Full stack application that enables people to share their new project ideas with authentication and voting system.
Why I made it ?
I made this app to learn the full workflow of the MERN stack applications from end to end and to make my hands dirty with SPAs.
- React
- Material Ui
- Redux
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB
- Joi Validation
- custom auth
- OAuth
- Post
- Voting System
- Responsive
- Pagination
in the Think-Twice/Server directory create a file named .env and put your credentials in this file.
Mongo_URI = "You database connection URI"
SECRET = "Your jwt secret"
run the server ..
git clone https://github.com/menaaziz27/Think-Twice.git
cd Think-Twice/Server
npm install
npm start
open a new shell in the Think-Twice/Client directory
npm install
npm start
this will boot the application up on http://localhost:3000.