Priority set: Low, Medium, High Complexity set: Low, Medium, High
- Optimise sorting of topics on Google Sheet
- Priority: Low. Context: right now the topics are a single written to each cell. I believe the best UX would be a dropdown list which is populated for each cell such that a given user could select (ideally from a single column) all the tags of interest.
- Optimise sorting of authors on Google Sheet
- Priority: Low. Context: right now the authors are a single written to each cell. I believe the best UX would be a dropdown list which is populated for each cell such that a given user could select (ideally from a single column) all the authors of interest.
- Improve contribution UX for links beyond form
- Priority: Low
- Create Twitter bot to contribute either a whole thread when called, else the links in the tweet content
- Priority: Low
- Add a safe zotero parser and filter for MEV contributions
- Priority: Medium
- Run routine / event-based script on Typeform Results content to be uploaded
- Priority: Medium
- Create new URL patterns with LLM call given existing URL base
- Priority: Medium
- Context: adding url patterns is tedious and low added value. It would be great to have a script that can generate the URL patterns given a base URL and knowledge base of previous URL patterns.
- Add the content from bookmarks dotted all over
- Priority: High
- Create a community-led curation mechanism?
- Priority: Medium
- Context: It would be powerful for community to flag paper complexity and create a "MEV onboarding roadmap" from beginner to advanced. In the best case scenario, there would be a large amount of inbound content. We would hopefully need to curate its complexity sooner or later.
- Priority: High
Add a podcast tab sorted by most recent of content from the podcasts handle worksheet
- Priority: Medium
- Context: Right now besides going into each Podcast radio, there is no way to see the most recent content. This would be a powerful way to keep up to date with the latest content.
Add Twitter bot to Tweet for each new scrapped research document
- Priority: Low
add GPT-generated tags to each link
- Priority: Low
- Deprecate typeform for scalable open-source solution with links waiting to be uploaded
- Decentralise domain name ownership
- Decentralise google sheet ownership
- Context: for now the google sheet is updated by a single person via a google service account which is quite centralised. Technically if the .env were pointed to another sheet that can be replicated or become the new source of truth (would require a new url forwarding which is easy to do).
- Decentralise github repo ownership
- Create Google sheet staging environment
- Priority: Medium
- Host site on Google Cloud
- Blocker: Streamlit LLM-app frontend
- Priority: Low
Add support for Twitter threads
- Should they be written as blogs first?
- Priority: High
- Priority: Low
- Design architecture for LLM-based chatbot for papers, blogs, podcast recommendation (backend)
- Priority: Medium
- Context: There is a trade-off between using off-the-shelf solution (IBM Watson Discovery for summarizing + service client like Intercom) vs. building from scratch with Langchain + vector database and HuggingFace or GPT backend. Latter likely more scalable with open-source contributions.
- Add LLM-based chatbot for recommending papers, blogs, podcast recommendation (backend)
- Priority: Medium
- Generate MEV glossary, definitions based on Youtube transcripts, podcasts, papers
- Priority: Low
- Improve transcript generation e.g. with LLM inference (AssemblyAI) on .mp3 youtube video content
- Priority: Low
- Add Streamlit frontend for LLM-based chatbot for papers, blogs, podcast recommendation
- Consider moving from Google Sheets to self-hosted website for analytics purposes (and UX?)
- Priority: Medium
- Context: it is hard to gauge how successful the project is without analytics. This is a trade-off between privacy (would rely on cookies) and analytics. Such analytics could help possibly (if approved/validated/not rejected) monetise the project e.g. by adding a job tabs / sponsored content and re-invest proceeds into the development of the project. Such analytics would help on the business development part.