CloudWatch Insights Logs is a great way to search your CloudWatch logs. Often you want to search across many log groups to, for example, tracing a correlation id across multiple services. CloudWatch Logs Insights lets you search across up to 20 log groups in one query, but adding log groups from the dropdown is a bit cumbersome.
This tool lets you generate and open a CloudWatch Logs Insights URL with your desired log groups pre-added.
npm i -g @mhlabs/cwlogs-cli
$ cwlogs insights --help
Usage: cwlogs insights|i [options]
Opens a CloudWatch Logs console with multiple log groups matching a tag or prefix
-t, --tag [tag] Tag to filter on. Format: tagName:value1,value2. Optional. If omitted you will get
prompted by available tags (default: false)
-p, --prefix [prefix] Log group prefix. I.e /aws/lambda/. The more granular this is specified, the faster the
command will run
--pattern [pattern] Regex pattern used to filter the log group names
--region [region] AWS region. Defaults to environment variable AWS_REGION
--profile [profile] AWS profile. Defaults to en
You can either use --tag
or --prefix
to group log groups
Command: cwlogs insights --tag <tag?> [options]
Example 1:
Query logs from lambda functions tagged with team:ecommerce
that has the word Api
in its name
cwlogs insights --tag team:ecommerce --pattern Api
Example 2:
Query logs from lambda functions by cloudformation stack name tag using the guided menu
Command: cwlogs insights --prefix <prefix> [options]
Query all RDS clusters' error logs
cwlogs insights --prefix /aws/rds/cluster --pattern \/error$
CloudWatch Logs Insights currently only allows up to 20 log groups in one query. The total number of characters (query + log groups) may bot exceed 10000 characters.