Contribution via pull requests are always welcome. Source code is available from Github. Before submitting a pull request, please open an issue to discuss your changes. Use only the main branch as the target branch when submitting a pull request (PR).
Interactions with the metatomic projects must follow our code of conduct.
You will need to install and get familiar with the following tools when working on metatomic:
- git: the software we use for version control of the source code. See for installation instructions.
- Python: you can install
from your operating system. We require a Python version of at least 3.9. - tox: a Python test runner, cf You
can install tox with
pip install tox
Additionally, you will need to install the following software, but you should not have to interact with them directly:
- cmake: we need a cmake version of at least 3.10.
- a C++ compiler we need a compiler supporting C++11. GCC >= 5, clang >= 3.7 and MSVC >= 15 should all work, although MSVC is not yet tested continuously.
Optional tools
Depending on which part of the code you are working on, you might experience a lot of time spend re-compiling code, even if you did not change them. If you'd like faster builds (and in turn faster tests), you can use sccache or the classic ccache to only re-run the compiler if the corresponding source code changed. To do this, you should install and configure one of these tools (we suggest sccache since it also supports Rust), and then configure cmake and cargo to use them by setting environnement variables. On Linux and macOS, you should set the following (look up how to do set environment variable with your shell):
# only if you have sccache and not ccache
The first step when developing metatomic is to create a fork of the main repository on github, and then clone it locally:
git clone <insert/your/fork/url/here>
cd metatomic
# setup the local repository so that the main branch tracks changes in
# the original repository
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git branch main --set-upstream-to=upstream/main
Once you get the code locally, you will want to run the tests to check everything is working as intended. See the next section on this subject.
If everything is working, you can create your own branches to work on your changes:
git checkout -b <my-branch-name>
# code code code
# push your branch to your fork
git push -u origin <my-branch-name>
# follow the link in the message to open a pull request (PR)
The continuous integration pipeline is based on tox. You can run all tests with:
cd <path/to/metatomic/repo>
These are exactly the same tests that will be performed online in our Github CI workflows. You can also run only a subset of tests with one of these commands:
tox -e torch-tests # unit tests for metatomic-torch, in Python
tox -e torch-tests-cxx # unit tests for metatomic-torch, in C++
tox -e torch-install-tests-cxx # testing that the C++ code is a valid CMake package
tox -e docs-tests # doctests (checking inline examples) for all packages
tox -e lint # code style
tox -e format # format all files
The last command tox -e format
will use tox to do actual formatting instead
of just checking it, you can use to automatically fix some of the issues
detected by tox -e lint
You can run only a subset of the tests with tox -e torch-tests --
, replacing <test/>
with the path to the files you
want to test, e.g. tox -e tests -- tests/
There are a handful of environment variables that you can set to control the behavior of tests:
will disable the use of valgrind for the C++ tests. Valgrind is a tool that check for memory errors in native code, but it makes the tests run quite a bit slower;METATOMIC_TESTS_TORCH_VERSION
allow you to run the tests against a specific PyTorch version instead of the latest one. For example, setting it toMETATOMIC_TESTS_TORCH_VERSION=1.13
will run the tests against PyTorch 1.13;PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL
can be used to pull PyTorch (or other dependencies) from a different index. This can be useful on Linux if you have issues with CUDA, since the default PyTorch version expects CUDA to be available. A possible workaround is to use the CPU-only version of PyTorch in the tests, by settingPIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=
can be used to disable Python to TorchScript compilation of code; producing error messages which should be easier to understand.
The code coverage is reported at codecov. You can also inspect the coverage locally. To get the full coverage first combine all reports and open produced html file in a browser
coverage combine .tox/*/.coverage
coverage html
firefox htmlcov/index.html
The documentation of metatomic is written in reStructuredText (rst) and uses the sphinx documentation generator. In order to modify the documentation, first create a local version of the code on your machine as described above. Then, you can build the documentation with:
tox -e docs
In addition to have the requirements listed above, you will also need to install
doxygen (e.g. apt install doxygen
on Debian-based systems).
You can then visualize the local documentation with your favorite browser with the following command (or open the :file:`docs/build/html/index.html` file manually).
# on linux, depending on what package you have installed:
xdg-open docs/build/html/index.html
firefox docs/build/html/index.html
# on macOS:
open docs/build/html/index.html
Our docstring format follows the sphinx format and a typical function doc string looks like the following.
def func(value_1: float, value_2: int) -> float:
r"""A one line summary sentence of the function.
Extensive multi-line summary of what is going in. Use single backticks
for parameters of the function like `width` and two ticks for values
``67``. You can link to classes :py:class:`metatomic.torch.System`. This
also works for other classes and functions like
Inline Math is also possible with :math:`\mathsf{R}`. Or as a math block.
.. math::
\mathbf{x}' = \mathsf{R}\mathbf{x}
:param value_1:
The first parameter of the function, a :py:class:`float`.
:param value_2:
The second parameter of the function, an :py:class:`int`.
:returns result:
The result of the calculation, a :py:class:`float`.
:raises TypeError:
If `value_1` is not a :py:class:`float` or `value_2` is not a :py:class:`int`.
:raises ValueError:
If `value_1` is not greater than zero.
>>> from metatomic import func
>>> func(1, 1)
return result
Use Python typing in the function arguments, indicate return types.
Start the description after each
in a new line and add an empty line between the parameter and return block.Emphasize function and class parameters with a single backtick i.e
and general variables should be double backticked . i.e.``my_variable``
If you include any maths, make the string a raw string by prefixing with
, e.g.,r"""Some math like :math:`\nu^2 / \rho` with backslashes."""
Otherwise the
will be rendered as ASCII escape sequences that break lines without you noticing it or you will get either one of the following two errors message- Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent
- Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end string
The examples are tested with doctest. Therefore, please make sure that they are complete and functioning (with all required imports). Use the
syntax for inputs (followed by...
for multiline inputs) and no indentation for outputs for the examples.""" >>> a = np.array( ... [1, 2, 3, 4] ... ) """
The following scripts can be useful to developers:
: remove all generated files related to Python, including all build caches