Generic package manager. Installs packages using OS specific package managers.
OS supported:
- Debian, Ubuntu - apt
- CentOS, Fedora - yum
- Alpine Linux - apk
- Archlinux - pacman
$ sparrow plg install package-generic
$ sparrow plg run package-generic --param list='curl telnet nano'
task-run 'install my packages', 'package-generic', %(
list => 'nano hunspell mc'
Should be space separated list of packages to install. Example of usage by sparrow task:
list nano hunspell mc
Should be one of two: install|autoremove
. Autoremove is only supported for Debian, Ubuntu systems.
Default value install
You may pass list
as HASH with keys related to OS distribution names
to handle packages respectively to OS, here is the example with using YAML format:
$ sparrow project create packages
$ sparrow task add package apache package-generic
$ sparrow task ini packages/apache
- apache2
- httpd
- mod_ssl
$ sparrow task run packages/apache
Or using sparrowdo:
task-run 'install apache web server', 'package-generic', %(
list => %(
'debian' => ( 'apache2' ),
'centos7' => ( 'httpd', 'mod_ssl' ),