Hi, I'm Melodie, and my pronouns are she/her or they/them!
I am currently working on creating innovative methods to create sounds using robots. What that specifically means may vary, but includes things like using robots as performance tools and simply syncing robotic movement with movement in sound design.
I'm particularly interested in open source projects, especially related to music, making things, and biomedical engineering. I come from the world of mechanical engineering, so that's where my expertise lies, but I'm working on becoming a better coder.
A few things about me!
- I looooove modular synths, and I have a pretty sweet one that's still a work in progress. I especially love the community in this hobby, and the amount of inspiring, creative people designing things.
- I am very loudly and proudly trans, and will not tolerate bigotry of any kind!
- I have at least a basic knowledge of C++, Python, MATLAB, Java, and Javascript. I'm planning to learn PureData pretty soon, as well as further developing my existing skills.