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[2017] Higher-level, type-driven, simplified message-queuing ➜ wrapping+hiding+streamlining RabbitMQ-via-streadway/amqp under the hood

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A higher-level, type-driven, simplified message-queuing API wrapping+hiding+streamlining RabbitMQ & streadway/amqp under the hood

High-Level API Workflow:

  • make a Context (later, when done, Close it)

  • for simple messaging, use it to declare a named Queue, then

    • Queue.Publish(anything)
    • Queue.SubscribeTo<Thing>s(myOnThingHandlers...)
  • to publish to multiple subscribers

    • use the Context and an unnamed Queue to declare an Exchange,
    • then Exchange.Publish(anything)
  • for multiple worker instances, set 2 bools, as below

Example Scenarios

"Line-of-business object" types used here, BizEvent and BizFoo, are included for demo purposes, to showcase how easily one may "type-safe-ish"ly broadcast and subscribe-to any kind of custom, in-house struct type.

(Pseudo-code below ignores all the errors returned that it should in reality check)

Simple publishing via Queue:

    ctx := ezmq.NewLocalContext()                               // guest:guest@localhost:5672
    defer ctx.Close()
    var qcfg *ezmq.QueueConfig = nil                            // nil = use 'prudent' defaults

    qe,_ := ctx.Queue('myevents', qcfg)
    qe.Publish(ezmq.NewBizEvent("evt1", "DisEvent"))

    qf,_ := ctx.Queue('myfoos', qcfg)
    qf.Publish(&ezmq.BizFoo{ Bar: true, Baz: 10 })

    // some more for good measure:
    qe.Publish(ezmq.NewBizEvent("evt2", "DatEvent"))
    qf.Publish(&ezmq.BizFoo{ Baz: 20 })
    qe.Publish(ezmq.NewBizEvent("evt3", "SomeEvent"))

Simple subscribing via Queue:

    onBizEvent := func(evt *ezmq.BizEvent) {
    qf.SubscribeToBizFoos(func(foo *ezmq.Foo) { mylogger.LogAnything(foo) })
    for true { /* we loop until we won't */ }

Multiple subscribers via Exchange:

    qm,_ := ctx.Queue('', qcfg)   //  name MUST be empty
    var xcfg *ezmq.ExchangeConfig = nil // as above, nil = defaults
    ex,_ := ctx.Exchange('mybroadcast', xcfg, qm)  //  only pass `Queue`s that were declared with empty `name`

    ex.Publish(ezmq.NewBizEvent("evt1", "DisEvent"))  //  publish via `Exchange`, not via `Queue`, same API
    ex.Publish(&ezmq.BizFoo{ Bar: true, Baz: 10 })
    ex.Publish(ezmq.NewBizEvent("evt2", "DatEvent"))
    ex.Publish(&ezmq.BizFoo{ Baz: 20 })

Enabling multiple worker instances:

    // Pub/Sub: pass &qcfg to ctx.Queue:
    qcfg := ezmq.ConfigDefaultsQueue
    qcfg.Pub.Persistent = true
    qcfg.QosMultipleWorkerInstances = true // optionally, also handle `Queue.Config.Sub.OnAckError`

    // Multi-Subs Pub: pass &xcfg to ctx.Exchange --- WITH an (unnamed) `Queue` as per above:
    xcfg := ezmq.ConfigDefaultsExchange
    xcfg.Pub.Persistent = true

    // Rest as usual


var (
	//	Can be modified. Initially contains prudent defaults quite sensible
	//	during prototyping, until you *know* what few things you need to tweak and why.
	//	Used by `Context.Exchange()` if it is passed `nil` for its `cfg` arg.
	ConfigDefaultsExchange = ExchangeConfig{Durable: true, Type: "fanout"}
var (
	//	Can be modified. Initially contains prudent defaults quite sensible
	//	during prototyping, until you *know* what few things you need to tweak and why.
	//	Used by `Context.Queue()` if it is passed `nil` for its `cfg` arg.
	ConfigDefaultsQueue = QueueConfig{Durable: true, Sub: TweakSub{AutoAck: true}}

type BizEvent

type BizEvent struct {
	Id   string
	Name string
	Date time.Time

Just a minimal demo "line-of-business object" type that ezmq can pub/sub. This type as well as BizFoo showcase just how easily one would extend one's in-house / company-specific ezMQ wrapper library by additional custom message types as desired.

func NewBizEvent

func NewBizEvent(id string, name string) *BizEvent

func NewBizEventAt

func NewBizEventAt(id string, name string, date time.Time) *BizEvent

type BizFoo

type BizFoo struct {
	Bar bool
	Baz int

Just a minimal demo "line-of-business object" type that ezmq can pub/sub. This type as well as BizEvent showcase just how easily one would extend one's in-house / company-specific ezMQ wrapper library by additional custom message types as desired.

type Context

type Context struct {
	UserName string
	Password string
	Host     string
	Port     uint16

Provides access to the backing message-queue implementation, encapsulating the underlying connection/channel primitives. Set the fields (as fits the project context / local setup) before declaring the Queues or Exchanges needed to publish and subscribe, as those calls will connect if the Context isn't already connected. Subsequent field mutations are of course ignored as the connection is kept alive. For clean-up or manual / pooled connection strategies, Context provides the Close method.

func NewLocalContext

func NewLocalContext() Context

A convenient Context for local-machine based prototyping/testing: guest:guest@localhost:5672

func (*Context) Close

func (ctx *Context) Close() (chanCloseErr, connCloseErr error)

Be SURE to call this when done with ezmq, to cleanly dispose of underlying resource primitives.

func (*Context) Exchange

func (ctx *Context) Exchange(name string, cfg *ExchangeConfig, bindTo *Queue) (ex *Exchange, err error)

Declares an "exchange" for publishing to multiple subscribers via the specified Queue that MUST have been created with an empty name. (NB. if multiple-subscribers need not be supported, then no need for an Exchange: just use a simple Queue only.) If cfg is nil, a copy of the current ConfigDefaultsExchange is used for ex.Config, else a copy of cfg. For name, see Exchange.Name.

func (*Context) Queue

func (ctx *Context) Queue(name string, cfg *QueueConfig) (q *Queue, err error)

Declares a queue with the specified name for publishing and subscribing. If cfg is nil, a copy of the current ConfigDefaultsQueue is used for q.Config, else a copy of cfg. For name, DO refer to Queue.Name.

type Exchange

type Exchange struct {
	//	Shouldn't be empty, although it's legal: that implies the backing
	//	message-queue's "default" exchange --- however there is typically no
	//	need to set up an `Exchange` to use that one, as it's used by default
	//	for example when `Publish`ing directly via a `Queue`.
	Name string

	//	Set to sensible defaults of `ConfigDefaultsExchange` at initialization.
	Config ExchangeConfig

Used in-place-of / in-conjunction-with a Queue when needing to publish to multiple subscribers. ONLY to be constructed via Context.Exchange(), and fields are not to be mutated thereafter! It remains associated with that Context for all its Publish calls.

func (*Exchange) Publish

func (ex *Exchange) Publish(obj interface{}) error

Serializes the specified obj and publishes it to this exchange.

type ExchangeConfig

type ExchangeConfig struct {
	Type       string // fanout/direct/topic/headers
	Args       map[string]interface{}
	Durable    bool
	AutoDelete bool
	Internal   bool
	NoWait     bool
	Pub        TweakPub
	QueueBind  struct {
		NoWait     bool
		Args       map[string]interface{}
		RoutingKey string

Specialist tweaks for declaring an Exchange to the backing message-queue. If you don't know their meaning, you're best off keeping our defaults until admins/dev-ops/unexpected-results suggest otherwise.

type Queue

type Queue struct {
	//	Contains either the `name` given at initialization to `Context.Queue()`,
	//	or a random identifier if that was empty: in such cases, this `Queue`
	//	MUST be used to bind to an `Exchange` constructed via `Context.Exchange()`,
	//	and the `Config` will be set to a newly created copy of the effective
	//	`cfg` in `Context.Queue()`, with tweaked `Durable` and `Exclusive` fields.
	Name string

	//	Set to sensible defaults of `ConfigDefaultsQueue` at initialization.
	Config QueueConfig

Used to publish and to subscribe. ONLY to be constructed via Context.Queue(), and fields are not to be mutated thereafter! It remains associated with that Context for all its Publish and SubscribeTo calls.

func (*Queue) Publish

func (q *Queue) Publish(obj interface{}) error

Serializes the specified obj and publishes it to this exchange.

func (*Queue) SubscribeTo

func (q *Queue) SubscribeTo(makeEmptyObjForDeserialization func() interface{}, onMsg func(interface{})) (err error)

Generic subscription mechanism used by the more convenient well-typed wrapper functions such as SubscribeToBizEvents and SubscribeToBizFoos:

Subscribe to messages only of the Type returned by the specified makeEmptyObjForDeserialization constructor function used to allocate a new empty/zeroed non-pointer struct value whenever attempting to deserialize a message received from this Queue. If that succeeds, a pointer to that value is passed to the specified onMsg event handler: this will always be passed a non-nil pointer to the value (now populated with data) returned by makeEmptyObjForDeserialization, therefore safe to cast back to the Type.

func (*Queue) SubscribeToBizEvents

func (q *Queue) SubscribeToBizEvents(subscribers ...func(*BizEvent)) (err error)

A well-typed (to BizEvent) wrapper around Queue.SubscribeTo.

func (*Queue) SubscribeToBizFoos

func (q *Queue) SubscribeToBizFoos(subscribers ...func(*BizFoo)) (err error)

A well-typed (to BizFoo) wrapper around Queue.SubscribeTo.

type QueueConfig

type QueueConfig struct {
	Durable                    bool
	AutoDelete                 bool
	Exclusive                  bool
	NoWait                     bool
	QosMultipleWorkerInstances bool
	Pub                        TweakPub
	Sub                        TweakSub
	Args                       map[string]interface{}

Specialist tweaks for declaring a Queue to the backing message-queue. If you don't know their meaning, you're best off keeping our defaults until admins/dev-ops/unexpected-results suggest otherwise.

type TweakPub

type TweakPub struct {
	Mandatory  bool
	Immediate  bool
	Persistent bool

Specialist tweaks for Publishing via a Queue or an Exchange. If you don't know their meaning, you're best off keeping our defaults until admins/dev-ops/unexpected-results suggest otherwise.

type TweakSub

type TweakSub struct {
	Consumer string
	AutoAck  bool
	NoLocal  bool

	//	Keep 'nil` to ignore (or set, to handle) unlikely-but-not-impossible
	//	manual-(non-auto)-delivery-acknowledgement errors; those can only possibly
	//	occur when `Queue.Config.Sub.AutoAck` was set to `false` (defaults to
	//	`true`) *or* when `Queue.Config.QosMultipleWorkerInstances` was set to `true`.
	//	RETURN: `true` to "keep going" (keep listening and also pass the decoded
	//	value if any to subscribers --- probably the desirable course of action),
	//	or `false` to discard the value and stop listening on behalf of the affected subscribers
	OnAckError func(error) bool

Specialist tweaks used from within Queue.SubscribeTo. If you don't know their meaning, you're best off keeping our defaults until admins/dev-ops/unexpected-results suggest otherwise.


[2017] Higher-level, type-driven, simplified message-queuing ➜ wrapping+hiding+streamlining RabbitMQ-via-streadway/amqp under the hood







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