Concerning Affliction and Comfort Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, through the will of God, and Timothy the brother, to the assembly of God, to the one being in Corinth, with [2the 3holy ones 1all], to the ones being in all Achaia.
Favor to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of the compassions, and God of all comfort;
the one comforting us in all our affliction, for the enabling us to comfort the ones in every affliction, through the consolation of which we are comforted in ourselves by God.
For as [5abound 1the 2sufferings 3of the 4Christ] in us, so through Christ [2also abounds 1our comfort].
But whether we are afflicted for your comfort and deliverance of the one being energized in the endurance of the same sufferings, which also we suffer,
(and our hope is firm for you;) or whether we are comforted, it is for your comfort and deliverance; knowing that as [2partners 1you are] of the sufferings, so also of the comfort.
[3not 1For 2we do] want you to be ignorant, brethren, as to our affliction, of the one happening to us in Asia, that [2in 3excess 1we were weighed down] beyond power, so as for us to be destitute even of living.
But we [5in 6ourselves 2the 3sentence 4of death 1have had], that [2not 4relying 1we should 3be] upon ourselves, but upon God, the one raising the dead.
Who from out of such a death rescued us, and does rescue; in whom we have hope that also still he shall rescue;
working along with you also for us by supplication, that by many persons the [2to 3us 1favor 5through 6many 4should be for giving thanks] for you.
For [3our boasting 1this 2is] -- the testimony of our conscience, that in singleness and honesty of God, (not in [2wisdom 1fleshy], but by favor of God) we behaved in the world, and more exceedingly to you.
For not another thing do we write to you, other than what you read or also recognize; and I hope that even until the end you will recognize;
as also you recognized us in part; for [2boasting 1we are your], just as also you are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus.
And in this reliance I was wanting to come to you prior, that a second favor you should have;
and by you to go through into Macedonia, and again from Macedonia to come to you, and by you to be sent forward into Judea.
This then planning, lest anything [2it 3in lightness 1did I treat]? or what I planned, [2according to 3the flesh 1did I plan] that there might be by me the yes, yes, and the no, no?
But trustworthy is God, that our word to you became not yes and no.
For the son of God, Jesus Christ, the one among you [2by 3us 1being proclaimed], (by me and Silas and Timothy,) was not yes and no, but [2yes 3in 4him 1became].
For as many promises of God there are, in him is the yes, and in him the amen to God for glory by us.
And the one firming us with you unto Christ, and having anointed us, is God;
even the one setting a seal upon us, and having given the deposit of the spirit in our hearts.
And I [2as witness 1call upon God] upon my soul, that sparing you, no longer did I come to Corinth.
Not that we dominate [3of yours 1of the 2belief], but we are fellow-workers of your joy; for in the belief you stand.
Love the Brethren But I decided in myself this, not again to come in distress to you.
For if I grieve you, then who is the one gladdening me unless it be the one being grieved by me?
And I wrote to you this same thing, lest having come [2distress 1I should have] of which it is necessary for me to rejoice over; relying upon you all, that my joy [2all 3of you 1is].
For out of much affliction and conflict of heart I wrote to you through many tears; not that you should be grieved, but [3the 4love 1that 2you should know] which I have more exceedingly towards you.
But if any has grieved, [2not 4me 1he has 3grieved], but in part; that I should not overburden you all.
[5is enough 6to such a one 1This reproach 2by 3the 4many].
So that on the other hand rather you are to grant favor and to comfort him, lest the more extra distress should swallow down such a one.
Therefore I appeal to you to validate [2unto 3him 1love].
[2unto 3this 1For] also I wrote, that I should know your proof, if in everything you are subjects.
But to whom you grant favor in anything, so also I; for also I, if anything have granted favor, to whom I have granted favor, it is for your sake in the person of Christ;
that we should not be taken advantage of by Satan; [3not 1for 5of his 6thoughts 2we are 4ignorant].
Triumphant in Christ Now having come unto Troas for the good news of the Christ, also a door was opened to me in the Lord.
I did not have relaxation in my spirit at my not finding Titus my brother; but being sent off by them, I went forth into Macedonia.
But to God be favor at all times causing us to triumph in the Christ; and [2the 3scent 4of the 5knowledge 6of him 1making manifest] through us in every place.
For of Christ [2a pleasant aroma offering 1we are] to God among the ones being delivered, and among the ones perishing;
to some, a scent of death to death; but to some a scent of life to life. And for these things who is fit?
For not are we as the rest peddling the word of God; but as from honesty, but as of God, before God in Christ we speak.
Fit Servants Do we begin again to commend ourselves, unless we need, as some, of introductory letters to you, or [2from 3you 1introductory letters]?
[3our letter 1You 2are] being written in our hearts, being known and being read by all men;
being manifested that you are [2letter 1Christ's] served by us, having been written not with ink, but by spirit of the living God; not on tablets of stones, but on [2tablets 3of the heart 1fleshly].
[3reliance 1And 2such] we have through the Christ towards God;
not that we are fit of ourselves to consider anything as from out of ourselves, but our fitness is of God;
who also made us fit servants of a new covenant, not of contract, but of spirit. For the contract kills, but the spirit restores to life.
Changed from Glory to Glory And if the service of death in contracts having been impressed in stones, happened for glory, so as for [4to not 5be able 6to gaze 1the 2sons 3of Israel] into the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, the one being cleared away;
how not more the service of the spirit will be in glory?
For if the service of condemnation be glory, much rather abounds the service of righteousness in glory.
For also not even [3has been glorified 1the thing 2having been glorified] in this part, on account of the exceeding glory.
For if the thing being cleared away was through glory, much rather the thing which remains is in glory.
Having then such hope, [2in much 3confidence 1we deal];
and not as Moses put a covering upon the face of himself, for the thing [4to not 5gaze 1of the 2sons 3of Israel] unto the end of the thing being cleared away.
But [2were calloused 1their thoughts]. For as far as today the same covering [2upon 3the 4reading 5of the 6old 7covenant 1remains], not uncovered, which in Christ is being cleared away.
But unto today, when Moses is read, a covering [2upon 3their heart 1lies].
But when ever it should turn towards the Lord, [3is removed 1the 2covering].
And the Lord [2the 3spirit 1is]; but where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
But we all with uncovered face [2the 3glory 4of the Lord 1are reflecting], the same image being transformed from glory unto glory, just as from the Lord of spirit.
Christ is the Image of the Unseen God Therefore, having this service, as we were shown mercy, we tire not.
But we forbade the hidden things of shame, not walking in cleverness, nor acting treacherously in the word of God; but by open display of the truth, commending ourselves to every conscience of men before God.
But if [2is 3being covered 1our good news], [3among 4the ones 5perishing 1it is 2covered];
in which the god of this eon blinded the thoughts of the unbelieving, so as to not shine forth to them the illumination of the good news of the glory of the Christ, who is image of the unseen of God.
For not ourselves do we proclaim, but Christ Jesus Lord; and ourselves your bondmen for the sake of Jesus.
For God is the one having told [3from 4darkness 1light 2to radiate], who radiated in our hearts for the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God in the person of Jesus Christ.
But we have this treasure in earthenware vessels, that the excess of the power might be of God, and not of us;
in every way afflicted, but not having been restricted; perplexed, but not left destitute;
persecuted, but not abandoned; thrown down, but not destroyed;
at all times the slaying of the Lord Jesus in the body carrying round about, that also the life of Jesus in our body should be manifested.
For continually, we the living, [2unto 3death 1are delivered up] on account of Jesus, that also the life of Jesus should be manifested in [2mortal 3flesh 1our].
So that indeed, death [2in 3us 1operates], but life in you.
And having the same spirit, of the belief, according to the thing having been written, I trusted therefore I spoke; we also trust, therefore we also speak.
Knowing that the one having raised the Lord Jesus, also [2us 3through 4Jesus 1shall raise], and he shall stand beside with you.
For all things are on account of you, that the favor superabounding through the many [2thanksgiving 1should cause] to abound to the glory of God.
Therefore we do not tire; but even if our outer man be corrupted, yet the inner is restored day by day.
For the immediate lightness of our affliction [2according to 3excess 4to 5excess 6an eternal 7load 8of glory 1manufactures] to us;
[2not 3watching 1of our] the things being seen, but the things not being seen; for the things being seen are temporary, but the things not being seen are eternal.
Longing for a Heavenly Body For we know that if our earthly house of the tent be rested up, [2a construction 3from 4God 1we have], a house not made by hands, eternal in the heavens.
For also in this we moan, [3our dwelling-place -- 4the one 5of 6heaven 2to put on 1longing];
if indeed also being clothed, [2not 4naked 1we shall 3be found].
For also [2the ones 3being 4in 5the 6tent 1we] moan, being weighed down; since we do not want to be stripped, but to put on, that [3should be swallowed down 1the 2mortal] by the life.
And the one manufacturing us for this same thing is God, the one also having given to us the deposit of the spirit.
Taking courage then at all times, and knowing that while dwelling at home in the body, we are abroad from the Lord.
[2by 3belief 1For] we walk, not by sight.
And we take courage, and we take pleasure rather to be abroad from the body, and to dwell at home with the Lord.
Therefore also we strive earnestly, whether dwelling at home or whether being abroad, [2well-pleasing 3to him 1to be].
Everyone Shall Give an Account [3the ones 1For 2all] of us [2be manifested 1must] before the rostrum of the Christ, that [2should receive 1each] the things of the body, as to what he practiced, whether good or whether bad.
Knowing then the fear of the Lord, [2men 1we persuade]. But to God we have been made apparent; and I hope also in your consciences we have been made apparent.
For [2not 5again 4ourselves 1we do 3commend] to you, but [3opportunity 1are giving 2you] for boasting over us, that you should have something against the ones [2in 3appearance 1boasting], and not in heart.
For whether we were startled, it was to God; or whether we were of a sound mind, it is for you.
For the love of the Christ constrains us, having adjudged this, that if one [2for 3all 1died], then all died;
and [2for 3all 1that he died], that the ones living no longer should live to themselves, but to the one [2for 3them 1having died] and arising.
So that we from the present [2nothing 1know] according to the flesh. And if also we have known [2according to 3the flesh 1Christ], but now no longer do we know him thus.
So that if anyone be in Christ, there is a new creation, the old things passed away; behold, [2have become 3new 1all things].
And all things are of God, of the reconciling us to himself through Jesus Christ, and having given to us the service of the of reconciliation;
how that God was in Christ [2the world 1reconciling] to himself, not imputing to them their transgressions, and having put in us the word of the reconciliation.
For of Christ then we are ambassadors, as of God appealing through us; we beseech for Christ -- be reconciled to God!
For the one not knowing sin, [3for 4us 2a sin offering 1he made], that we should be righteousness of God by him.
Now is the Day of Deliverance And working together also we appeal [2to not 4in 5vain 6the 7favor 8of God 3receive 1for you],
(for he says, [2time 1In an accepted] I heeded you, and in the day of deliverance I helped you; behold, now [2time 1is a well-received]; behold, now is the day of deliverance);
in no way [3in 4anything 1giving 2a cause for stumbling], that [3should not 4be scoffed at 1the 2service];
but in everything commending ourselves as God's servants, in [2endurance 1much], in afflictions, in necessities, in straits,
in strokes, in imprisonments, in commotions, in toils, in sleeplessnesses, in fastings,
in purity, in knowledge, in leniency, in graciousness, in [2spirit 1holy], in love unpretentious,
in the word of truth, in power of God, through the weapons of righteousness of the right and left,
through glory and dishonor, through evil report and good report; as deluded, and yet true;
as being not known, and yet being recognized; as dying, and behold we live; as ones being corrected, and not being put to death;
as grieving, but continually rejoicing; as poor, [3many 1but 2enriching]; as nothing having, and all things holding.
Be Not Unequally Yoked Our mouth has been opened to you, O Corinthians, our heart widened.
You have not been restricted by us, [4you have been restricted 1but 2in 3your feelings of compassion],
but the same compensation (as to children I speak) [2be widened 3also 1you].
Do not become yoked with a different kind -- unbelievers. For what sharing righteousness and lawlessness? And what fellowship light with darkness?
And what harmony Christ with Belial? Or what portion believing with unbelieving?
And what accord a temple of God with idols? For you [2a temple 4God 1are 3of the living]. As God said that, I will dwell among them, and I will walk about; and I will be their God, and they will be to me a people.
Therefore come forth from out of the midst of them, and be separated, says the Lord; and [2the unclean 1touch not]! and I will take you in.
And I will be to you for father, and you shall be to me for sons and daughters, says the Lord almighty.
Paul's Confidence [3these 2then 1Having] promises, beloved, we should cleanse ourselves from all contamination of the flesh and spirit, complete holiness in fear of God.
Have space for us; no one we wronged, no one we corrupted, no one we took advantage of.
[2not 3for 4condemnation 1I speak]; for I have described beforehand that [2in 3our hearts 1you are] for the dying together and living together.
Great is it to me to be in an open manner with you, great is it to me in boasting over you. I have been filled with comfort; I superabound in joy at all our affliction.
For even our coming into Macedonia, [3no 2had 4relaxation 1our flesh], but in every way being afflicted; from outside -- battles; from inside -- fears.
But the one comforting the humble, comforts us -- God, by the arrival of Titus.
[2not 3only 1But] in his arrival, but also in the comfort in which he was comforted by you, announcing to us your longing, your grieving, your zeal for me; so as for me more to rejoice.
For if even I grieved you in the letter, I do not repent, if even I repented; for I see that that letter, if even for an hour, that it grieved you.
Now I rejoice, not that you were grieved, but that you were grieved into repentance. For you were grieved according to God, that in nothing you should suffer loss by us.
For [5towards 6God 1distress 4repentance 7unto 8deliverance 3an irrevocable 2manufactures]; but the [2of the 3world 1distress 5death 4manufactures].
For behold, this same thing [3towards 4God 2fretted 1you], how much it manufactured in you -- diligence, but defense, but indignation, but fear, but longing, but zeal, but punishment. In every way you commended yourselves to be pure in the matter.
Then if even I wrote to you, it was not because of the one doing wrong, nor because of the one being wronged; but because of the manifesting our diligence, the one for you, to you before God.
On account of this we have been comforted over your comfort; but more exceedingly rather we rejoiced at the joy of Titus, that [2has been put at rest 1his spirit] by all of you.
For if in anything [2to him 3about 4you 1I have boasted], I was not disgraced; but as [2all things 4in 5truth 1we spoke 3to you], so also our boasting unto Titus [2truth 1became].
And his feelings of compassion [2more exceedingly 3towards 4you 1are], calling to mind the [2of all 3of you 1obedience], as with fear and trembling you received him.
I rejoice that in everything I take courage in you.
The Collections But we make known to you, brethren, the favor of God, the one having been given in the assemblies of Macedonia;
that in much proof of affliction, the abundance of their joy, and the [2according to 1depth] their poorness, abounded to the riches of their simplicity.
For according to their power, I witness, and above their power their enthusiasm,
with much consolation beseeching of us the favor and the fellowship of the service, of the one for the holy ones, for us to receive it.
And not only as we hoped, but of themselves they gave first to the Lord, and to us through the will of God.
So that we appealed to Titus, that as he began before, so also he should complete with you also this favor.
But as in every way you abound, in belief, and word, and knowledge, and all diligence, and in the [2from 3you 4to 5us 1love], that also in this favor you should abound.
Not according to command I speak, but through the [2of others 1diligence], and the [2of the 4of your 5love 3genuineness 1proving].
For you know the favor of our Lord Jesus Christ, that for you he became poor -- being rich; that you by his poorness should be enriched.
And an opinion in this I give. For this is advantageous to you, the ones who not only the doing, but also the wanting, began before a year ago.
But now also [2the 3doing 1complete]! so that just as the eagerness of the thing wanted, so also the completing of the having.
For if the eagerness is situated, according to that which ever anyone should have, it is well-received, it is not according to that which he does not have.
For it is not that others have liberty, but to you affliction;
but from out of equality in the present time, that your abundance be for their deficiency, that also their abundance should be for your deficiency, so that [2should take place 1equality].
As it has been written, The one gathering much was not superabundant; and the one gathering few did not have less.
But gratitude be to God, to the one giving the same diligence for you in the heart of Titus;
for the comfort indeed he received; [3more diligent 1but 2being] in enthusiasm he came forth to you.
And we sent with him the brother, of whom the high praise is in the good news through all the assemblies
(and not only so, but also handpicked by the assemblies; he is our traveling companion with this favor, which is being served by us to the [4himself 2of the 3Lord 1glory] and of your eagerness)
getting in readiness for this, lest anyone should scoff at us in the vigor by which this is being served by us;
thinking beforehand good things, not only before the Lord, but also before men.
And we sent together with them our brother whom we approved [4in 5many things 3often 2diligent 1being], but now much more diligent, [2reliance 1in much] towards you;
whether for Titus, [2partner 1my] and for you a fellow-worker; or whether of our brethren, apostles of assemblies, the glory of Christ.
The demonstration then of your love, and our boasting for you, [2to 3them 1demonstrate], and in front of the assemblies!
God's Provisions Are Sufficient [3concerning 2indeed 1For] of the service, of the one for the holy ones, [2more extra 3for me 1it is] to write to you.
For I know your eagerness, which [2over 3you 1I boast] to Macedonia, that Achaia made preparations over a year ago; and the result of your zeal excited the many.
And I sent forth the brethren, lest our boasting, the one over you, should be nullified in this portion; that (as I said) [2making preparations 1you should be];
lest perhaps if [2should come 3with 4me 1Macedonians] and should find you unprepared, we should be disgraced, (so that we should not say -- You) in this support of boasting.
[2important 3then 1I esteemed it] to appeal to the brethren, that they should go forth unto you, and complete beforehand [3preannounced 4blessing 2your 1this], being prepared, thus as a blessing, and not as if a desire for wealth.
Sow Generously But this I say, The one sowing sparingly, [3sparingly 1also 2harvests]; and the one sowing for blessings, for blessings also he shall harvest.
Let each do as he resolves in the heart, not from distress or from necessity; [4a happy 1for 5giver 3loves 2God].
[3is able 1And 2God 5every 6favor 4to abound] unto you, that in every way, at all times [3all 4sufficiency 2having 1you should abound] for every [2work 1good]
(as it has been written, He dispersed, he gave to the needy; his righteousness abides into the eon.
And the one supplying seed to the one sowing, even [2bread 3for 4food 1may he supply], and multiply your sowing, and may he increase the offspring of your righteousness)
in every way being enriched in all simplicity, which manufactures through us thankfulness to God.
For the service of this ministration, not only is filling up in addition the deficiencies of the holy ones, but also abounding through many thanksgivings to God;
through the proof of this service glorifying God upon the submission of your acknowledgment offering to the good news of the Christ, and simplicity of the fellowship to them and unto all,
and their supplication for you, longing after you through the exceeding favor of God unto you.
And gratitude be to God over his inexpressible gift.
The Weapons of God [3myself 1But 2I], Paul, appeal to you, through the gentleness and clemency of the Christ, who in person indeed am humble among you, and absent I take courage in you.
But I beseech you, I the one not at hand to have taken courage, with the reliance which I consider to dare against some of the ones considering us as [2according to 3the flesh 1walking],
[3in 4the flesh 1for 2walking 6not 7according to 8the flesh 5we soldier],
(for the weapons of our army are not fleshly, but mighty with God to the demolition of fortresses),
[2devices 1demolishing] and every height being lifted up against the knowledge of God, and captivating every thought into the obedience of the Christ;
and [2in 3readiness 1having] to punish all disobedience, whenever [3should be fulfilled 1your 2obedience].
The things according to appearance do you take heed only? If anyone is persuaded in himself to be of Christ, let him consider this again of himself, that as he is of Christ, so also we are of Christ.
For if also even more extra somewhat I should boast concerning our authority, (of which [3gave 1the 2Lord] to us for construction, and not for your demolition,) I shall not be ashamed;
that I should not seem as if to frighten you through letters.
For the letters indeed, one says, are heavy and strong, but the arrival of his person weak, and the word being contemptable.
[4this 1Let 3consider 2such], that as we are in word through letters being absent, such [2when 3at hand 1are we at work].
For not do we dare to approve or compare ourselves with some of the ones commending themselves; but [3that they 6by 7themselves 5themselves 4are measuring 8and 9comparing 10themselves 11with themselves 1they do not 2notice].
But we [2not 4to 5the things 6immeasurable 1shall 3boast], but according to the measure of the rule of which God portioned to us, a measure reaching as far as even of you.
For not as one not reaching [3to 4you 1do we overstretch 2ourselves], for unto you even we arrive with the good news of the Christ;
not [2in 3things 4immeasurable 1boasting] in another's toils; [3hope 1but 2having], increasing of the belief of yours [2among 3you 1to be magnified], according to our rule in abundance,
[2to 3the ones 4farther 5from you 1to announce good news]; and not [2in 3another's 4rule 5already 6prepared 1to boast].
But the one boasting, [2in 3the Lord 1let him boast].
For it is not the one commending himself that is approved, but whom the Lord commends.
Paul's Motives Defended I would you endure me a little folly; or even endure me.
For I am zealous for you with zeal of God. For I suited you to one husband [2virgin 1as a pure] to present to the Christ.
But I fear, perhaps as the serpent cheated Eve in his cleverness, so [2should be corrupted 1your thoughts] from the simplicity, of the one in the Christ.
For if indeed the one coming [2another 3Jesus 1to proclaim] whom we did not proclaim; or [3spirit 2another 1you received] which you did not receive from us; or [2good news 1another] which you did not receive -- well you withhold from it.
For I consider in nothing to be lacking of the more exceeding apostles.
And if even I be a common person in the communication, but I am not in the knowledge; but I am in every way making manifest in all things to you.
Or [2sin 1did I commit], [2myself 1humbling], that you should be exalted? that without charge [2the 3good news of God 1I announced good news] to you.
Other assemblies I robbed, taking a ration for your service;
and being at hand with you, and being lacking, I was not lax of anyone. For my deficiency [3filled up in addition 1the 2brethren], having come from Macedonia; and in everything [3easy 4to you 2myself 1I kept], and I will keep it so.
It is the truth of Christ in me, that this boasting shall not be shut up in me in the regions of Achaia.
Why? because I do not love you? God knows.
But what I do, also I shall do, that I should cut off the opportunity of the ones wanting an opportunity, that in what they boast, they should be found as also we.
For such ones are false apostles, [2workers 1deceitful], changing appearance into apostles of Christ.
For it is not surprising [3himself 1for 2Satan] to change appearance into an angel of light.
It is not a great thing then if even his servants change appearance as servants of righteousness; whom the end will be according to their works.
Again I say, no one should assume me to be a fool; but if not indeed, if as a fool receive me! that some a little I also should boast.
What I speak, I do not speak according to the Lord, but as in folly, in this essence of boasting.
Since many boast according to the flesh, also I shall boast.
For with pleasure you endure fools, being practical.
For you endure if anyone reduce you to slavery, if anyone devours, if anyone takes, if anyone lifts up himself, if anyone [2you 3in 4the face 1flays].
According to dishonor I speak, as that we were weak. [2in 3which 4ever 1But] anyone should be daring, (in folly I speak) [2am daring 1I also].
They are Hebrews, I also. They are Israelites, I also. [2seed 3of Abraham 1They are], I also.
[2servants 3of Christ 1They are], (ranting I speak), above measure, I also in toils -- more exceedingly; in beatings -- above measure; in imprisonments -- more exceedingly; in deaths -- often.
By the Jews five times [2forty strokes 3save 4one 1I received].
Three times I was beaten with a rod; once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked; night and day in the deep I have spent;
in journeys often; in dangers of rivers; in dangers of robbers; in dangers from my race; in dangers from nations; in dangers in the city; in dangers in desolate places; in dangers in the sea; in dangers among false brethren;
in toil and trouble; in sleeplessnesses often; in hunger and thirst; in fastings often; in chilliness and nakedness.
Separate from the things outwardly, there is the conspiring against me in the daily anxiety concerning all the assemblies.
Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is stumbled, and I am not on fire?
If [2boast 1I must], [2in the things 3of my weakness 1I will boast].
The God and father of the Lord Jesus Christ knows, the one being blessed into the eons, that I do not lie.
In Damascus the ethnarch of Aretas the king guarded the city of the Damascenes, [2to lay hold 3of me 1wanting];
and through a window in a cord basket I was let down through the wall, and I fled from his hands.
Paul Boasts in His Weakness To boast indeed is not an advantage to me; for I will come unto apparitions and revelations of the Lord.
I know a man in Christ [3ago 2years 1fourteen], (whether in body, I do not know; or whether outside the body, I do not know, God knows) being seized by force was such a one unto the third heaven.
And I know such a man, (whether in the body, or whether outside the body, I do not know, God knows),
that he was seized by force into paradise, and heard [2not made known 1sayings], which is not allowed for a man to speak.
Concerning such a one I will boast, but concerning myself I shall not boast, unless in my weaknesses.
For if I should want to boast, I will not be a fool; [3the truth 1for 2I shall speak]. But I spare, lest anyone should consider me above what he sees me to be, or hears anything of me.
And [4over the 5excess 6of the 7revelations 1so that 2I should not 3be elevated], there was given to me a barb in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, that he should buffet me, that I should not be elevated.
For this three times [2the 3Lord 1I appealed to] that it should abstain from me.
And he has said to me, Sufficient to you is my favor. For my power [2in 3weakness 1is perfected]. Most gladly then rather I will boast in my weaknesses, that [5should set up tent 6over 7me 1the 2power 3of the 4Christ].
Therefore I think well in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, in straits for Christ. For whenever I should be weak, then I am mighty.
I have become a fool boasting -- you compelled me. For I ought by you to be commended; for in nothing was I lacking of the more exceeding apostles, if even I am nothing.
Indeed the signs of the apostle were worked among you in all endurance, in signs, and miracles, and works of power.
For in what is it that you were inferior beyond the rest of the assemblies, unless that I myself was not lax of you? Grant me this injustice!
Behold, a third time readily I have come to you, and I will not be lax of you. For I do not seek the things of yours, but you. [5not 1For 4ought 2the 3children 7for the 8parents 6to treasure up], but the parents for the children.
And I most gladly will spend and expend for your souls, if even more exceedingly loving you, [2less 1I be loved].
But let it be! I did not burden you; but being clever, in cunning I took you.
Did by any whom I sent to you, through him take advantage of you?
I appealed to Titus, and sent along with him the brother. [4in anything 2take advantage 3of you 1Did Titus]? [2not 4by the 5same 6spirit 1Do we 3walk]? Not in the same tracks?
Again, do you think that to you we make a defense? Before God in Christ we speak. But all things, beloved, is for your edification.
For I fear perhaps having come [3not 4as 5I want 1I should find 2you]; and I should be found by you such as you want not; lest perhaps there be strife, jealousies, rages, contentions, evil speakings, whisperings, inflation of minds, commotions;
lest again having come [2should humble me 1my God] as to you, and I should mourn much of the ones previously sinning, and not having repented over the uncleanness and harlotry and lewdness which they practiced.
Final Exhortations This third time I come to you. By the mouth of two witnesses and three [3is established 1every 2saying].
I have described beforehand and say beforehand, as being at hand the second time, and being absent now I write to the ones who previously sinned, and to all the rest, that if I should come, for the again I shall not spare,
since [2a proof 1you seek] of the [3in 4me 2speaking 1Christ], which among you is not weak, but is mighty in you.
For even if he was crucified from out of weakness, yet he lives through power of God. For even we are weak in him, but we shall live with him by God's power among you.
Test yourselves, if you are in the belief! Try yourselves! Or do you not recognize yourselves that Jesus Christ [2in 3you 1is]? -- except you be rejected.
But I hope that you know that we are not rejected.
But I make a vow to God [2to not do 1for you 4evil 3anything]; not that we [2approved 1should appear], but that you [2good 1should do], and we [2as 3rejected 1might be].
For not are we able to do anything against the truth, but for the truth.
For we rejoice whenever we should be weak, but you should be mighty. But this also we make a vow -- your readying.
On account of these things [2being absent 1I write], that being at hand [2not 4severely 1I should 3treat you], according to the authority which [3gave 4to me 1the 2Lord] for edification, and not for demolition.
The rest, brethren, rejoice! Be readied! Be comforted! The same thing think! Make peace! and the God of the love and peace will be with you.
Greet one another with a holy kiss!
[4greet 5you 2the 3holy ones 1All].
The favor of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you all. Amen.