This repository contains Docker images to aid MFEM development and the exploration of MFEM and its capabilities in a variety of computing environments: from personal laptops, to HPC clusters, and the cloud.
You can find pre-built images in the right sidebar under
. -
Instructions how to use these containers locally can be found in the Docker page of the MFEM website.
You can also use them to setup your own cloud MFEM development environment. See this AWS script.
There are currently two main configurations that support CPU or GPU computation. Both types are available in the following configurations:
- OpenMPI 4.1.2
- hypre 2.27
- CUDA toolkit 11.8
- OpenMPI 4.1.2
- hypre 2.27
- OpenMPI 4.1.2
- hypre 2.27.0
- SuperLU_dist 8.2.1
- PETSc 3.20.2
- CUDA toolkit 11.8
- OpenMPI 4.1.2
- hypre 2.27.0
- AmgX 8.2.1
- extension of
that includes a development environment with VSCode server and GLVis - see the MFEM AWS tutorial for details
- extension of
- extension of
that includes a development environment with VSCode server and GLVis - see the MFEM AWS tutorial for details
- extension of
Note that the cuda
images require the host has the
NVIDIA Container Toolkit to installed and configured.
Note also that the cuda
images have MFEM and its third-party libraries configured for
CUDA sm_70
. You can create your own image that support a different compute capability with
as follows:
git clone
cd containers
docker-compose build --build-arg cuda_arch_sm=80 cuda && docker image tag cuda:latest cuda-sm80:latest
docker-compose build --build-arg cuda_arch_sm=80 cuda-tpls && docker image tag cuda-tpls:latest cuda-tpls-sm80:latest
We recommend starting the container with:
docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -ti --gpus all /bin/bash
which puts you in the home directory for the euler
user, enables access to all GPUs, and lets you
explore the broad selection of examples or write your own.