diff --git a/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/base.yaml b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/base.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5999a2d --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/base.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Namespace +metadata: + name: scdf + labels: + pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce: baseline +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: scdf-registry + namespace: scdf + annotations: + secretgen.carvel.dev/image-pull-secret: "" +type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson +data: + .dockerconfigjson: e30K +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: ServiceAccount +metadata: + name: default + namespace: scdf + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/create-strategy: fallback-on-update +secrets: + - name: scdf-registry +imagePullSecrets: + - name: scdf-registry +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: ServiceAccount +metadata: + name: kapp-sa + namespace: scdf +secrets: + - name: scdf-registry +imagePullSecrets: + - name: scdf-registry +--- +kind: ClusterRoleBinding +apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 +metadata: + name: scdf-kapp-role-binding + namespace: scdf +subjects: + - kind: ServiceAccount + name: kapp-sa + namespace: scdf +roleRef: + apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io + kind: ClusterRole + name: cluster-admin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/certmanager/certmanager.yaml b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/certmanager/certmanager.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87e4ba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/certmanager/certmanager.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") +#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") +#@ load("@ytt:base64", "base64") +#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml") + +#@ if data.values.certmanager.enabled: +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Namespace +metadata: + name: certmanager-install +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: ServiceAccount +metadata: + name: kapp-sa + namespace: certmanager-install +--- +kind: ClusterRoleBinding +apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 +metadata: + name: certmanager-kapp-role-binding + namespace: certmanager-install +subjects: +- kind: ServiceAccount + name: kapp-sa + namespace: certmanager-install +roleRef: + apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io + kind: ClusterRole + name: cluster-admin +#@ if data.values.certmanager.package_repo.install: +--- +apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: PackageRepository +metadata: + name: tds-pack + namespace: certmanager-install + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/change-group: "pkgr" +spec: + fetch: + imgpkgBundle: + image: #@ data.values.certmanager.package_repo.repo + ":" + data.values.certmanager.package_repo.version +#@ end +#@ if data.values.certmanager.package.install: +--- +apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: PackageInstall +metadata: + name: cert-manager + namespace: certmanager-install + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/change-group: "pkg-cert" +spec: + packageRef: + refName: cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com + versionSelection: + constraints: ">0.0.0" + serviceAccountName: kapp-sa +#@ end +#@ end diff --git a/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/packages.yml b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/packages.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7b2e4f --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/packages.yml @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ +apiVersion: data.packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: PackageMetadata +metadata: + name: scdf-pro.tanzu.vmware.com + namespace: scdf +spec: + displayName: scdf + iconSVGBase64: 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 + longDescription: Spring Cloud Data Flow + shortDescription: Spring Cloud Data Flow + providerName: VMware + maintainers: + - name: Janne Valkealahti + - name: Corneil du Plessis + categories: + - dataflow +--- +apiVersion: data.packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: Package +metadata: + name: scdf-pro.tanzu.vmware.com.1.6.1 +spec: + refName: scdf-pro.tanzu.vmware.com + publicName: scdf-pro.tanzu.vmware.com + version: 1.6.1 + description: Package for SCDF + releasedAt: "2024-01-17T11:32:03Z" + valuesSchema: + openAPIv3: + type: object + title: scdf values schema + description: Schema for carvel package + properties: + scdf: + type: object + properties: + registry: + type: object + properties: + secret: + type: object + properties: + ref: + type: string + description: If defined a reference will be added as imagePullSecret to all services, otherwise carvel secretgen is added + server: + type: object + properties: + image: + type: object + properties: + repository: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image repository + tag: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image tag + digest: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image digest + database: + type: object + properties: + url: + type: string + description: Datasource url setting + username: + type: string + description: Datasource username setting + password: + type: string + description: Datasource password setting + driverClassName: + type: string + description: Datasource driverClassName setting + validationQuery: + type: string + description: Datasource validationQuery setting + testOnBorrow: + type: boolean + default: true + description: Datasource testOnBorrow setting + secretName: + type: string + description: Name of Kubernetes secret containing database credentials + secretUsernameKey: + type: string + description: Name of secret key for username + secretPasswordKey: + type: string + description: Name of secret key for password + service: + type: object + properties: + type: + type: string + default: ClusterIP + enum: + - NodePort + - LoadBalancer + - ClusterIP + - ExternalName + description: Service type + resources: + type: object + properties: + limits: + type: object + properties: + cpu: + type: string + description: Limits cpu setting + memory: + type: string + description: Limits memory setting + requests: + type: object + properties: + cpu: + type: string + description: Requests cpu setting + memory: + type: string + description: Requests memory setting + config: + type: string + description: Raw server config as yml + env: + type: array + description: Extra environment variables for container + items: + type: object + properties: + name: + type: string + description: Name of environment variable + value: + type: string + description: Value of environment variable + metrics: + type: object + properties: + dashboard: + type: object + properties: + url: + type: string + description: Metrics dashboard url for UI + contextPath: + type: string + description: Server context path, aka server.servlet.context-path + skipper: + type: object + properties: + image: + type: object + properties: + repository: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image repository + tag: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image tag + digest: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image digest + database: + type: object + properties: + url: + type: string + description: Datasource url setting + username: + type: string + description: Datasource username setting + password: + type: string + description: Datasource password setting + driverClassName: + type: string + description: Datasource driverClassName setting + validationQuery: + type: string + description: Datasource validationQuery setting + testOnBorrow: + type: boolean + default: true + description: Datasource testOnBorrow setting + secretName: + type: string + description: Name of Kubernetes secret containing database credentials + secretUsernameKey: + type: string + description: Name of secret key for username + secretPasswordKey: + type: string + description: Name of secret key for password + service: + type: object + properties: + type: + type: string + default: ClusterIP + enum: + - NodePort + - LoadBalancer + - ClusterIP + - ExternalName + description: Service type + resources: + type: object + properties: + limits: + type: object + properties: + cpu: + type: string + description: Limits cpu setting + memory: + type: string + description: Limits memory setting + requests: + type: object + properties: + cpu: + type: string + description: Requests cpu setting + memory: + type: string + description: Requests memory setting + config: + type: string + description: Raw server config as yml + env: + type: array + description: Extra environment variables for container + items: + type: object + properties: + name: + type: string + description: Name of environment variable + value: + type: string + description: Value of environment variable + ctr: + type: object + properties: + image: + type: object + properties: + repository: + type: string + default: springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-composed-task-runner + description: Composed Task Runner image repository + tag: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image tag + digest: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image digest + binder: + type: object + properties: + kafka: + type: object + properties: + broker: + type: object + properties: + host: + type: string + description: External kafka broker host + port: + type: string + description: External kafka broker port + zk: + type: object + properties: + host: + type: string + description: External kafka zk host + port: + type: string + description: External kafka zk port + rabbit: + type: object + properties: + host: + type: string + description: External rabbit host + port: + type: string + description: External rabbit port + username: + type: string + description: External rabbit username + password: + type: string + description: External rabbit password + feature: + type: object + properties: + monitoring: + type: object + properties: + prometheusRsocketProxy: + type: object + properties: + enabled: + type: boolean + default: false + description: Enables prometheus rsocket proxy feature + grafana: + type: object + properties: + enabled: + type: boolean + default: false + description: Enables grafana feature + template: + spec: + syncPeriod: 5m + fetch: + - imgpkgBundle: + image: dev.registry.tanzu.vmware.com/p-scdf-for-kubernetes/scdf-pro-package:1.6.1 + template: + - ytt: + ignoreUnknownComments: true + paths: + - config/ + - kbld: + paths: + - .imgpkg/images.yml + - '-' + deploy: + - kapp: + rawOptions: + - --wait-timeout=10m diff --git a/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/scdf/overlay.yaml b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/scdf/overlay.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24c748d --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/scdf/overlay.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") +#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") + +--- +apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: PackageInstall +metadata: + name: scdf + namespace: scdf + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/change-rule: "upsert after upserting tkcrd" +spec: + serviceAccountName: kapp-sa + packageRef: + refName: scdf-pro.tanzu.vmware.com + versionSelection: + constraints: ">0.0.0" + values: + - secretRef: + name: scdf-values diff --git a/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/scdf/package.yaml b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/scdf/package.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..995c504 --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/scdf/package.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") +#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") + +--- +apiVersion: data.packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: Package +metadata: + name: scdf-pro.tanzu.vmware.com.1.6.4 +spec: + refName: scdf-pro.tanzu.vmware.com + publicName: scdf-pro.tanzu.vmware.com + version: 1.6.4 + description: Package for SCDF + releasedAt: "2024-09-15T06:41:27Z" + valuesSchema: + openAPIv3: + type: object + title: scdf values schema + description: Schema for carvel package + properties: + scdf: + type: object + properties: + registry: + type: object + properties: + secret: + type: object + properties: + ref: + type: string + description: If defined a reference will be added as imagePullSecret to all services, otherwise carvel secretgen is added + server: + type: object + properties: + image: + type: object + properties: + repository: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image repository + tag: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image tag + digest: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image digest + database: + type: object + properties: + url: + type: string + description: Datasource url setting + username: + type: string + description: Datasource username setting + password: + type: string + description: Datasource password setting + driverClassName: + type: string + description: Datasource driverClassName setting + validationQuery: + type: string + description: Datasource validationQuery setting + testOnBorrow: + type: boolean + default: true + description: Datasource testOnBorrow setting + secretName: + type: string + description: Name of Kubernetes secret containing database credentials + secretUsernameKey: + type: string + description: Name of secret key for username + secretPasswordKey: + type: string + description: Name of secret key for password + service: + type: object + properties: + type: + type: string + default: ClusterIP + enum: + - NodePort + - LoadBalancer + - ClusterIP + - ExternalName + description: Service type + allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: + type: boolean + description: Indicates if load balancer should create node ports. Default is true + loadBalancerClass: + type: string + description: Determines a specific configured type of load balancer. + resources: + type: object + properties: + limits: + type: object + properties: + cpu: + type: string + description: Limits cpu setting + memory: + type: string + description: Limits memory setting + requests: + type: object + properties: + cpu: + type: string + description: Requests cpu setting + memory: + type: string + description: Requests memory setting + config: + type: string + description: Raw server config as yml + env: + type: array + description: Extra environment variables for container + items: + type: object + properties: + name: + type: string + description: Name of environment variable + value: + type: string + description: Value of environment variable + metrics: + type: object + properties: + dashboard: + type: object + properties: + url: + type: string + description: Metrics dashboard url for UI + contextPath: + type: string + description: Server context path, aka server.servlet.context-path + skipper: + type: object + properties: + image: + type: object + properties: + repository: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image repository + tag: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image tag + digest: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image digest + database: + type: object + properties: + url: + type: string + description: Datasource url setting + username: + type: string + description: Datasource username setting + password: + type: string + description: Datasource password setting + driverClassName: + type: string + description: Datasource driverClassName setting + validationQuery: + type: string + description: Datasource validationQuery setting + testOnBorrow: + type: boolean + default: true + description: Datasource testOnBorrow setting + secretName: + type: string + description: Name of Kubernetes secret containing database credentials + secretUsernameKey: + type: string + description: Name of secret key for username + secretPasswordKey: + type: string + description: Name of secret key for password + service: + type: object + properties: + type: + type: string + default: ClusterIP + enum: + - NodePort + - LoadBalancer + - ClusterIP + - ExternalName + description: Service type + allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: + type: boolean + description: Indicates if load balancer should create node ports. Default is true + loadBalancerClass: + type: string + description: Determines a specific configured type of load balancer. + resources: + type: object + properties: + limits: + type: object + properties: + cpu: + type: string + description: Limits cpu setting + memory: + type: string + description: Limits memory setting + requests: + type: object + properties: + cpu: + type: string + description: Requests cpu setting + memory: + type: string + description: Requests memory setting + config: + type: string + description: Raw server config as yml + env: + type: array + description: Extra environment variables for container + items: + type: object + properties: + name: + type: string + description: Name of environment variable + value: + type: string + description: Value of environment variable + ctr: + type: object + properties: + image: + type: object + properties: + repository: + type: string + default: springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-composed-task-runner + description: Composed Task Runner image repository + tag: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image tag + digest: + type: string + description: Composed Task Runner image digest + binder: + type: object + properties: + kafka: + type: object + properties: + broker: + type: object + properties: + host: + type: string + description: External kafka broker host + port: + type: string + description: External kafka broker port + zk: + type: object + properties: + host: + type: string + description: External kafka zk host + port: + type: string + description: External kafka zk port + rabbit: + type: object + properties: + host: + type: string + description: External rabbit host + port: + type: string + description: External rabbit port + username: + type: string + description: External rabbit username + password: + type: string + description: External rabbit password + feature: + type: object + properties: + monitoring: + type: object + properties: + prometheusRsocketProxy: + type: object + properties: + enabled: + type: boolean + default: false + description: Enables prometheus rsocket proxy feature + grafana: + type: object + properties: + enabled: + type: boolean + default: false + description: Enables grafana feature + template: + spec: + syncPeriod: 5m + fetch: + - imgpkgBundle: + image: #@ data.values.scdf.package.base_repo + "/scdf-pro-package:" + data.values.scdf.package.version + template: + - ytt: + ignoreUnknownComments: true + paths: + - config/ + - kbld: + paths: + - '-' + deploy: + - kapp: + rawOptions: + - --wait-timeout=10m \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/scdf/values.yaml b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/scdf/values.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..065c01a --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/scdf/values.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") +#@ load("@ytt:struct", "struct") +#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml") + +#@ def scdf_values(): +scdf: + binder: + type: rabbit + rabbit: + host: rmq-1.scdf + ctr: + image: + repository: #@ data.values.scdf.package.base_repo + "/spring-cloud-dataflow-composed-task-runner" + tag: #@ "2.11.5_scdf-k8s-" + data.values.scdf.package.version + server: + image: + repository: #@ data.values.scdf.package.base_repo + "/scdf-pro-server" + service: + type: LoadBalancer + env: + - name: SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_FEATURES_STREAMS_ENABLED + value: "true" + - name: SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_FEATURES_TASKS_ENABLED + value: "true" + - name: SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_FEATURES_SCHEDULES_ENABLED + value: "true" + database: + url: jdbc:postgresql://postgres-11.scdf:5432/postgres-11 + driverClassName: org.postgresql.Driver + secretName: postgres-11-app-user-db-secret + secretUsernameKey: username + secretPasswordKey: password + skipper: + image: + repository: #@ data.values.scdf.package.base_repo + "/scdf-pro-skipper" + database: + url: jdbc:postgresql://postgres-11.scdf:5432/postgres-11 + driverClassName: org.postgresql.Driver + secretName: postgres-11-app-user-db-secret + secretUsernameKey: username + secretPasswordKey: password + registry: + secret: + ref: "scdf-registry" +#@ end +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: scdf-values + namespace: scdf +stringData: + values.yaml: #@ yaml.encode(scdf_values()) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/tanzu-postgres/overlay.yaml b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/tanzu-postgres/overlay.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2598c67 --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/tanzu-postgres/overlay.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") +#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") + + +#@ if data.values.postgres.enabled: +#@ if data.values.postgres.package.install: +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Namespace +metadata: + labels: + pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce: baseline + name: postgres-install +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: scdf-registry + namespace: postgres-install + annotations: + secretgen.carvel.dev/image-pull-secret: "" +type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson +data: + .dockerconfigjson: e30K +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: ServiceAccount +metadata: + name: kapp-sa + namespace: postgres-install +secrets: + - name: scdf-registry +imagePullSecrets: + - name: scdf-registry +--- +kind: ClusterRoleBinding +apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 +metadata: + name: postgres-kapp-role-binding + namespace: postgres-install +subjects: +- kind: ServiceAccount + name: kapp-sa + namespace: postgres-install +roleRef: + apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io + kind: ClusterRole + name: cluster-admin +--- +apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: PackageRepository +metadata: + name: tds-pack + namespace: postgres-install + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/change-group: "pkgr" +spec: + fetch: + imgpkgBundle: + image: #@ data.values.postgres.package.repo + ":" + data.values.postgres.package.version +--- +apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: PackageInstall +metadata: + name: postgres + namespace: postgres-install + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/change-rule: "upsert after upserting pkg-cert" +spec: + serviceAccountName: kapp-sa + packageRef: + refName: postgres-operator.sql.tanzu.vmware.com + versionSelection: + constraints: #@ data.values.postgres.package.operator_version + values: + - secretRef: + name: change-default-reg-secret +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: change-default-reg-secret + namespace: postgres-install +stringData: + change-default-reg-secret.yml: | + #@data/values-schema + --- + dockerRegistrySecretName: scdf-registry +#@ end +--- +apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 +kind: CustomResourceDefinition +metadata: + name: postgres.sql.tanzu.vmware.com + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/exists: "" + kapp.k14s.io/change-group: "tkcrd" +spec: + group: sql.tanzu.vmware.com + versions: + - name: v1 + names: + kind: Postgres + scope: Namespaced +#@ count = data.values.postgres.count + 1 +#@ for j in range(1,count): +--- +apiVersion: sql.tanzu.vmware.com/v1 +kind: Postgres +metadata: + name: #@ "postgres-1" + str(j) + namespace: scdf + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/change-rule: "upsert after upserting tkcrd" +spec: + memory: 400Mi + cpu: "0.4" + storageSize: 10G + storageClassName: #@ data.values.postgres.storage_class + monitorStorageClassName: #@ data.values.postgres.storage_class + postgresVersion: + name: #@ data.values.postgres.instance_version + highAvailability: + enabled: false +#@ end +#@ end + diff --git a/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/tanzu-rabbitmq/overlay.yaml b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/tanzu-rabbitmq/overlay.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06f6e12 --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/tanzu-rabbitmq/overlay.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +#@ load("@ytt:data", "data") +#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") + + +#@ if data.values.rabbitmq.enabled: +#@ if data.values.rabbitmq.package.install: +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Namespace +metadata: + name: rabbitmq-install + labels: + pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce: baseline +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: scdf-registry + namespace: rabbitmq-install + annotations: + secretgen.carvel.dev/image-pull-secret: "" +type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson +data: + .dockerconfigjson: e30K +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: ServiceAccount +metadata: + name: kapp-sa + namespace: rabbitmq-install +secrets: + - name: scdf-registry +imagePullSecrets: + - name: scdf-registry +--- +kind: ClusterRoleBinding +apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 +metadata: + name: rabbit-kapp-role-binding + namespace: rabbitmq-install +subjects: +- kind: ServiceAccount + name: kapp-sa + namespace: rabbitmq-install +roleRef: + apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io + kind: ClusterRole + name: cluster-admin +--- +apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: PackageRepository +metadata: + generation: 2 + name: tmq-pack + namespace: rabbitmq-install + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/change-group: "pkgr" +spec: + fetch: + imgpkgBundle: + image: #@ data.values.rabbitmq.package.repo + ":" + data.values.rabbitmq.package.version +--- +apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: PackageInstall +metadata: + name: rabbitmq + namespace: rabbitmq-install + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/change-rule: "upsert after upserting pkg-cert" + ext.packaging.carvel.dev/ytt-paths-from-secret-name.0: "namespace-overlay" +spec: + serviceAccountName: kapp-sa + packageRef: + refName: rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com + versionSelection: + constraints: #@ data.values.rabbitmq.package.operator_version +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: namespace-overlay + namespace: rabbitmq-install +stringData: + overlay.yaml: | + #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay") + + #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"Namespace", "metadata": {"name": "rabbitmq-system"}}), expects="0+" + --- + metadata: + labels: + #@overlay/match missing_ok=True + pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce: baseline +#@ end +--- +apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 +kind: CustomResourceDefinition +metadata: + name: rabbitmqclusters.rabbitmq.com + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/exists: "" + kapp.k14s.io/change-group: "tkcrd" +spec: + group: rabbitmq.com + versions: + - name: v1beta1 + names: + kind: RabbitmqCluster + scope: Namespaced +#@ count = data.values.rabbitmq.count + 1 +#@ for j in range(1,count): +--- +apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1 +kind: RabbitmqCluster +metadata: + name: #@ "rmq-" + str(j) + namespace: scdf + annotations: + kapp.k14s.io/change-rule: "upsert after upserting tkcrd" +spec: + secretBackend: + externalSecret: + name: #@ "rabbitmq-secret-" + str(j) + imagePullSecrets: + - name: scdf-registry + resources: + limits: + cpu: 500m + memory: 1Gi + requests: + cpu: 250m + memory: 250Mi + rabbitmq: + additionalConfig: | + loopback_users = none + additionalPlugins: + - rabbitmq_shovel + - rabbitmq_shovel_management + - rabbitmq_management + - rabbitmq_prometheus + - rabbitmq_peer_discovery_k8s +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: #@ "rabbitmq-secret-" + str(j) + namespace: scdf +stringData: + host: #@ "rmq-" + str(j) + ".scdf.svc" + port: "5672" + provider: rabbitmq + username: guest + password: guest + type: rabbitmq + default_user.conf: | + default_user = guest + default_pass = guest +#@ end +#@ end diff --git a/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/values.yaml b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/values.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cab077 --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4/values.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +#@data/values-schema +--- +certmanager: + enabled: true + package_repo: + install: false + repo: projects.registry.vmware.com/tkg/packages/standard/repo + version: 2.2.0 + package: + install: true + +#@schema/desc "Rabbitmq starter" +rabbitmq: + #@schema/desc "Enable starter" + enabled: true + #@schema/desc "package installation" + package: + #@schema/desc "install via carvel" + install: true + #@schema/desc "install repo" + repo: rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-rabbitmq-package-repo + #@schema/desc "install version" + version: 4.0.1 + #@schema/desc "operator version" + operator_version: 4.0.1 + #@schema/desc "instance count" + count: 1 + + +#@schema/desc "Postgres starter" +postgres: + #@schema/desc "Enable starter" + enabled: true + #@schema/desc "package installation" + package: + #@schema/desc "install via carvel" + install: true + #@schema/desc "install repo" + repo: tanzu-sql-postgres.packages.broadcom.com/tds-packages + #@schema/desc "install version" + version: 1.14.0 + #@schema/desc "operator version" + operator_version: 3.0.0 + #@schema/desc "instance count" + count: 1 + #@schema/desc "storage class" + storage_class: default + #@schema/desc "instance version" + instance_version: postgres-14 + + +scdf: + package: + base_repo: registry.packages.broadcom.com/p-scdf-for-kubernetes + version: 1.6.4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4.yaml b/packages/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5aa67d --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +apiVersion: data.packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 +kind: Package +metadata: + name: scdf.tanzu.japan.com.1.6.4 +spec: + refName: scdf.tanzu.japan.com + version: 1.6.4 + valuesSchema: + openAPIv3: + title: scdf.tanzu-jp values schema + properties: + certmanager: + type: object + additionalProperties: false + properties: + enabled: + type: boolean + default: true + package_repo: + type: object + additionalProperties: false + properties: + install: + type: boolean + default: false + repo: + type: string + default: projects.registry.vmware.com/tkg/packages/standard/repo + version: + type: string + default: 2.2.0 + package: + type: object + additionalProperties: false + properties: + install: + type: boolean + default: true + rabbitmq: + type: object + additionalProperties: false + description: Rabbitmq starter + properties: + enabled: + type: boolean + description: Enable starter + default: true + package: + type: object + additionalProperties: false + description: package installation + properties: + install: + type: boolean + description: install via carvel + default: true + repo: + type: string + description: install repo + default: rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-rabbitmq-package-repo + version: + type: string + description: install version + default: 4.0.1 + operator_version: + type: string + description: operator version + default: 4.0.1 + count: + type: integer + description: instance count + default: 1 + postgres: + type: object + additionalProperties: false + description: Postgres starter + properties: + enabled: + type: boolean + description: Enable starter + default: true + package: + type: object + additionalProperties: false + description: package installation + properties: + install: + type: boolean + description: install via carvel + default: true + repo: + type: string + description: install repo + default: tanzu-sql-postgres.packages.broadcom.com/tds-packages + version: + type: string + description: install version + default: 1.14.0 + operator_version: + type: string + description: operator version + default: 3.0.0 + count: + type: integer + description: instance count + default: 1 + storage_class: + type: string + description: storage class + default: default + instance_version: + type: string + description: instance version + default: postgres-14 + scdf: + type: object + additionalProperties: false + properties: + package: + type: object + additionalProperties: false + properties: + base_repo: + type: string + default: registry.packages.broadcom.com/p-scdf-for-kubernetes + version: + type: string + default: 1.6.4 + template: + spec: + fetch: + - git: + url: https://github.com/mhoshi-vm/tap-carvel + ref: origin/pkgr + subPath: manifests/scdf.tanzu.japan.com/1.6.4 + template: + - ytt: {} + deploy: + - kapp: {}