Upgrade to a Websocket connection with GET ws(s)://server/ws
<packet-name>:<json encoded data again encoded in base64>
All the SHA256 hashes are converted into hex before the are processed any further. Response: error or ok
- username: string - Nickname of the user
- password: string - SHA256(password)
- anti_replay: string - SHA256(SHA256(password) + " " + timestamp) This is useless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- timestamp: number - The current UNIX-timestamp in seconds
- Servers should accept the login if the timestamp is at most 10 seconds behind the timestamp
Responses: error or ok
- username: string - Nickname of the user
- password: string - SHA256(password)
- name: string
- username: string
- channel: name
- username: string
- channel: string
- channel: string
- username: string
- value: number
- Raise priveleges of this user to full access of this channel
- Remove All Privileges of this user
- text: string - Text to send in the active channel!
- status: number
- Offline
- Online
Join a channel and request its contents
- name: string - New active channel of this user
- count: number - number of messages to display
- offset: number - where to start the history (-1 for latest)
The last action send was successful! This will be sent if the action doesnt respond with a packet by default.
- packet: string - The name of the packet that was successfully processed by the server
- channels: A
- name: string
- username: string
- value: number
- Raise priveleges of this user to full access of this channel
- Remove All Privileges of this userrray of String - All channels the user joined
- message: string
- username: string
- text: string
- number: number
- username: string
- status: number - See client-bound packet
- current_message_number: number - number of newest message
- users: Array of String (Usernames)
- admin_users: Array of Strings (Usernames)
- history: Array
- username: string
- text: string
- number: number
Running the nodejs server requires a mongodb server.
Create secret.ts
and export a constant object with the following keys:
: Username for mongodbmongo_password
: Password for mongodb
A sample secret.ts
export const secrets = {
mongo_user: "mongo-goes",
mongo_password: "brrr"
Running the java client requires additional files and requirements. See /client-java/README.md for details.