This is dummy django blog application.
In the cloud context, application is hosted on Render as a Python app, so Docker, Gunicorn, Nginx are not used.
Locally you will run the application using Docker (with Gunicorn and Nginx).
The CI-CD chain consists in using Circle-ci.
A dummy Django application for learning purposes, to practise. Focus is set on the backend, do not pay attention to the frontend (HTML, CSS & Javascript).
Also more tests and logging will be added later on.
You can find this dummy blog app at
Because of a free instances plan, Render will spin down with inactivity, which can delay requests by 50 seconds or more.
Python 3.11 and later
Docker (docker-compose), DockerHub
git clone
cd dummy_django_app_on_render
poetry install
source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate
For a local usage set an envrc file such like this:
export SECRET_KEY="superSecretKey"
export ALLOWED_HOSTS="localhost,"
export DEBUG=0
export TIME_ZONE="Europe/Paris"
export DOCKER_HUB_USER='yourDockerhubUsername'
export DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD='yourDockerhubPassword'
export IS_TESTING=False
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your_aws_access_key_id"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your_aws_secret_access_key"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="your_aws_region"
export EMAIL_HOST="localhost"
export EMAIL_PORT=25
export EMAIL_USE_TLS=False
The Django will load the file (with load_dotenv).
To avoid manual commands, use the dummy "".
To build the images locally:
./ build
To publish the built images on Dockerhub:
./ publish
To run the local images and stop app:
./ run_dev
./ down_dev
To run the Dockerhub images and stop app:
./ run_prod
./ down_prod
Notice: the './ cloud' command is only run by Render.
Once running locally, you can access the application at: http://localhost:5555/
source .env
source .venv/bin/activate
coverage run -m pytest dummy_django_blog/
coverage report