This tool is intended to facilitate easy conversion of models trained using PyTorch or any other Deep Learning framework into FoolBox. Foolbox is an open source framework which maintains regularly updated code implementation of latest adversarial attacks. We have created this tool as a wrapper to Foolbox with functionality relevant to various use-caseses.
This benchmark tool would allow an easy conversion of their PyTorch/Tensorflow/Keras etc models and hence, one can easily test his/her model against all the attack implementations available.
We have structured our tool as follows:-
- attacks - The module contains some sample attack implementations. One can use these as a template and easily implement other Foolbox adversarial attacks too.
- dataset - Contains the code for loading differnt dataset such asCelebA.
- model - Contains the source code for a model. We have a PyTorch model in the directory as an example. Please note that we expect that the model is already trained and we are going to test it against adversarial. perturbations. Hence, we do not provide any code for training of the model. For our example mode, in case you want to train a model from scratch, please check here.
- use_cases - Contains logic specific to the various use-casess. Our examples are Face-Reidentification and Attribute Alterations as outlined here.
- wrapper - Contains the model converter. This would take a model and convert it into FoolBox.
We would like to re-iterate that we expect that the model is already trained. Hence, please make sure you have saved the model weights. The model conversion process would first load the model weights and then convert the model to Foolbox.
Following software required to use this package:
- It has been tested on GNU/Linux, and macOS systems running Python 3.6, and 3.7 installed.
Additionally, other utility packages required can be obtained by taking a look at the requirements.txt
The requirements are placed in the requirements.txt file. Please use
pip install -r requirements.txt
to set up the dependencies. We also suggest making virtual environments by using conda or python virtual environment using
python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
To start with execute
python -h
To get a list of options and instructions to execute the program. For starting a simple training loop, simply use
python --task_type attr --checkpoint_dir saved_models --model_number 0
Since the options have default arguments in most of the cases (please check
file for the entire list), one can make use of the default options and
reduce the above command command to
In our examples, we support two tasks currently.
- Targeted Re-identification
- Facial Attribute manipulations
This can be selected by using task_type
argument. For instance,
python --checkpoint_dir saved_models --task_type reid --model_number 0
Here we specify the checkpoint_dir
and model_number
(Specific model to load). We expect that model weights are present in the saved_models
folder before starting the conversion process.
The results shall be computed on the CelebA dataset.
To create a new Attack, please create a new python file in the attacks/attack_types
package. Please make sure all attacks extend the attacks.base.Attack
The class has three methods that are used:-
- instantiate_attack() -> Which is used in order to create an instance of
type defined in Foolbox framework. - attack_description() -> A string representation of the attack. Please check this to see how this comes in handy for the tool.
Once this is done, the tool would automatically recognize the new Attack and compute the model performance against the new attack along with the previous ones (Basically all the Attacks that are present in the attacks.attack_types
However, there is a way to skip certain attacks if there is a need. Please check here
There may be scenarios in which you want to skip certain attack types (for instacne Carlini and Wagner). This can be done by editing the
file. The skip_list
can be used to skip attacks.
The tool performs string matching based on the string representation of each attack class. For instance, if you want to skip c&w attack, just use
skip_list = ['carlini_wagner']
The string representation of Carlini and Wagner attack is carlini_wagner
and the same name needs to be used in the configuration list.
If the skip_list
is empty, we run the model against all the test types.
One can perform Targeted Attacks as well. For this simply pass --target label
flag with an appropriate target label. For instance,
python --checkpoint_dir saved_models --task_type reid --model_number 3 --target_label 17
- The Targeted Attacks are not defined for Attribute Alteration tasks and the tool would throw an error before starting.
- There are certain attacks such as
for which Targted Attacks are not defined by Foolbox. They would be skipped and the tool would compute results for the remaining attack types.
Here are some sample output obtained from the execution of the tool.
When executed with the command
python --checkpoint_dir saved_models --model_number 8
Similarly, when we execute the tool for performing Un-targeted ReIdentification task.
python --checkpoint_dir saved_models --task_type reid --model_number 3
Finally, when we execute the tool for targeted ReIdentification task, we would get
python --checkpoint_dir saved_models --task_type reid --model_number 3 --target_label 17
The bechmark tool also supports Tensorflow or Keras models too. The respective model definitions using the desired library should be included. Once the class members are defined, one can import the model class in the
file and then convert it using tensorflow_to_foolbox
module. If your method uses multiple models, it can be handled easily by properly organizing it under parent model and then call it accordingly. Necessary data processing steps should be included while passing the batches of data from the benchmark_tool.
In case any kind of further postprocessing is desired regarding the output that comes from the foolbox model, that are to be passed to another foolbox model or there is a need to change the loss-function or evaluation metric, one should keep in mind the use of Eagerpy. Here the eagerpy
is used to convert tensors from respective libraries of eagerpy tensors. Most basic operations needed to introduce different loss or any further postprocessing are available in Eagerpy.
The Foolbox framework does not support Multi-label classification out of the box. Hence, it does not support Attribute Alteration Task directly. We have modified the tool by adding a wrapper which can manage all instances of FixedEpsilonAttack. Please take a look at file to see how this is done.
However, for AttackWithDistance subclasses (for instance carlini_wagner) it is not possible to perform monkey patching and manage the code. The only possible way
is to ovveride the run
method here and basically
copy everything with changes to the code as per need. For the sake of keeping the framework simpler and easily extensible, we decided to skip the operation for such cases.
Developers are encouraged to update the code themselves and reach out to us for any help.