notes on data structures
Logical View.
Cost of Operations.
A Data Structure is a way to store and organize data in a computer, so that it can be used efficiently.
We talk about Mathmatical/Logical models.
We mainly work with searching and sorting algorithms.
Abstract Data Type.
Store a given number of elements of any type.
Read elements by position.
Modify element at a position.
Define data and operations but no implementation.
We can implement this with linked list.
It's a simple data structure. Common real world entity. It's a collection of object of same type we can have it as name, numbers etc. We want a list that has such properties.
Empty list has size 0.
Read/modify element at a position
specify data-type
We can declare such list with Array. So think that we want a array with data-type integer. So to declare an array we need to specify the size and the end-point of the array. Whenever we insert data into a list the data goes towards the end of the list.
A = [ '2', '4', '6', '7', '9']
int a[MAXSIZE]
int end = -1
# Insert option
insert(5, 2)
# Remove
# By this we can remove.
When array is full, create a new larger array. Copy the contents into the new array. Free the memory for the previous array.
To access: accessing through index will take constant time because it's an array. In array elements are arranged in one contigous block of memory, using the start and the position of the element we can access them So time complexity
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To Insert:
T proportional to n
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To Remove: same as Inserting.
Adding an element:
We can access in constant time
But for remove it's costly, if the list grows than it will be also costly. Sometimes a lot of the array are unused. Its not efficient in terms of memory.
To utilise list as efficient and good memory usage we need to use Linked List.