A Python program that exports your webuntis calendar to your google calendar
This program runs on Python (3) so you need to install it first. I've made a guide for Windows, macOS and Linux.
First you need to download this project as .zip file. You can download this project from this link.
Then you need to install Python 3, you can download that from the offical Python website.
Unzip the downloaded project.
Now you need to open the Command Line, and open the folder where you unzipped webuntis-to-calendar.
Now you need to install the requirements using
pip install -r requirements.txt
Continue to step 2.
First you need to download this project as .zip file. You can download this project from this link.
Then you need to install Python 3, you can download that from the offical Python website.
Unzip the projects and open the folder in the terminal.
Install the requirements using
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Continue to step 2.
Firstly, download this project. To download this program you need to install git. (You can easily install git using sudo apt install git -y
git clone https://github.com/michadenheijer/webuntis-to-calendar
Go into the directory (example uses the command-line)
cd webuntis-calendar
Firstly test if you have Python 3 installed using:
python3 --version
If it returns something like this then you've got Python installed.
Python 3.6.8
If you don't have Python installed you can install Python 3 using:
sudo apt install python3, python3-pip
Then install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Now you need to get access to the Google Calendar API. Go to the Google Calendar API page, and click on the blue ENABLE THE GOOGLE API button. Maybe you need to sign in, finish the prompts, and finally click on the DOWNLOAD CLIENT CONFIGURATION button. Place the downloaded file in this projects folder. At this moment you're able to run the program for the first time.
Continue to step 3
Now you can run our program. Run it using:
python3 schedule.py
It'll ask for your username and password first. Just fill those in.
Now it asks for your Webuntis server. That is the webadress that you visit to view your Webuntis Schedule. For me it's https://kephiso.webuntis.com
Now it'll ask for your school, just enter your schoolname.
The last question is about your Webuntis ID. You can find your webuntis id by clicking on the print icon in webuntis, there in the url it should display something like this:
Your webuntis id is in this example 100.
Now there's a prompt that allows you to login into your Google account. Follow the instructions and you're good to go!