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File metadata and controls

341 lines (211 loc) · 11.1 KB

YAMZ Metadictionary

This is the README for the YAMZ vocabulary builder for data and metadata. It includes instructions for deploying on a local machine for testing and on a Linux-based environment for a scalable production version (coming soon).

The current application requires the use of a postgres database to support full-text search.

The following is an example configuration. You can substitute your own db names and users.


  1. Install postgres. Installation instructions may vary depending on the platform.

postgres downloads

On macOS, you can use homebrew:

brew install postgresql

Make sure the postgres server is running. You may want to configure your computer so that the server starts automatically on reboot. On macOS, for example:

brew services start postgresql

on Ubuntu:

## Postgres default users

The default unix admin user, postgres, needs a password assigned in order to connect to a database. To set a password:

Enter the command: sudo passwd postgres

You will get a prompt to enter your new password.

Close and reopen your terminal. (parallel to the postgres user 'postgres'), allowing something like

sudo -u postgres psql

postgres=# create database yamz with owner postgres;

Postgres authentication configuration

Configure the authentication method for postgres and all other users connecting locally In /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf change "peer" to md5 for the administrative account and local unix domain socket

# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     md5
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5

Next, we want to only be able to connect to the database from the local machine

In /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf

uncomment the line

listen_addresses = 'localhost'

Restart the postgres server

sudo service postgresql restart

Finally, log back in to postgres to create the database,

Add a db password for the user 'postgres'.

`sudo -u postgres psql template1`
`postgres=# alter user postgres with encrypted password 'PASS';`

sudo -u postgres psql

postgres=# create database yamz with owner postgres;

postgres-# \q

On macOS:

createuser -d postgres
psql -U postgres -c "alter user postgres with encrypted password 'PASS'"

On macOS:

psql -U postgres -c 'create database yamz with owner postgres'
  1. Placeholder

  2. Clone the repository

    git clone

  3. switch to the yamz directory

    cd yamz

  4. Create a python 3 virtual environment

    virtualenv env

On macOS, you may have to first install python3 and virtualenv (

brew install python3
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv env
  1. Activate the virtual environment:

    source env/bin/activate

  2. Install the Python dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Modify the \ file in the root directory with the appropriate credentials and change the name to (remove the leading underscore). is included in .gitignore so the modified file should not be pushed to the repository.

Make sure to specify both orcid and google credentials and the username and password of the database you created. You can get these credentials here for google and from ORCID under the developer tab in your profile. Sandbox

From the file:

    "google": {
        "id": "<your-client-id>",
        "secret": "<your-client-secret>",
    "orcid": {
        "id": "<your-client-id>",
        "secret": "<your-client-secret>",

    or "postgresql://contributor:PASS@localhost/yamz"
  1. Set the FLASK_APP variable:


  2. On the first run, create the db:

    flask db init

On subsequent runs:

flask db migrate
flask db upgrade     
  1. Run the app

If you want to use a different port for the dev server, set FLASK_RUN_PORT. For example, on macOS the default Flask port (5000) can conflict with the default AirPlay Receiver port, so you might run Flask on 5001 instead:

export FLASK_RUN_PORT=5001

If you want to run in development mode (which sends error messages to the console):

export FLASK_ENVIRONMENT=development
flask run

Note that when working in dev mode, the Google-authorized URLs must allow access on the port for authentication to work. You set these in the console. ORCID authentication similarly will only work if the URL is pre-authorized.

Import Legacy Entries

It is no longer necessary to run the scripts to import legacy entries. Please follow the instructions
for backups below to import the entries into a new instance of yamz. 

OAuth Credentials and appkey

YAMZ uses Google for third party authentication (OAuth-2.0) management of logins. Visit to set this service up for your instance. Navigate to something like APIs and Services -> Credentials and select whatever lets you create a new OAuth client ID. For local configuration, supply these answers:

Application type . . . . . . . . . . Web application

Authorized javascript origins  . . . https://localhost:5000 # note that the Credential API will not permit publishing the app with non-https redirects so it would be necessary to create a certificate for the machine running a dev instance of NGINX in order to test the Google authentication component locally

Authorized redirect URI  . . . . . . https://localhost:5000/g_authorized

The credentials minus the port is for when the proxy web server is set up, you are no longer using the flask development server, and have set up https on a named server. You can also serve the application locally using HTTPS by invoking uwsgi and the ini file from within the yamz directory uwsgi yamz_local.ini but you will need to generate an ssl certificate for the localhost and add it to your browser or OS store.

Deploying to Production

Create a yamz.ini file in the yamz directory. There is a template in the repository

module = yamz:app

master = true
processes = 5

socket = yamz.sock
chmod-socket = 660
vacuum = true

die-on-term = true

Create a unit file yamz.service within the /etc/systemd/system directory. usr1 is a stand-in for the username that is associated with the running instance of your web server.

Description=uWSGI instance to serve yamz

ExecStart=uwsgi --ini yamz.ini


Start the service:

sudo systemctl start yamz

Enable the service so that it starts at boot:

sudo systemctl enable yamz

Check the status:

sudo systemctl status yamz

YAMZ is now running, waiting for requests on the socket file.

Configuring Nginx to Proxy Requests

Create a new server block configuration file in Nginx's sites-available directory.

For example sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/yamz

server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
        include uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_pass unix:/home/usr1/yamz/yamz.sock;

Save and close the file when you are finished.

To enable the Nginx server block configuration, link the file to the sites-enabled directory:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/yamz /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

Remove the default site or it will block the proxying.

sudo unlink /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Test for syntax errors.

sudo nginx -t

The YAMZ prototype is currently hosted at

Make sure the user in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file is the user you want to run the project under

Restart nginx.

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Secure the Application

You can do this anyway you like, but currently it is with Certbot and its Nginx plugin

The Nginx plugin will take configure Nginx and reload the config when necessary. To use it

sudo certbot --nginx -d -d

Make sure there is a generic type a record and one for www for your domain.

Certbot will ask you whether you wish to redirect all http traffic to https (removing http access).


Backup on production pg_dump -C -Fp -f yamz.sql -U postgres yamz

This will create a yamz.sql file that is portable.

For example, to restore from a given daily backup:

service yamz stop
dropdb -U postgres yamz
psql -U postgres -f yamz_2023-05-11.sql

To update the yamz_dev database from current production database:

service yamz stop
psql -U postgres
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE yamz_dev WITH TEMPLATE yamz

Development Environment

The dev environment for the current version of YAMZ is a direct copy of the production environment, currently located on the same server but in a different directory. (~/yamz_dev). There are several differences.

The UNIX socket file must have a different name than yamz.sock in the yamz.ini file. Currently, it is called yamz_dev.sock

The SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI points to a copy of the yamz database called yamz_dev which is not in syc with the main database. To sync it you can restore a backup copy with the yamz_dev name as described in 'Backups' above.

There is a UNIX service called yamz_dev running that starts the uwsgi workers for the dev site. It is a copy of the yamz.service, just with a different name.

The same git branch (deploy) exists in this dev directory so changes here will come as a pull request to 'deployment.' This is a shortcut that should be addressed.

Reinstalling YAMZ Environment

  1. Make a copy of the config file. You will need it once you pull the repository from GitHub.
  2. If you plan on restoring the database from the same computer, execute the command to save the db to a file.
  3. sudo pg_dump -C -Fp -f yamz.sql -U postgres yamz
    1. This will create a file, yamz.sql. Save this or obtain the file from the production environment.
  4. Run psql as the postgres user sudo -u postgres psql
  5. Drop the yamz database DROP DATABASE YAMZ
  6. Restore from the backup psql -U postgres -f yamz.sql
  7. In an empty directory, clone the deployment repository.
  8. Copy the config file into the top-level directory.
  9. Start YAMZ via flask run
  10. If you want to use migrations, first delete the alembic version from the restored db.
  11. flask db init