Custom LSD (Least Significant Digit) Steganography algorithm that can encode 1 character per pixel.
pixel data: (Red, Green, Blue) values 0-255
character: int value 0-255
char 'f' has an ascii value of 102
If the pixel we want to encode this char in has the RGB values (156, 222, 000)
Split 102 into three seperate digits 1 0 2.
Replace the least significant digit in the respective color channel with these values.
So we end up with a new pixel containing the values (151, 220, 002)
Starting Pixel: (156, 222, 000) Byte to incode: 102 Encoded Pixel: (151, 220, 002)
python -e [imagename] [message.txt] (encode message)
python -d [imagename] [output.txt] (decode message)
Original Image (400x400)
Output containing the entirety of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
How to install: