through Syria and Cilicia, staying up the assemblies.
Timothy Joins Paul and Silas And he arrived at Derbe and Lystra. And behold, a certain disciple was there, by name Timothy, son [4woman 1of a certain 3Jewish 2believing], but the father was a Greek,
who was borne witness to by the [2in 3Lystra 4and 5Iconium 1brethren].
[2this one 1Paul wanted 4with 5him 3to go forth]. And having taken, he circumcised him on account of the Jews, of the ones being in those places, [2they 4knew 1for 3all] his father, that he was a Greek.
And as they traveled the cities, they delivered up to them [4to keep 1the 2decrees 3being adjudged] written by the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem.
[2the 1Then indeed] assemblies were solidified in the belief, and abounded in number by day.
And having gone through the Phrygian, and the Galatian region, they were restrained by the holy spirit to speak the word in Asia.
Having come down to Mysia, they attempted [2towards 3Bithynia 1to go]; and [3did not 4allow 5them 1the 2spirit].
And going by Mysia, they went down unto Troas.
Paul's Vision And a vision by the night appeared to Paul; a certain man of Macedonia was standing, appealing to him, and saying, Having passed over into Macedonia, help us!
And as [2the 3vision 1he beheld], immediately we sought to go forth into Macedonia, being instructed that [3called on 4us 1the 2Lord] to announce good news to them.
Having embarked then from Troas, we ran direct unto Samothrace, and the following day to Neapolis;
and from there to Philippi, which is a foremost [2of the 3portion 4of Macedonia 1city], a colony. And we were in this city spending time some days.
And on the day of the Sabbaths we went forth outside the city by a river, of which we thought prayer to be. And having sat down we spoke to the [2having gathered together 1women].
Lydia Immersed And a certain woman, by name Lydia, a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God, was listening; of whom the Lord opened wide her heart to take heed to the things being spoken by Paul.
And as she was being immersed, and her house, she appealed, saying, If you adjudge me [2trustworthy 3to the 4Lord 1to be], having entered into my house, abide! And she pressured us.
A Woman with Spirit of Python And it came to pass of our going unto prayer, a certain maidservant having a spirit of python met us, which [3work 2much 1furnished] to her masters divining oracles.
She having followed closely after Paul and us, cried out saying, These men [2servants 3of God 4the 5highest 1are], who shall announce to us the way of deliverance.
And this she did for many days. [3being worked up 1And 2Paul], and having turned, [2to the 3spirit 1said], I summon to you in the name of Jesus Christ, to come forth from her. And it came forth the same hour.
[3seeing 1And 2her masters] that went forth the hope of their work, having taken hold of Paul and Silas, drew them into the market unto the rulers.
And leading them forward to the commandants, they said, These men disturb our city, being Jews,
and they announce customs which are not allowed for us to welcome, nor to do, being Romans.
And rose up together the multitude against them. And the commandants having torn off their garments, bid to beat them with a rod.
Paul and Silas Imprisoned [4many 1And 2having placed upon 3them] strokes, they threw them into prison, exhorting the jailer [3safely 1to keep 2them];
who [3exhortation 2such 1having received], cast them in the inner prison, and [2their feet 1safeguarded] in the wood stocks.
And towards midnight, Paul and Silas were praying, singing praise to God; [4heeded 1and 5them 2the 3prisoners].
And suddenly [2earthquake 3took place 1a great], so as to shake the foundations of the jail. [6were opened 1And 2immediately 4the 5doors 3all], and all the bonds were unfastened.
[5awakened out of sleep 1And 4being 2the 3jailer], and beholding [5being open 1the 2doors 3of the 4prison], unsheathed his sword, being about to do away with himself, thinking [3to have fled 1the 2prisoners].
[3spoke out 1And 5voice 4with a great 2Paul], saying, You should not exact [2on yourself 1hurt], [3all together 1for 2we are] here.
The Philippian Jailer And asking for lights, he rushed in, and [2trembling 1being], he fell before Paul and Silas.
And having led them outside, he said, Masters, what is necessary for me to do that I should be delivered?
And they said, Believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be delivered, you and your house.
And they spoke to him the word of the Lord, and to all the ones in his house.
And having taken them in that hour of the night, he bathed them from the strokes; and [4was immersed, 1he 2and 3all his family] immediately.
And having led them into his house, he placed a table, and exulted with his whole family, having believed in God.
And day having come [5sent 1the 2commandants 3of the 4lictors], saying, Release those men!
[4reported 1And 2the 3jailer] these words to Paul, that, [3have sent 1The 2commandants] that you be released. Now then having gone forth, go in peace!
But Paul said to them, Having flayed us in public, uncondemned men, being Romans, they cast us into prison, and now in private they cast us out? No indeed, but having come themselves let them lead us out!
[4announced 1And 5to the 6commandants 2the 3lictors] these words; and they feared, having heard that they are Romans.
And having come, they appealed to them; and having led them out, they asked them to go forth out of the city.
And having gone forth from out of the prison, they entered to Lydia; and having seen the brethren, they comforted them, and they went forth.
Paul in Thessalonica And having traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came unto Thessalonica, where there was the synagogue of the Jews.
And according to the thing accustomed to Paul, he entered to them, and for [2Sabbaths 1three] he reasoned with them from the scriptures,
opening and pointing out that [2for the 3Christ 1it was a must] to suffer, and to be raised up from the dead; and that this one is the Christ -- Jesus, whom I announce to you.
And some of them yielded, and associated with Paul and Silas; both of the worshiping Greeks, a great multitude, [4women 1and 2of the 3foremost] not a few.
And having taken up with the Jews, the ones resisting persuasion of the advocates, certain [2men 1wicked], and having raised a mob, made a disruption in the city. And having stood by the house of Jason, they sought to lead them unto the people.
[2not 3having found 1But] them, they dragged Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, yelling that, The ones [2the 3inhabitable world 1overthrowing] are these, and [2here 1they are at hand],
whom Jason has welcomed; and these all [2contrary 3of the 4decrees 5of Caesar 1act], [4king 1saying 2another 3to be] -- Jesus.
[7were disturbed 1And 2the 3multitude 4and 5the 6rulers of the city] hearing these things.
And having taken a fit security from Jason, and the rest, they released them.
The Word is Received in Berea And the brethren immediately by the night sent forth both Paul and Silas unto Berea; who, being come, [2into 3the 4synagogue 1went] of the Jews.
And these were more well-born of the ones in Thessalonica, who received the word with all eagerness, by the day examining the scriptures, if these held such things.
Many indeed then from them believed; and of the [2Greek 3women 1decent], and men, there were not a few.
But when [5knew 1the 3from 4Thessalonica 2Jews] that also in Berea [4was announced 5by 6Paul 1the 2word 3of God], they came also shaking up the multitudes.
And immediately then [3sent Paul 1the 2brethren] to go as by the sea. [6remained behind 1But 2both 3Silas 4and 5Timothy] there.
Paul in Athens And the ones standing by Paul led him unto Athens; and having received a command to Silas and Timothy, that as quickly as possible they should come to him, they exited.
But in Athens, [2looking out for 3them 1Paul], was provoked in his spirit, in his viewing [4full of idols 3being 1the 2city].
He reasoned indeed then in the synagogue with the Jews, and the ones worshiping, and in the market every day with the ones coming by.
And some of the Epicureans and Stoics, philosophers, engaged with him. And some said, What ever does [3want 2seed picker 1this] to say? And some said, [4of strange 5demons 1He seems 3an announcer 2to be]; because [2of Jesus 3and 4the 5resurrection 6to them 1he announced good news].
Paul on the Areopagus And taking hold of him, [2unto 3the 4Areopagus 1they led him], saying, Are we able to know what this new [3by 4you is 2being spoken 1teaching]?
[3being strange 1For 2some things] you insert into our hearing. We want then to know what ever these things will to be.
[3Athenians 1And 2all], and the emigrating strangers, [2in 3nothing 4else 1spend their opportune time] than to tell [3something 1and 2to hear] newer.
[3having stood 1And 2Paul] in the middle of the Areopagus, said, Men, Athenians, [2in all things 3as 4ones reverent of gods 1I view you].
For going through, and contemplating your objects of worship, I found also a shrine in which had been inscribed, To an unknown God. Whom then not knowing you are pious towards, this one I announce to you.
The God, the one making the world and all the things in it, this one [3of heaven 4and 5earth 2Lord 1being], does not [2in 3handmade 4temples 1dwell],
nor by the hands of men attending is there any feeling any want, himself giving to all life and breath, and all things;
and he made of one blood every nation of men, to dwell upon all the face of the earth, having confirmed beforehand times and the boundaries of their dwelling --
to seek the Lord, if then perhaps they might grope after him, and might find him, though indeed [2not 3far 4from 6one 5each 7of us 1being].
[2in 3him 1For] we live, and move, and are; as also some of the [2among you 1poets] have said, For of him [2also 3a family 1we are].
[2a family 3then 1Being] of God, ought we to think gold, or silver, or stone, an imprint of a craft, and thinking of man [3the 4divine 1to be 2like]?
[3the 1Indeed 2then] times of ignorance [2having overlooked 1God], at present exhorts all men everywhere to repent;
because he set a day in which he is about to judge the world in righteousness, by a man in whom he confirmed, [2belief 1having furnished] to all, having raised him from the dead.
And hearing a resurrection of the dead, some taunted; and some said, We will hear you again concerning this.
And thus Paul came forth from out of the midst of them.
But some men cleaving to him believed; among whom also was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman, by name Damaris, and others with them.
Paul in Corinth And after these things, Paul having separated from Athens, came unto Corinth.
And having found a certain Jew, by name Aquila, of Pontus by race, recently come from Italy, and Priscilla his wife, (because Claudius ordered [4to separate 1all 2the 3Jews] from Rome), he came forward to them.
And because of being the same trade, he stayed with them, and worked; for they were tentmakers by craft.
And he reasoned in the synagogue according to every Sabbath, to persuade both Jews and Greeks.
And when [5came down 6from 7Macedonia 1both 2Silas 3and 4Timothy], [2was constrained 3in the 4spirit 1Paul], testifying [3to the 4Jews 1the 2Christ] -- Jesus.
[3being rebellious 1And 2they] and blaspheming, having shaken off his garments, he said to them, Your blood be upon your head; I am clean. From now on [2unto 3the 4nations 1I shall go].
And having crossed over from there, he came unto the house of a certain one, by name Justus, who worshiped God, of whose house was adjoining the synagogue.
But Crispus, the chief of the synagogue trusted in the Lord with [2entire 3house 1his]; and many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were immersed.
[4said 1And 2the 3Lord] by a vision at night to Paul, Fear not, but speak and do not keep silent!
Because I am with you, and no one shall attack you to inflict evil on you, because [3people 1there are 4with me 2many] in this city.
And he stayed a year and [2months 1six] teaching among them the word of God.
And Gallio being proconsul of Achaia; [3rose up against 5with one accord 1the 2Jews 4Paul], and led him unto the rostrum,
saying that, By this law he dissuades men to worship God.
[3being about 1And 2Paul] to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, If indeed then it was some offence or [2villainy 1evil], O Jews, on this account I would have endured you;
but if the matter is concerning a word and names and a law of yours, you shall see to it yourselves; [6a judge 1for 2I 7of these things 3do not 4want 5to be].
And he drove them away from the rostrum.
[5taking hold of 1And 2all 3the 4Greeks] Sosthenes the chief of the synagogue beat him in front of the rostrum; and these things were not a care to Gallio.
But Paul yet having remained [2of days 1a fit amount], [2the 3brethren 1having dismissed], sailed across unto Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila, having shorn his head in Cenchrea; for he had a vow.
And he arrived in Ephesus, and those he left behind there. But he himself having entered into the synagogue, reasoned with the Jews.
And being asked of them for more time to stay with them, he did not nod assent,
but sent them away, having said, It is necessary for me assuredly with the [2holiday 1coming] to observe it in Jerusalem; but again I will return to you, God willing. And he embarked from Ephesus.
And having gone down unto Caesarea, having ascended and having greeted the assembly, he went down to Antioch.
And having spent some time, he went forth, going through [6in order 1the 2Galatian 5region 3and 4Phrygian], staying up all the disciples.
Aquila and Priscilla [3Jew 1And 2a certain], Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by race, [2man 1a learned], arrived in Ephesus, being mighty in the scriptures.
This one was being instructed in the way of the Lord. And bubbling in spirit he spoke and taught exactly the things concerning the Lord, having knowledge of only the immersion of John.
This one also began to speak openly in the synagogue. [5having heard 1And 6him 2Aquila 3and 4Priscilla], took him to themselves, and more exactly expounded to him the way of God.
[3wanting 1And 2he] to go through into Achaia, [3encouraging 1the 2brethren] wrote to the disciples to gladly receive him; who having arrived engaged much with the ones believing through favor.
For intensely with the Jews he thoroughly confuted in public, displaying through the scriptures [2to be 3the 4Christ 1Jesus].
Paul in Ephesus And it came to pass in the fact of Apollos being in Corinth, Paul having gone through the remote parts, came unto Ephesus; and having found certain disciples,
he said to them, Did [3spirit 2holy 1you receive] having believed? And they said to him, Not even if [3spirit 2holy 1there is] have we heard.
And he said to them, By what then were you immersed? And they said, By the immersion of John.
[3said 1And 2Paul], John indeed immersed with an immersion of repentance, [2to the 3people 1saying], [3on 4the one 5coming 6after 7him 1that 2they should believe], that is to say in Jesus the Christ.
And having heard, they were immersed in the name of the Lord Jesus.
And [2having put 4upon 5them 1Paul 3hands], [4came 1the 3spirit 2holy] upon them, both speaking languages and prophesying.
[5were 1And 3the 2all 4men] about twelve.
And having entered into the synagogue, he spoke openly for [2months 1three], reasoning and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God.
But when some were hardened, and resisted persuasion, speaking evil of the way before the multitude, having left from them, he separated the disciples, by day reasoning in the school of a certain Tyrannus.
And this took place for [2years 1two], so that all the ones dwelling Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.
The Sons of Sceva And works of power, not happening by chance, God did through the hands of Paul,
so that even unto the ones being invalid [6were borne 4from 5his flesh 1scarfs 2or 3aprons], and [3were rid 4from 5them 1the 2diseases], and the [2spirits 1evil] went forth from them.
[8attempted 1But 2certain ones 3of 4the 5traveling 6Jewish 7exorcists] to name [6against 7the ones 8having 10spirits 9evil 1the 2name 3of the 4Lord 5Jesus], saying, We bind you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims!
And there were certain ones, [2sons 3of Sceva 4a Jew 5a chief priest 1seven] doing this.
And responding the [2spirit 1evil] said, Jesus I know, and Paul I have knowledge of; but you, who are you?
And [3springing 4upon 5them 1the 2man], in whom was the [2spirit 1evil], and having dominated them, he prevailed against them, so that naked and wounded they fled from out of that house.
And this became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, dwelling in Ephesus. And [2fell 1fear] upon all of them, and [6was magnified 1the 2name 3of the 4Lord 5Jesus].
And many of the ones believing came, acknowledging and announcing their actions.
And a fit amount of the ones [2useless works 1practicing] found it advantageous [2the 3books 1to incinerate] before all; and they joined in tallying their value, and found it to be [3of silver 2myriads 1five].
Thus with might the word of the Lord grew and strengthened.
And when these things were fulfilled, Paul set in the spirit, having gone through Macedonia and Achaia, to go unto Jerusalem, having said that, After my being there, it is necessary for me also to see Rome.
And having sent unto Macedonia two of the ones serving him, Timothy and Erastus, he waited for a time in Asia.
An Outcry in Ephesus And came to pass according to that time [3disturbance 1no 2little] concerning the way.
For Demetrius, a certain one by name, a silversmith, making temples of silver of Artemis, furnished to the craftsmen [3work 1no 2little];
whom gathering together, and the ones concerning such workers, said, Men, you know that from out of this work [2our means 1is].
And you view and hear that not only Ephesus, but nearly all Asia, this Paul, having persuaded, changed over a fit multitude, saying that [5are not 6gods 1the things 3by 4hands 2being made].
[2not 3only 1And] this, it exposes danger to us, lest the part [2into 3disrepute 1come], but also the [2of the 3great 4goddess 5Artemis 1temple 7as 8nothing 6is considered], [4is about 1and 3also 5to be lowered 2her magnificence], which all Asia and the habitable world worship.
And having heard, and having become full of rage, they cried out, saying, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians.
And [4was filled 1the 3city 2entire] of confusion. And they advanced with one accord unto the theater, having seized by force Gaius and Aristarcus, Macedonian traveling companions of Paul.
And Paul wanting to enter unto the people, [3did not 4allow 5him 1the 2disciples].
And certain ones also of the Asiarchs, being friends with him, sending to him, appealed to not put himself in the theater.
Others therefore one thing and some another were crying out; [4was 1for 2the 3assembly] in tumult, and most did not know for what reason they had come together.
And from the multitude they forced Alexander, [3burgeoning him forth 1of the 2Jews]; but Alexander, having waved his hand, wanted to make a defense to the people.
And recognizing that he is a Jew, [3voice 1there became 2one] from all, for about [2hours 1two] crying out, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians.
[4having restrained 1And 2the 3scribe] the multitude, says, Men, Ephesians, for what man is there who does not know the [2of the Ephesians 1city] being a devotee of the great goddess Artemis, even of the one sent by Zeus?
Indisputable then [2being 1these things], it is necessary for you [2restrained 1to be], and in nothing [2precipitously 1to act].
For you brought these men, who are neither sacrilegious nor blasphemous of your god.
If indeed then Demetrius and the [2with 3him 1craftsmen] [3against 4anyone 2a matter 1have], let advocates be led; and there are proconsuls; let them accuse one another!
But if anything concerning other matters you anxiously seek, [2in 3the 4lawful 5assembly 1it shall be explained].
For also we are exposed to danger to be accused of insurrection concerning today, with no one reason existing concerning which we shall be able to render a word for this tumult.
And these things having said, he dismissed the assembly.
Paul's Journey in Greece And after [3ceased 1the 2tumult], [2having called 1Paul] the disciples, and saluting, went forth to go into Macedonia.
And having gone through those parts, and comforting them [2communication 1by much], he came unto Greece.
And having spent [2months 1three], [2having been made 3against him 1with a plot] by the Jews, being about to embark unto Syria, he became of the opinion to return through Macedonia.
And there accompanied him as far as Asia Sopator a Berean; and of Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Secundos, and Gaius of Derbe, and Timothy; and of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus.
These having gone forward waited for us in Troas.
And we sailed across, after the days of the unleavened breads, from Philippi, and came to them in Troas unto [2days 1five]; where we spent [2days 1seven].
And on day one of the Sabbaths, [3having been gathered 1the 2disciples] to break bread, Paul reasoned with them, being about to exit the next day; and he extended the word until midnight.
And there were [2of lamps 1a fit amount] in the upper room where we gathered together.
Eutychus Raised from the Dead And there was sitting down a certain young one, by name Eutychus, by the window, being sunk [2sleep 1in a deep]. And with Paul reasoning for a long time, having sunken from the sleep, he fell from the third level to below, and was lifted up dead.
And having descended, Paul fell upon him, and having wrapped around him, said, Do not make a disruption, for his life [2in 3him 1is].
And having ascended, and having broken bread, and having tasted, and for a fit time consorting until daylight, thus he went forth.
And they brought the child alive, and were comforted not moderately.
And we having gone forth unto the boat, embarked unto Assos, from there being about to take up Paul; for so it was having been set in order, himself being about to go on foot.
And when he united with us at Assos, having taken him in, we came unto Mitylene.
And from there we sailed away, and on the following day we arrived towards Chios; and another day we set aside unto Samos, and abided in Trogyllium; and the next day we came to Miletus,
[3decided 1for 2Paul] to sail by Ephesus, so that it should not happen for him to spend time in Asia; for he hastened, if it was possible for him, [4on the 5day 6of Pentecost 1to be 2in 3Jerusalem].
Paul's Farewell Address And from Miletus, having sent to Ephesus, he called for the elders of the assembly.
And when they were come to him, he said to them, You know, from the first day of which I set foot in Asia, how [2with 3you 4all the 5time 1I was],
serving to the Lord with all humility, and many tears, and tests, of the ones coming to pass to me in the plots of the Jews;
how [2nothing 1I kept back] of the things advantageous unto you, so as to not announce it to you and to teach you in public, and by houses,
testifying both to Jews, and Greeks the thing for God -- repentance and belief, the one in our Lord Jesus Christ.
And now behold, I being bound in the spirit go unto Jerusalem, [3the things 4in 5it 6meeting up with 7me 1not 2knowing];
except that the [2spirit 1holy] in every city testifies, saying that bonds [4me 1and 2afflictions 3await].
But [3of nothing 2account 1I make], nor do I hold my life esteemed to myself, as to finish my race with joy, and the service which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify the good news of the favor of God.
And now, behold, I know that no longer shall [3see 4my face 1you 2all], among whom I went about proclaiming the kingdom of God.
Therefore I testify to you in today's day, that I am clean from the blood of all;
[3did not 1for 2I] keep back to announce to you all the counsel of God.
Take heed then to yourselves, and to all the flock! in which [5you 1the 3spirit 2holy 4placed] as overseers, to tend the assembly of God, which he procured through his own blood.
For I know this, that [3shall enter 4after 5my departure 2wolves 1grievous] unto you, not sparing the flock.
And from out of your own selves shall rise up men speaking things being perverted, to draw away the disciples after them.
Therefore be vigilant! remembering that for a space of three years, night and day, I ceased not with tears, admonishing [2one 1each].
And at present I point you out, brethren, to God and to the word of his favor, to the thing being able to build up, and to give to you an inheritance among [2the ones 3having been sanctified 1all].
[3silver 4or 5gold 6or 7clothes 2of no one 1I desired].
You know yourselves, that my needs, and the ones being with me, [3assisted 2hands 1these].
All things I plainly showed to you, that so tiring it is necessary to assist the ones being weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he said, [3blessed 1It is 4to give 2more] than to receive.
And these things having said, having set his knees with them all, he prayed.
[3a fit amount 1And 2there became] of weeping by all; and falling upon the neck of Paul they kissed him,
being grieved especially over the word which he had said, that no longer are they about [2his face 1to view]. And they sent him unto the boat.
Paul Embarks for Jerusalem And when it came to pass, we embarked, having drawn away from them, having run direct, we came unto Cos; and the next day unto Rhodes, and from there unto Patara.
And having found a boat passing through unto Phoenicia, having set foot on it we embarked.
[3having appeared 1And 2Cyprus], and having left it on the left, we sailed unto Syria, and led down unto Tyre; for at that place [3was 1the 2boat] unloading the cargo.
And having discovered the disciples, we remained there [2days 1seven], the ones who said to Paul through the spirit, not to ascend unto Jerusalem.
But when it happened we accomplished the days, having gone forth we went, [6escorting us 2all 1with 3the women 4and 5children] as far as outside the city. And setting the knees upon the shore, we prayed.
And having saluted one another, we mounted into the boat; and those returned to their own.
And we [2the 3voyage 1having concluded] from Tyre, arrived at Ptolemais. And having saluted the brethren, we abode [2day 1one] with them.
And the next day, [4having gone forth 1the ones 2around 3Paul], they came unto Caesarea. And having entered into the house of Philip the Evangelist, being one of the seven, we stayed with him.
And to this man there were [3daughters 2virgin 1four] who prophesied.
[3remaining there 1And 2of our 5days 4many], there came down a certain one from Judea, a prophet, by name Agabus.
And having come to us, and having taken the belt of Paul, and having bound his hands and feet, he said, Thus says the [2spirit 1holy], The man of which is this belt, so shall [5bind 3in 4Jerusalem 1the 2Jews], and they shall deliver him up into the hands of the nations.
And when we heard these things, [5appealed 1both we 2and 3the ones 4of that place 7to not 8ascend 6for him] unto Jerusalem.
[3responded 1And 2Paul], Why do you cause weeping and breaking of my heart? For I not only to be bound, but also [3to die 4in 5Jerusalem 1readily 2hold] for the name of the Lord Jesus.
[3not 4being persuaded 1And 2he], we were still, having said, The will of the Lord, let it be!
And after these days, having packed up, we ascended unto Jerusalem.
And came together also some of the disciples from Caesarea with us, bringing the one with whom we should lodge, a certain Mnason, a Cypriot, [2of old 1a disciple].
Paul's Arrival in Jerusalem [3being 1And 2of our] in Jerusalem, [3gladly 4received 5us 1the 2brethren].
And the following day Paul enters with us to James; and all [3arrived 1the 2elders].
And having greeted them, he described according to [2one 1each] what [2did 1God] among the nations through his service.
And they having heard, glorified the Lord. And they said to him, You view, O brother, how many myriads [2there are 1of believing Jews], and all [2zealous 3of the 4law 1being].
And they instruct concerning you that [7defection 1you teach 8from 9Moses 4among 5the 6nations 2all 3the Jews], saying not to circumcise their children, nor [2in the 3customs 1to walk].
What then is it? Assuredly it is necessary for a multitude to come together; for they shall hear that you have come.
This then do what we tell you! There are with us [2men 1four 4a vow 3having] upon themselves;
taking these, be purified with them, and spend for them, that they may shave the head! and all should know that of which they have been instructed concerning you is nothing, but you conform to [4even 5yourself 2the 3law 1keeping].
But concerning the ones believing of the nations, we wrote, judging [2no 3such thing 1them to give heed to], except to keep themselves from both that sacrificed to idols, and the blood, and what is strangled, and harlotry.
A Riot in the Temple Then Paul, having taken the men the next day, with them having been purified, he entered into the temple, declaring the fulfillment of the days of the purification, while [3was offered 4for 6one 5each 7of them 1the 2offering].
And when [4were about 1the 2seven 3days] to be completed, the [2from 3Asia 1Jews], having seen him in the temple, caused a tumult with all the multitude, and they put hands upon him,
crying out, Men, Israelites, help! This is the man, the one [4against 5the 6people 7and 8the 9law 10and 11this place 2all 3everywhere 1teaching]; still indeed even Greeks he brings into the temple, and makes [4unclean 2holy 3place 1this].
For they were seeing Trophimus the Ephesian [3in 4the 5city 1with 2him], whom they thought that [3into 4the 5temple 2brought 1Paul].
And [4was shaken up 5indeed 1the 3city 2entire], and there became a stampede of people. And having taken hold of Paul, they drew him outside the temple; and immediately they locked the doors.
And seeking to kill him, [2ascended 1a report] to the commander of the cohort, that all Jerusalem was in tumult.
Who immediately having taken soldiers and centurions, ran down upon them. And the ones beholding the commander and the soldiers, ceased beating Paul.
And having approached, the commander took hold of him, and bid him to be tied [2chains 1with two], and to inquire about who he may be, and what he is doing.
And others to another were yelling in the multitude. [2not 3being able 1And] to know safely because of the tumult, he bid them to lead him unto the camp.
And when he was at the stairs, it happened that he was borne by the soldiers because of the force of the multitude.
[6followed 1For 2the 3multitude 4of the 5people] crying out, Take him away!
And being about to be brought into the camp, Paul says to the commander, Is it allowed for me to speak to you? And he said, You know Greek?
[2not 3then 1Are you] the Egyptian who before these days overthrew, and led out into the wilderness the four thousand men of the Sicari?
[3said 1And 2Paul], I am a man indeed, I am a Jew of Tarsus of Cilicia, [2of not 3an unmarked 4city 1a citizen]; and I beseech you commit it to my care to speak to the people.
[3having permitted 1And 2he], Paul standing upon the stairs, waved his hand to the people; and with a great quietness having taken place, he called out in the Hebrew dialect, saying,
Paul's Defense Men, brethren, and fathers, hear my [2to 3you 4now 1defense]!
And hearing that in the Hebrew dialect he called out to them, the more they made rest.
And he says, I indeed am a man, a Jew, being born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but being reared in this city by the feet of Gamaliel, being instructed according to the exactness of the paternal law, [2zealous 1being] of God, as all you are today;
one who [2this 3way 1persecuted] unto death, binding and delivering up unto prisons both men and women;
as also the chief priest bears witness to me, and all the council of elders; by whom also letters having received, [2to 3the 4brethren 5in 6Damascus 1I went], for leading also the ones at that place being bound unto Jerusalem, that they should be punished.
And it happened to me going and approaching to Damascus around midday, suddenly from out of the heaven flashed about a light, a fit amount around me.
And I fell onto the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?
And I answered, Who are you, O Lord? And he said to me, I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you persecute.
And the ones [2with 3me 1being] indeed [2a light 1saw], and [2thrown into fear 1became]; [4the 1but 5voice 2they did not 3hear] of the one speaking to me.
And I said, What shall I do, O Lord? And the Lord said to me, Having risen up, go unto Damascus! and there it shall be told to you concerning all the things which is arranged for you to do.
And as I did not look at anything because of the glory of that light, being led by the hand by the ones being with me, I came unto Damascus.
[3Ananias 1And 2a certain], [2man 1a pious] according to the law, borne witness to by all the [2dwelling 3in 4Damascus 1Jews],
having come to me, and having stood by, said to me, O brother Saul, look up! And I the same hour looked up on him.
And he said, The God of our fathers handpicked you to know his will, and to behold the just one, and to hear the voice from out of his mouth;
for you will be a witness to him to all men of what you have seen and heard.
And now, why be about to? Having arisen, be immersed and wash off your sins, calling upon the name of the Lord.
And it happened to me in returning unto Jerusalem, and my praying in the temple, there took place in me a change of state,
and beholding him saying to me, Hasten and go forth quickly from Jerusalem! because they will not welcome your testimony concerning me.
And I said, O Lord, they know that I was casting into prison and flaying against the synagogues of the ones believing upon you.
And when [5was poured out 1the 2blood 3of Stephen 4your witness], also I myself was standing by, and assenting with his removal, guarding the garments of the ones doing away with him.
And he said to me, Go! for I [3unto 4nations 5far off 1shall send 2you]!
And they heard him until this word, and they lifted up their voice, saying, Take [2from 3the 4earth 1such a one]! for it is not fit for him to live.
[3crying out 1And 2of their], and tossing their garments, and [2dust 1throwing] into the air,
[3bid 4him 1the 2commander] to be led unto the camp, having said, [3with whips 1Investigate 2him], that we should know for what reason thus they sounded out against him.
And as they stretched him forward with the straps, [2said 3to 4the 6standing 5centurion 1Paul], Is it [4a Roman man 5and 6uncondemned 1allowed 2for you 3to crack the whip on]?
And hearing, the centurion came forward to report to the commander, saying, Look to what you are about to do! for this man is a Roman.
And having come forward, the commander said to him, Tell me if you are a Roman? And he said, Yes.
[4responded 1And 2the 3commander], I by a great sum [2this citizenship 1acquired]. And Paul said, But I even was born to it.
Then immediately [4abstained 5from 6him 1the ones 2being about 3to investigate him]. And the commander also feared, realizing that he is a Roman, and that he was tied up by him.
And the next day, wanting to know safely why he is charged by the Jews, he loosed him from the bonds, and bid [3to come 1the 2chief priests] and all their sanhedrin; and leading down Paul, he stood him among them.
Paul Stands before the Sanhedrin [3gazing upon 1And 2Paul] the sanhedrin, said, Men, brethren, I in all [2conscience 1good] have conducted myself in public to God as far as this day.
But the chief priest Ananias gave orders to the ones standing beside him to strike his mouth.
Then Paul [2to 3him 1said], [3to beat 4you 2is about 1God], O wall being whitewashed. And you, do you sit down judging me according to the law, and acting unlawfully you bid me to be struck?
And the ones standing beside said, The chief priest of God you revile?
[3said 1And 2Paul], I did not know brethren that he is chief priest; for it has been written, A ruler of your people you shall not speak ill of.
[3having known 1And 2Paul] that the one part is of Sadducees, and the other of Pharisees, cried out in the sanhedrin, Men, brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of a Pharisee; concerning hope and a resurrection of the dead I am judged.
And this he having said, there became a faction between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and [3was split 1the 2multitude].
[2the Sadducees 3indeed 1For] say there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit; but the Pharisees acknowledge both.
And there became [2cry 1a great]. And having risen up, the scribes of the part of the Pharisees disputed violently, saying, Nothing bad do we find in this man; but if also a spirit spoke to him, or an angel, we should not fight against God.
[3a great 1And 2there being] faction, [3being cautious 1the 2commander], lest Paul be pulled apart by them, bid the military to go down and seize him from out of the midst of them, and to lead him unto the camp.
And the following night, standing by him, the Lord said, Take courage, Paul! for as you testified the things concerning me in Jerusalem, so you must also [2in 3Rome 1testify].
A Plot to Kill Paul And becoming day, [4having made 1some 2of the 3Jews] a confederacy, devoted themselves, saying to neither eat nor drink until they should kill Paul.
[6were 1And 7more than 8forty 2the ones 4this 5conspiracy 3making];
who having come forward to the chief priests and to the elders, said, As an offering, we devoted ourselves to not [2one thing 1taste] until of which time we should kill Paul.
Now then you reveal yourselves to the commander with the sanhedrin, so that tomorrow he should lead him to you, as being about to determine more exactly the things concerning him; and we, before his approaching, are prepared to do away with him.
[7having heard 1And 2the 3son 4of the 5sister 6of Paul] the ambush, having come and entered into the camp, reported it to Paul.
[3having called 1And 2Paul] one of the centurions, said, [2this young man 1Take] to the commander, for he has something to report to him!
Then indeed having taken him, he brought him to the commander, and says, The prisoner Paul having called me, asked me [2this 3young man 1to lead] to you, having something to say to you.
[4having taken hold of 1And 5his hand 2the 3commander], and having withdrawn in private inquired, What is it which you have to report to me?
And he said that, The Jews agreed to ask you that tomorrow [3unto 4the 5sanhedrin 1you should lead 2Paul], as being about something to more exactly inquire about concerning him.
You then should not be persuaded by them; for they lie in wait for him, [4of 5them 3men 1more than 2forty], who devoted themselves to neither eat nor drink until of which time they should do away with him; and now they are ready, waiting [2from 3you 1a promise].
Then the commander dismissed the young man, exhorting, saying, [2to no one 1Divulge] that these things were revealed to me.
Paul Led to Caesarea And having called on two certain centurions, he said, Prepare [2soldiers 1two hundred], that they should go unto Caesarea, and [2horsemen 1seventy], and [2spearmen 1two hundred], from the third hour of the night;
[3beasts 1and 2present], that Paul setting upon one, they should deliver him to Felix the governor;
having [2written 1a letter] containing this impression.
Claudius Lysias to the most excellent governor Felix, Hail!
This man having been seized by the Jews, and being about to be done away with by them, attending with the military, I rescued him, having learned that he is a Roman.
And wanting to know the reason for which they accused him, I led him down unto their sanhedrin;
whom I found to be accused concerning matters of their law, [3no 1but 5worthy 6of death 7or 8bonds 4indictment 2having].
And having been indicated to me of a plot against the man, being about to be by the Jews, immediately I sent forth to you, exhorting also the accusers to say the things against him unto you. Be in health!
The soldiers then, according to the thing being set in order for them, having taken Paul, led him through the night unto Antipatris.
And the next day they allowed the horsemen to go with him, and they returned unto the camp.
The ones who having entered into Caesarea, and having delivered the letter to the governor, presented also Paul to him.
[4having read it 1And 2the 3governor], and having asked of what jurisdiction he is, and having ascertained that he is from Cilicia;
I will hold a hearing for you, said he, whenever also your accusers should come. And he bid him [2in 3the 4praetorium 5of Herod 1to be kept].
Paul Appears before Felix And after five days there came down the chief priest Ananias with the elders, and a rhetorician, a certain Tertullus, who revealed themselves to the governor against Paul.
And having been called, [2himself 3began 4to charge 1Tertullus], saying, Great peace is happening through you, and great feats are happening to this nation because of your forethought,
both totally and everywhere we receive it gladly, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.
But so that [2should not 4upon 6much more 5you 1I 3hinder], I appeal for you to hear us so suddenly in your clemency.
For having found this man mischievous, and moving insurrection among all the Jews in the habitable world, and front rank of the [2of the 3Nazarenes 1sect];
who also [3the 4temple 1attempted 2to profane], whom also we seized, and according to our law we wanted to judge.
[5having come by 1But 2Lysias 3the 4commander] with a great force [2from out of 3our hands 1took him],
bidding his accusers to come; from whom you will be able, he having questioned, concerning all these things, to realize what we accuse him.
[5joined in making an attack 1And 2also 3the 4Jews], maintaining these things thus to suffice.
[3responded 1And 2Paul], [3nodding 4to him 1of the 2governor] to speak, saying, For many years you being judge to this nation; knowing this, more cheerfully the things concerning myself I make a defense.
You being able to know that [2not 3more than 1there were 6to me 5days 4twelve] from which I ascended to do obeisance into Jerusalem,
and neither in the temple did they find me with anyone reasoning, or [2a conspiracy 1causing] of a multitude, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city;
nor [2to render proof 1are they able] concerning which now they charge me.
But I acknowledge this to you, that according to the way, which they call a sect, so I serve to the paternal God, believing in all things according to the law and to the things [2in the prophets 1having been written],
[2a hope 1having] in God; which also they themselves wait for -- a resurrection about to be of the dead, both of just and unjust.
And in this I discipline myself, not causing anyone to stumble, [2a conscience 1having] towards God and men continually.
[2after 4years 1And 3more] I came [2charity 1offering] to my nation, and offerings;
in which they found me purified in the temple, not with a multitude, nor with a tumult. But certain [2from 3Asia 1Jews],
whom must [2before 3you 1be at hand], and to charge, if anything they may have against me;
and [2these 3themselves 1let] speak! if they found anything in me for an offence, with my standing before the sanhedrin;
other than concerning this one voice which I cried out standing among them, that, Concerning a resurrection of the dead I am judged today by you.
And hearing these things, Felix postponed them, more exactly knowing the things concerning the way, having said, Whenever Lysias the commander should come down, I will determine the things as to you.
And having given orders to the centurion to keep Paul, and to let him have relaxation, and for no one to restrain his own people to assist or to come forward to him.
And after some days, Felix having come with Drusilla his wife, being Jewish, he fetched Paul, and he heard him concerning the [2in 3Christ 1belief].
[3reasoning 1And 2of his] concerning righteousness, and self-control, and the judgment about to be, [3thrown into fear 2becoming 1Felix] responded, For now it suffices, go! but a time for sharing I will call you back.
But at the same time also hoping that things shall be given to him by Paul, so that he should loose him; therefore also more frequently fetching him, he consorted with him.
And a space of two years having been fulfilled, [2received 3as a successor 1Felix], Porcius Festus. And wanting favors to be laid away with the Jews, Felix left Paul bound.
Paul Appears before Festus Then Festus, having set foot in the jurisdiction, after three days ascended unto Jerusalem from Caesarea.
[4revealed 1And 5to him 2the 3chief priest] and the foremost men of the Jews the things against Paul, and they appealed to him,
asking a favor against him, that he should fetch him unto Jerusalem, [2an ambush 1while making] to do away with him along the way.
Then Festus responded for Paul to be kept in Caesarea, but he himself was about to quickly go forth.
The ones then mighty among you, says he, having gone down too, if anything is out of place in this man, let them accuse him.
And having spent time among them [4days 1more 2than 3ten], having gone down unto Caesarea, the next day having sat upon the rostrum, he bid Paul to be led in.
[3being come 1And 2he], there stood around the [3from 4Jerusalem 2having come down 1Jews], with many and grievous accusations bringing against Paul, which they were not able to exhibit,
while of his pleading, saying that, Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar in anything I sinned.
And Festus, [4with the 5Jews 1wanting 3favor 2to lay down], responding to Paul, said, Are you willing [2unto 3Jerusalem 1to ascend 7there 8concerning 9these things 4to be judged 5by 6me]?
[3said 1And 2Paul], Unto the rostrum of Caesar I am standing, of which it is necessary for me to be judged. To Jews I did no wrong, as also you well realize.
[2if 3indeed 1For] I do wrong, and [3worthy 4of death 1have acted 2in anything], I do not ask pardon to die; but if there is nothing of which they charge me, no one [3me 1can 4to them 2grant]. To Caesar I call upon.
Then Festus conversing together with the council responded, To Caesar you have called upon, unto Caesar you shall go.
Bernice and Agrippa [3days 1And 4having elapsed 2some], Agrippa the king and Bernice arrived at Caesarea, saluting Festus.
And when [2many 3days 1they spent] there, Festus the king presented the things relating to Paul, saying, [3man 2a certain 1There is] being left by Felix, a prisoner;
concerning whom on my being in Jerusalem, [8revealed 1the 2chief priests 3and 4the 5elders 6of the 7Jews], asking for [2against 3him 1punishment].
To whom I answered that, It is not the custom with Romans to grant any man for destruction, before the practice the one being accused [4face to face 1may have 2the 3accusers], and [2a place 3of defense 1may receive] concerning the indictment.
[3having come 1Then 2they] here, [3delay 1not 2making], in the next day having seated at the rostrum, I bid [3to be led in 1the 2man];
concerning whom, [3standing up 1the 2accusers], [2no 3accusation 1brought] which I suspected;
[3matters 1but 2certain] concerning their own reverence of God they had against him, and concerning a certain Jesus having died, whom Paul maintained to be alive.
[3being perplexed 1And 2I] concerning this inquiry, said, Shall he be willing to go unto Jerusalem, and there to be judged concerning these things?
But Paul, having called upon himself to be kept for the inquiry of Augustus, I bid to keep him until of which time I should send him forth to Caesar.
And Agrippa [2to 3Festus 1said], I wanted also myself [2the 3man 1to hear]. And the morrow, he says, you shall hear him.
Then in the next day [4having come 1Agrippa 2and 3Bernice] with much visible display, and having entered into the auditorium, with both the commanders, and men, the ones of prominence being of the city, and Festus having bid, Paul was led in.
And Festus says, O king Agrippa, and all the [2being present with 3us 1men], you view this one concerning whom all the multitude of the Jews interceded with me in both Jerusalem and here, yelling aloud [2must not 3live 1he] any longer.
And I having perceived [3nothing 4worthy 5of death 1he 2to have done], [3also 4himself 1and 2this one] having called upon Augustus, I judged to send him.
Concerning whom [2anything safe 3to write 4to my 5lord 1I have not]. Therefore I led him unto you, and especially unto you, O king Agrippa, so that the examination having taken place, I should have something to write.
[3illogical 1For 4to me 2it seems] to send forth a prisoner, and not [2the 4against 5him 3accusations 1signifying].
Paul's Defense before Agrippa And Agrippa [2to 3Paul 1said], It is permitted for you [2for yourself 1to speak]. Then Paul made a defense, having stretched out the hand.
Concerning all of which I am accused by the Jews, O king Agrippa, I esteem myself blessed being about to make a defense unto you today;
especially [3a diviner 2being 1you] of all the things among the Jews of both customs and matters. Therefore I beseech you leniently to hear me.
Indeed then the mode of my life, the one from youth, the thing from the beginning happening among my nation in Jerusalem, [4understand 1all 2the 3Jews];
foreknowing me from the beginning, (if they should want to witness) that according to the exactest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee.
And now for the hope of the [5to 6the 7fathers 1promise 2being 3by 4God] I stand being judged,
in which our twelve tribes, [2with 3intensity 4night 5and 6day 1serving], hope to arrive; concerning which hope I am accused, O king Agrippa, by the Jews.
Why [2unbelievable 1is it judged] by you if God [2the dead 1raises]?
I indeed then thought to myself [5towards 6the 7name 8of Jesus 9the 10Nazarene 1that it was necessary 2in many things 4opposite 3to act].
Which also I did in Jerusalem. And many of the holy ones I [2in prisons 1imprisoned], [3from 4the 5chief priests 2authority 1receiving]; and for doing away with them I brought down a vote.
And in all the synagogues often punishing them, I compelled them to blaspheme. And extremely raging against them, I persecuted them even as unto the outer cities.
In which also going unto Damascus with authority and delegated power by the chief priests,
[2of the day 1in the middle] in the way I beheld, O king, from heaven above [2the 3brightness 4of the 5sun 6shining about 7me 1light], and the ones [2with 3me 1going].
And all of us having fallen down onto the ground, heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew dialect, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you [2against 3spurs 1to kick].
And I said, Who are you, O Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom you persecute.
But rise up, and stand upon your feet! [2in 3this 1For] I appeared to you, to handpick you as an assistant and witness both of what you beheld, and of what I shall make known to you;
taking you out from the people and the nations, unto whom now I shall send you,
to open their eyes, to turn from darkness unto light, and the authority of Satan unto God, for them to receive a release of sins, and a lot among the ones having been sanctified by the belief in me.
From where, O king Agrippa, not to be resisting persuasion to the heavenly apparition,
but to the ones in Damascus first, and Jerusalem, [2in 3all 1and] the region of Judea, and to the nations, I reported to repent and to turn unto God, [3worthy 4of repentance 2works 1doing].
Because of these things [4me 1the 2Jews 3having seized] in the temple, attempted to lay hands upon me.
[2aid 3then 1Having attained] from God, unto this day I have stood, testifying both to small and great, [2nothing 3outside 1saying] of what both the prophets [3said 4was about 5to happen 1and 2Moses],
whether [3is susceptible of suffering 1the 2Christ]; whether he first through resurrection of the dead [3light 1is about 2to announce] to the people, and to the nations.
[3with these things 1And 2having made his defense], Festus with a great voice said, You are maniacal, Paul; many [3you 1letters 4into 5a frenzy 2dizzies].
But I am not maniacal, he says, most excellent Festus, but truth and discreetness of words I declare.
[6knows 1For 2concerning 3these things 4the 5king], to whom also openly speaking I speak. [7to be unaware 1For 6for him 8in any 9of these things 3not 2I am 4persuaded 5in any way]. For not in a corner [2being done 1is this].
You believe, O king Agrippa, the prophets? I know that you believe.
And Agrippa [2to 3Paul 1said], By little you persuade me to become a Christian.
And Paul said, I would make a vow even to God, both in a little and in much, not only you, but also all the ones hearing me today to become such as to like what even I am, except these bonds.
And these things him having said, [3rose up 1the 2king], and the governor, and also Bernice, and the ones sitting together with them.
And having withdrawn they spoke with one another, saying that, Nothing [2of death 1worthy] or bonds [2does 1this man].
And Agrippa said to Festus, [3to be loosed 2was able 1This man] if he had not called upon Caesar.
The Voyage to Rome And when it was decided for us to sail away unto Italy, they delivered up both Paul and certain other prisoners to a centurion, by name Julius, of the cohort of Augustus.
And having set foot in a boat of Adramyttium, being about to sail the [2along 3Asia 1places], we embarked; being with us Aristarchus a Macedonian of Thessalonica.
And another day we led down unto Sidon. [3kindly 1And 2Julius] treating Paul, permitted him [2to 3his friends 1going 5care 4to attain].
And from there embarking, we sailed under Cyprus, because of the winds being adverse.
And the open sea along Cilicia and Pamphylia having sailed, we went down unto Myra of Lycia.
And there [3having found 1the 2centurion] a boat of Alexandria sailing to Italy, he boarded us onto it.
[2in 3a fit amount 1And] of days sailing slowly, and hardly coming near Cnidus, [3not 4allowing us further 1the 2wind], we sailed under Crete, near Salmone.
And hardly sailing along it, we came to a certain place being called, Good Harbors, near which was a city of Lasea.
And a fit amount of time having elapsed, and being already a dangerous voyage, because also the fasting already went by, Paul earnestly advised,
saying to them, Men, I contemplate that with damage and much loss, not only of the load of cargo and the boat, but also [6of our lives 4about 3is 5to be 1the 2voyage].
But the centurion [2by the 3navigator 4and 5the 6shipmaster 1was persuaded] rather than the things [2by 3Paul 1being said].
[5being unsuitable 1And 2the 4harbor 3existing] for wintering, the more they made counsel to embark from there, if by any means they might be able, arriving at Phoenix, to pass the winter, a harbor of Crete looking towards the southwest and towards the northwest.
Euroclydon And blowing gently south, thinking the purpose to have been reached, having lifted off [2close by 1they sailed] Crete.
[4after 2not 3long 1But 7shot 8by 9it 6wind 5a stormy], being called Euroclydon.
[4being seized with force 1And 2the 3boat], and not able to tack into the wind, giving up we bore off.
[4small island 1And 3some 2running under] being called Clauda, [2hardly 1we were 3able 5control 4to take] of the skiff;
which having taken up, [2helps 1they employed], undergirding the boat; and fearing lest into the Syrtis they should fall off, letting down the rigging, thus they were borne along.
And vehemently with our being tossed by the storm, on the next day an expulsion of cargo was made;
and the third day with our own hands [2the 3rigging 4of the 5boat 1we tossed out].
And neither sun nor stars were appearing for many more days, [4distress 1and 2no 3small] was pressed upon us, [2remaining 4was removed 1and all 3hope] for us to be preserved.
And a long lack of food existing, then Paul standing in their midst said, Indeed it behooved you, O men, having yielded obedience to me, to not have embarked from Crete, so as to gain this damage and the loss.
And at present I earnestly advise you be cheerful! [5cast off 1For 3life 2not one 4will be] of you, except the boat.
For there stood beside me in this night an angel of God, of whom I am, and in whom I serve,
saying, Fear not, Paul, Caesar you must stand before, and behold, [2has granted 3to you 1God] all the ones sailing with you.
Therefore be cheerful men! for I believe in God that so it will be in which manner it has been spoken to me.
[2onto 4island 1But 3a certain] we must fall.
And when the fourteenth night came to pass, we being carried about in the Adriatic, towards the middle of the night [3suspected 1the 2seamen 6neared 4some 7them 5region].
And having sounded, they found it [2fathoms 1twenty]; and a short time having elapsed, and again having sounded, they found it [2fathoms 1fifteen].
And fearing perhaps [2into 3rough 4places 1they should fall], [4from out of 5the stern 1they tossed 3anchors 2four], vowing day to come.
And the seamen seeking to flee from the boat, and having let down the skiff into the sea, with an excuse as [4from 5the prow 1to be about 3the anchors 2to stretch out],
Paul said to the centurion, and to the soldiers, If these do not stay in the boat, you [3to be preserved 1will not 2be able].
Then the soldiers cut off the lines of the skiff, and allowed it to fall off.
And until [2was about 1day] to come, Paul appealed for all to share in nourishment, saying, [2is the fourteenth 1Today] day [2expecting 3without eating 1you continue], [2nothing 1having taken] to yourselves.
Therefore I appeal to you to take nourishment, for this [2for 3your 4deliverance 1exists]; [2not one 1for 4of yours 3hair 6from 7your head 5shall fall].
And having said these things, and having taken bread, he gave thanks to God before all; and having broken he began to eat.
[4cheerful 1And 3having become 2all], also they took nourishment.
And we were in the boat, all [4souls 1two hundred 2seventy 3six].
And being satisfied with nourishment, they lightened the boat, casting out the grain into the sea.
Shipwreck on Malta And when [2day 1it became], [3the 4land 1they did not 2recognize]; [4bay 1but 3a certain 2they contemplated] having a shore, on which they consulted if they are able to thrust the boat.
And [2the 3anchors 1having removed], they gave up unto the sea, together unfastening the tillers of the rudders; and having lifted up the mainsail to the blow, they held for the shore.
And having fallen into a place between two seas, they ran [3aground 1the 2ship]. And the prow having stuck, remained unshaken, but the stern was loose by the force of the waves.
And the soldiers plan was that [2the 3prisoners 1they should kill], lest any swimming, should have escaped.
But the centurion wanting to save Paul, restrained them of their will, and bid the ones able to swim, having thrown themselves off first, [2unto 3the 4land 1to exit];
and the rest, some indeed upon planks and others upon some of the things from the boat. And so it came to pass all came through safe unto the land.
Paul Bitten by a Viper And having come through safe, then they knew that [4Malta 1the 2island 3is called].
And the barbarians furnished no chance humane treatment to us; for having lit a bonfire, they took [3unto themselves 1all 2of us], because of the rain attending, and because of the chilliness.
[3bundled up 1And 2Paul 5of sticks 4a multitude], and having placed them on the bonfire, a viper [2from 3the 4heat 1having gone completely through], clinched onto his hand.
And when [3beheld 1the 2barbarians 6hanging 4the 5beast] from his hand, they said to one another, Assuredly [2is a murderer 1this man], whom having been delivered from the sea, Dice [2to live 1allowed not].
He indeed then, having brushed off the beast into the fire, suffered no hurt.
And the ones expecting him to be about to become inflamed, or to fall down suddenly dead, [2for 3a long time 1and] of their expecting and viewing nothing out of place [2to 3him 1was happening], changing their minds, they said [3a god 1him 2to be].
And in the parts around that place existed a place belonging to the foremost man of the island, by name Publius, who having received us, three days obligingly lodged us.
And it happened the father of Publius [3with fevers 4and 5dysentery 2constrained 1reclined]; to whom Paul having entered, and having prayed, having placed the hands on him, healed him.
This then having taken place, also the rest -- the ones having sicknesses in the island came forward, and were cured;
the ones who also with much honor esteemed us, and embarking, placed the things for our need.
Paul's Arrival at Rome And after three months we embarked in a boat, having passed the winter in the island, an Alexandrian marked by the ensign Dioscuri.
And leading down unto Syracuse, we remained [2days 1three].
From where having gone around we arrived at Rhegium. And after one day [2ensued 1a south wind]; on the second day we came into Puteoli;
where having found brethren we were appealed upon by them to remain [2days 1seven]; and thus to Rome we came.
And from there the brethren having heard the things concerning us, came forth to meet us as far as Appii Forum and Three Taverns; whom Paul seeing, having given thanks to God, he took courage.
And when we came unto Rome, the centurion delivered up the prisoners to the commander of the camp. But to Paul was committed to remain by himself with the [2guarding 3him 1soldier].
Paul's Ministry at Rome And it came to pass after [2days 1three] [2calling together 1Paul] the ones being [2of the 3Jews 1foremost], [3having come together 1and 2they], he said to them, Men, brethren, I [2nothing 3against 1having done] the people or the [2customs 1paternal], [2a prisoner 3from 4Jerusalem 1was delivered up] into the hands of the Romans.
Who having questioned me, wanted to loose me, on account of the not one reason for death being in me.
[4disputing 1But 2the 3Jews], I was compelled to call upon Caesar; not as [4my nation 1having 2anything 3to accuse].
For this reason then I appealed to you, to see and to speak to you; for on account of the hope of Israel [2with this chain 1I am encompassed].
And they [2to 3him 1said], We [2neither 3letters 4concerning 5you 1received] from Judea, nor having come has any one of the brethren reported or spoke anything [2concerning 3you 1bad].
But we deem it worthy [2from 3you 1to hear] what you think; for indeed concerning this sect, it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against.
And arranging for him a day, there came to him [2unto 3his guest room 1many more]; to whom he expounded testifying the kingdom of God, and persuading them the things concerning Jesus, from both the law of Moses and of the prophets, from morning until evening.
And some indeed were persuaded to the things being said, and some disbelieved.
And disharmony being with one another, they retired at [2having spoken 1Paul 4discourse 3one], that, Well the [2spirit 1holy] spoke through Isaiah the prophet to our fathers,
saying, Go to this people! and say, In hearing you shall hear, and in no way should you perceive; and seeing you shall see, and in no way should you know.
[5was thickened 1For 2the 3heart 4of this people], and [3with the 4ears 2heavily 1they heard], and [2of their eyes 1they closed the eyelids]; lest at any time they should see with the eyes, and [2with the 3ears 1should hear], and with the heart should perceive, and should turn, and I should heal them.
[2known 3then 1Let it be] to you! that to the nations [4was sent 1the 2deliverance 3of God], and they will hearken.
And these things he having said, [3went forth 1the 2Jews 5much 4having 7among 8themselves 6debating].
[3stayed 1And 2Paul 5space of two years 4a whole] in his own hired house, and gladly received all the ones entering to him,
proclaiming the kingdom of God, and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence unrestrainedly.