Kolle low code is an RDF triple-based declarative language.
The main purpose of defining Kolle low-code is to easily convert to no-code and understandable to machine and human. On the other hand, RDF is easy to represent and transform. The input and output of the Kolle compiler is RDF triple.
Each line of Kolle input is triple and output is also triple. The final emitter of Kolle can be SQL statement, data-linage UI, model visualization, Avro schema, etc.
Triple has a subject, property, and object.
Subject: It is the name of the model or type. It will always symbol and not nil
Property: It is the name of the attribute and it can be nil for a filter, type declaration, etc
Object: It references the source, it can be nil.
Subject Property Object
person f_name nil
person l_name nil
person dob nil
The object is nil because the person is the source model.
Copy data from the producer source model to the consumer-refined model.
Subject Property Object
person_refined first_name person/f_name
person_refined last_name person/l_name
person_refined full_name (+ person/f_name " " person/l_name)
person_refined dob person/dob
Person refined is the consumer model and person is the producer model. During copy either it can be one-to-one, enrichment, and anything else. The full name is the enrichment example. It can be the composition of functions.
Subject Property Object
person_refined id (md5 (+ person/fname " " person/l_name))
Id is the md5 hash value. The object is a composition of concat and md5 functions.
When needs enrichment before doing the calculation, the local variable separates the task.
Subject Property Object
person f_name nil
person L_name nil
person_refined full_name (+ person/f_name person/l_name)
person_refined id (md5 this/full_name)
For Id property, the source is this instead of the person.
Subject Property Object
person f_name nil
person L_name nil
-- this is source for id property
person_refined full_name (+ person/f_name person/l_name)
person_refined id (md5 this/full_name)
Only single-line comment support. Here -- is the comment like SQL editor.
Data types can be primitive and logical.
Subject Property Object
person_refined first_name person/f_name
person_refined "dob date" person/dob
dob birth is date type. Type converstation will be implicit.
Subject Property Object
person_refined "email string array" person/email
Email is array of the string.
The primitive type is good for the machine but the logical type simplifies business communication. Define the new micro type bellow.
Subject Property Object
"email type" nil (type-of string)
Subject Email is a micro type of string. It can be with regular expression and validation functions.
Subject Property Object
"email type" nil (type-of string "^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$" (< 0 (len "#value")))
email is with validation condition, email has regular expression and len will not be blank.
Subject Property Object
"email type" nil (type-of string "^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$" (< 0 (len "#value")))
person_refined "email email" person/email
Email is a logical type here. The validation check will be implicit user doesn't need to define as explicitly. Any changes in the email will be reflected in all places.
In Filter, property is nil and Object is function.
Subject Proeprty Object
person_refined nil (where (< 0 (len person/fname)))
Merging is the same as a filter where Property is nil and Object is function.
Subject Property Object
person f_name nil
person l_name nil
person email nil
person address_id nil
address id nil
address post_code nil
person_refined f_name person/f_name
person_refined post_code address/post_code
person_refined nil (join person/address_id address/id)
Object function - left-join, join, inner_join
Grouping is same as filter
Subject Property Object
person f_name nil
person age nil
person_age_group f_name person/f_name
person_age_group nil (group_by person/age)
group_by is function of Object
Concat multiple source into single target
Subject Property Object
person f_name nil
person l_name nil
customer cust_name nil
customer name nil
person_refined first_name person/f_name
person_refined last_name person/l_name ;
person_refined first_name customer/cust_name
person_refined last_name customer/name
persin/f_name and customer/cust_name maps to first_name
Macro generates rdf mapping from RDF mapping. Macro is used for metadata transformation, UDF is used for data transformation
Source models can be generated from data sources. The data source can be XML, JSON, CSV and EDN.
Subject Property Object
person nil (metadata {:f_name "" :l_name "" dob ""})
Copy all attributes from producer person to consumer person_refined.
Subject Property Object
person nil (metadata {:f_name "" :l_name "" dob ""})
person_refined nil (select person)
select all field and add new fiels
Subject Property Object
person nil (metadata {:f_name "" :l_name "" dob ""})
person_refined nil (select person)
person_refined full_name (+ person/f_name " " person/l_name)
Remove duplicate data
Subject Property Object
person nil (metadata {:f_name "" :l_name "" dob ""})
person_distinct nil (distinct person)
Convert document model to flatten model
Subject Property Object
person_full nil (metadata {:person {:f_name "" :l_name "" dob ""}
:address [{:post_code 23454 :street "" :city ""}]} ) ```;
_ _ (flatten person_full);```
; is the separator for the triple. the underscore is used idiomatically to indicate that the argument it identifies is not subsequently used.
Apply is used for batch operation when the consumer model needs to remove duplicates from all producer models.
Subject Property Object
person_full nil (metadata {:person {:f_name "" :l_name "" dob ""}
:address [{:post_code 23454 :street "" :city ""}]} ) ```;
_ _ (flatten person_full);
_ _ (apply distinct _raw)```
Get returns one model from the document or hierarchical model.
Subject Property Object
person_full nil (metadata {:person {:f_name "" :l_name "" dob ""}
:address [{:post_code 23454 :street "" :city ""}]} ) ```;
person_raw nil (get person_full person);
address_raw nil (get person_full address)```
Change attribute value from producer model to consumer model.
Subject Property Object
person nil (metadata {:f_name "" :l_name "" gender ""}} )
person_refined first_name person/f_name
person_refined last_name person/l_name
person_refind gender (replace-value person/gender {"m" "male" "f" "female"} "na")
Accessing array element from producer model.
Subject Property Object
person nil (metadata {:f_name "" :l_name "" gender "" mobile_no ["0176-564"]}} )
person_refined first_name person/f_name
person_refined last_name person/l_name
person_refined mobile_no (index-of person/mobile_no 1)
Index of returning first element of producer mobile no.
Where+ separates producer data-based condition. Valid data copy to refined model explicitly, invalid data copy to error model implicitly.
Subject Proeprty Object
person nil (metadata {:fname "" :lname "" :age 28})
person_refined nil (where+ (< 0 (len person/fname)))
person refined is for the valid data source and error is for invalid datasets.
More complex example
Subject Proeprty Object
person nil (metadata {:fname "" :lname "" :age 28})
person_refined nil (where+ (< 0 (len person/fname)))
Keep only latest value from producer model
Subject Proeprty Object
person nil (metadata {:id "" :fname "" :lname "" :age 28})
person_latest nil (latest_by_offset person id)
person latest only store latest value from producer person. id is primary key for person.
Subject Property Object
party_raw id nil
party_raw f_name nil
party_raw l_name nil
party_raw age nil
party_refined nil (select party_raw/*)
party_refined age party_raw/age
party_refined nil (assoc-dv-attr id party_raw/id)
party_refined nil (where+ (contain? \"1, 2, 3\" party_raw/id))
party_refined nil (where+ (length 4 party_raw/f_name))
party_refined nil (where+ (!=null party_raw/f_name party_raw/l_name))
party_refined nil (where+ (< 4 party_raw/l_name))
where+ is used with different attribute to apply different data quality rule.