This is a unit testing library for MetaTrader 4.
MetaTrader 4, which supports MQL 5.
- Copy MQL4/Include/UnitTest.mqh to
- See the following usage sample, or get it from here.
The code is same as this.
#property strict
// This is must be false if release version
input bool paramUnitTesting = true;
input int paramMAPeriod = 13;
#include <UnitTest.mqh>
UnitTest* unittest;
int OnInit()
if (paramUnitTesting) {
unittest = new UnitTest();
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
if (paramUnitTesting) {
delete unittest;
void OnTick()
if (paramUnitTesting) {
double getMA(int shift)
return (iMA(NULL, 0, paramMAPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, shift));
void getMAArray(const int& shifts[], double& mas[])
for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize(shifts); i++) {
mas[i] = getMA(shifts[i]);
void runAllTests()
void testGetMA_shoudReturnSMA()
const double actual = getMA(3);
const double expected = iMA(NULL, 0, paramMAPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 3);
unittest.assertEquals(__FUNCTION__, "MA must be SMA and 3 bars shifted", expected, actual);
void testGetMAArray_shoudReturnCoupleOfSMA()
const int shifts[] = {4, 5};
double actual[2];
getMAArray(shifts, actual);
double expected[2];
expected[0] = iMA(NULL, 0, paramMAPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 4);
expected[1] = iMA(NULL, 0, paramMAPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 5);
unittest.assertEquals(__FUNCTION__, "MA array must contains a couple of SMA", expected, actual);