Protect the programming world! Guess the word in under 8 attempts to stop Assembly language from taking over.
Assembly Endgame is a fun and challenging word-guessing game where users must guess a randomly selected word within 8 attempts. Failure to do so will unleash the resurgence of Assembly language, threatening the modern programming world!
- Randomly selected words for each game session.
- A maximum of 8 attempts to guess the correct word.
- Visual feedback for correct and incorrect guesses.
- Engaging theme with a programming twist.
- React (Frontend framework for building the app)
- JavaScript (Game logic and component behavior)
- HTML5 (Structure rendered by React)
- CSS3 (Styling and animations)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the index.html file in your browser.
- Start guessing the word and save the programming world!
- Add difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Hard).
- Include a scoring system.
- Allow users to choose word categories.
Created by meranHM - feel free to reach out!