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Macaw (Mobile Augmented Campus Assistant for Wayfinding)


MACAW (Mobile Augmented Campus Assistant for Wayfinding) is a mobile application that recognizes university buildings and applies natural feature tracking to track the movement of the buildings inside the frame. The user sees the tracked building highlighted with a bounding box and the name of the building. The application is designed to help students and visitors of the TU Darmstadt to find their way around the campus. Currently only German language is supported for the overlays with the information.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Installation
  3. Usage
    1. Configuration
    2. Visualizing
    3. Training (optional)
  4. Contacts


MACAW was created as a part of the course Augmented Vision at the Technical University of Darmstadt given by Dr.-Ing. Pavel Rojtberg. The goal of the project was to create an application that uses augmented reality.

Getting Started


Make sure you have a running Python 3.10 environment. We recommend using Anaconda for managing your Python environment.


Make sure you are in a conda environment, but if you would like to create a new one, you can do so by:

conda create -n macaw python=3.10
conda activate macaw

In order to run our script you need to install the following packages:

conda install pytorch torchvision pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia

conda install matplotlib pycocotools imutils wandb -c conda-forge

pip install opencv-python

pip install huggingface_hub 


The following sections describe how to use the application in detail.


In order to use MACAW you need to provide a config file, describing what you want to do. An example file with all possible configurations can be found in configs/base.yaml. We also provided more specific config files, based on the method:

  • configs/run-macaw.yaml runs the application for a given video file. The weights for the detector are also automatically downloaded if "Download" is set to True (which by default is set to False).
  • configs/train.yaml configures macaw to train the detection model on the specified dataset. You can define the backbone architecture of the FasterRCNN, Hyperparameters for the training, as well as the usage of the training tracking platform Weights & Biases.
  • configs/eval.yaml configures macaw to see the results of the detection model. The config file therefore contains the data as well as the model-checkpoint. If "Download" is set to true, macaw tries to download the model-weights.
  • configs/label.yaml configures macaw to label a dataset. The annotation json-file stores all annotations made by the user. If the mode is set to "review" the already made annotations are displayed.


To run MACAW you need to open a console/terminal in the working directory and run the following command:

python src/ --config configs/run-macaw.yaml

After that a window will open that either shows the video or the webcam stream.

Training (optional)

We provide our own weights for a Faster R-CNN model (automatically downloaded when running the script above with Download set to True in the config file), capable of detecting buildings in the TU Darmstadt campus. However, if you wish to train an object detection model using our code on our data yourself, you can do so by first downloading the dataset from:

Make sure that after extracting the zip file, you have a data folder at the top level of the folder structure (next to src). You are free to change the path to the data folder (or simply its name) inside the configuration file configs/train.yaml.

To start training run the following command inside a console/terminal window:

python src/ --config configs/train.yaml

Depending on whether or not you would like to include all images or only explicitly labeled ones, you may have to adjust the value of the ANNOTATIONS_PATH parameter in train.yaml to one of the following two options:

  • annotations_all.json (DEFAULT), to use all (775) images, including 355 images, automatically annotated as background (which improves performance, but slows down training, since there are simply more images), or:
  • annotations.json, to use only the (420) truely labeled images

