Generate Twitter Bootstrap code
Add LaravelBootstrap to your composer.json
file to require :
require : {
"laravel/framework": "5.3.*",
"michael-lurquin/laravel-bootstrap": "dev"
Update Composer :
composer update
The next required step is to add the service provider to config/app.php
The last required step is to publish views and assets in your application with :
php artisan vendor:publish
Congratulations, you have successfully installed LaravelBootstrap !
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
Name | Options | Optionnal | Extras |
glyph | icon | NO | |
button | label | NO | |
class | YES : 'default' | ||
attributes | YES : array(attr => value) | ||
ahref | url | NO | |
label | NO | ||
class | YES | ||
glyph | YES | ||
attributes | YES : array(attr => value) | ||
alert | message | NO | |
title | YES | ||
class | YES = 'danger' | ||
glyph | YES | ||
close | YES : 'TRUE' | ||
dropdown | label | NO | |
links | YES : array(url => label) | ||
id | YES : 'dropdownMenu1' | array('divider', 'dropdown-header', 'disabled', 'active') | |
openBottom | YES : TRUE | ||
buttonToolbar | buttons | NO | array(url => label) |
classActive | YES : 'primary' | ||
classNotActive | YES : 'default' | ||
sizeButton | YES | array('btn-group-lg', 'btn-group-sm', 'btn-group-xs') | |
ariaLabel | YES |
List of commands with the minimum number of parameters and which increases progressively.
{!! Bootstrap::glyph('star') !!} // <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-star' aria-hidden='true'></span>
{!! Bootstrap::button('Je suis un bouton') !!}
{!! Bootstrap::button('Je suis un bouton', 'primary') !!}
{!! Bootstrap::button('Je suis un bouton', 'primary', ['id' => 'btnOk']) !!}
{!! Bootstrap::button('Je suis un bouton', 'primary', ['id' => 'btnOk', 'glyph' => 'globe']) !!}
{!! Bootstrap::ahref('/edit', 'Edit', 'primary', 'pencil') !!}
{!! Bootstrap::alert('Enter a valid email address', 'Error', 'danger', 'star', FALSE) !!}
{!! Bootstrap::dropdown('Dropdown', ['dropdown-header' => 'Header', '/home' => 'Home', 'divider' => '', 'active' => 'About'], 'primary', 'dropdownMenu1', FALSE) !!}
{!! Bootstrap::buttonToolbar(['/home' => 'Left', 'active' => 'Middle', '/about' => 'Right'], 'danger', 'default') !!}