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Releases: metallicafan212/HP2UScriptDecompile

Textures reexported and fixed floats decompiled wrong

31 Oct 00:19
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All textures have been reexported, the exec texture commands have been edited to work in the M212 engine, wrongly decompiled floats have been corrected, has some M212 engine fixes and a few KW issues have been fixed.

Update: The source code attached with this release is now out of date, either download it from the code section or pull the changes.

Note: This version will only work in the M212 engine.

Version 2 Decomp Release

23 Dec 19:12
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A release for version 2 of the editor and engine.

HGame Decomp Fixes

10 Dec 18:21
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Includes fixes for stuff UTPT missed, wrong nested ifs, incorrect/missing parenthesis, consts decompiled as the value instead of the name, removing mips from menu textures and cleaning up the code.
This also includes editing the spongify touching array in Harry and extending CutCameraPos/CutMark from Keypoint to keep HGame compatible with the new engine.


06 Sep 21:54
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HPModels includes all classes, models, animations and textures.
Every KW package (HGame, HPModels, HPParticle, HProps and HPSounds) can be rebuilt.
Also includes minor fixes to HGame, HProps and more UTPT bloat removed.


12 Jun 02:29
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All of HProps classes and assets are imported which means the package can be regenerated.
Other changes include fixing Textures= to Textures(0)= for HPParticle and tidying up HGame.

HPParticle and HPSounds

21 Feb 20:20
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Both HPParticle and HPSounds can be regenerated from scratch.
This also includes minor fixes to HGame.

Individual Texture Imports Build

14 Dec 19:11
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All the texture imports are now in the correct classes instead of one file.
This also includes general fixes.

First from scratch build

14 Nov 05:32
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All classes and textures are 100% compiled and imported now. HGame.u was deleted and regenerated