This repository offers a simple application to align sequences of proteins or amino acids. On PSAT you will find some options of sequence alignment such as global alignment, implemented using the Needleman-Wunsh algorithm, and local alignment, using the Smith-Waterman algorithm.
$ git clone
To have this running your local machine, you only must have a Python version = 3.* and a Virtualenv tool.
Learn more about Virtualenv, which is pretty useful to manage isolated Python environments.
- Installing Virtualenv
$ sudo apt-get install virtualenv
- Install application requirements listed above
- clone project
$ git clone
- Go to project path and create a virtual environment
$ cd Pairwise-sequence-Aligment-Tool/ && virtualenv env
- Active the virtualenv and install requirements
$ . env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run application
$ flask run