- Copy the
database backup file to:sql/mysql
- Rename the
file toopenmrs.sql
- Spin-up the
services only:docker compose up mysql openmrs --build
- Access OpenMRS at:
- Login using:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
- To initiate the migration, click the forward button at the bottom of the page.
- Wait for all Liquibase migrations to complete.
- After migrations are complete, access OpenMRS at:
- It should display:
OpenMRS Platform 2.* Running!
Terminate the docker containers and repeat steps 3 to 7 for the following OpenMRS Core versions:
- 2.2.1
- 2.3.6
- 2.4.5
- 2.5.12
Important Notes:
- Do not terminate the containers when running version 2.5.12 as its corresponding database will need to be backed up in the next step.
- To change the OpenMRS version, edit the
in the./openmrs/Dockerfile
- In a separate terminal, backup the updated OpenMRS database:
- Follow the instructions in the "Backup databases and filestores" section in the README.
- Only run the
- Stop the containers by terminating the previous command (
docker compose up mysql openmrs --build
) in the terminal where it's running:- Use
Ctrl + C
to stop the containers.
- Use
- Using the backup OpenMRS dump, restore it into Ozone appropriately, and start only the
Run the following queries to prepare the OpenMRS service:
UPDATE concept_reference_source SET hl7_code = 'SCT-legacy' WHERE hl7_code = 'SCT' AND uuid LIKE '03f574a2-dce4-11ec-925e-0242ac160002'; UPDATE concept SET uuid = CONCAT(uuid, REPEAT('A', 36 - LENGTH(uuid))) WHERE uuid IN ('5090AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', '5089AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'); UPDATE drug_order SET dosing_type = 'org.openmrs.SimpleDosingInstructions' WHERE dosing_type = 'org.openmrs.module.bahmniemrapi.drugorder.dosinginstructions.FlexibleDosingInstructions'; INSERT INTO test_order (order_id) SELECT o.order_id FROM orders o JOIN order_type ot ON o.order_type_id = ot.order_type_id WHERE ot.uuid = 'f8ae333e-9d1a-423e-a6a8-c3a0687ebcf2'; UPDATE orders o SET o.order_type_id = (SELECT order_type_id FROM order_type WHERE uuid LIKE '52a447d3-a64a-11e3-9aeb-50e549534c5e' LIMIT 1) WHERE o.order_type_id = (SELECT order_type_id FROM order_type WHERE uuid LIKE 'f8ae333e-9d1a-423e-a6a8-c3a0687ebcf2' LIMIT 1); CREATE TABLE openmrs.patientflags_tag_role ( tag_id INT NOT NULL, role VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT patientflags_tag_role_ibfk_2 FOREIGN KEY (role) REFERENCES openmrs.role(role) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3 COLLATE=utf8mb3_general_ci;
The above query helps avoid errors during the
module Liquibase migration:ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'openmrs.patientflags_tag_role' (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed")
- Start the remaining containers in addition to the already running MySQL containers.
Restart all Ozone containers. In some cases, it may be necessary to run the following query on the OpenMRS database:
- Access the running Ozone-based OpenMRS instance and rebuild the search index.
Migrate encounter diagnoses from
to their specialized data model:-
Retire the following duplicate OCL concepts:
name: Diagnosis or problem
name: Problem list
Navigate to
Administration > Migrate Existing Diagnosis Data
in the legacy UI and proceed with the migration (this may take some time). -
To verify the completion of the migration, run the following query:
select count(*) from encounter_diagnosis;
Ensure that the count remains consistent for at least 1 minute.
Run the following commands to generate a CSV file that maps files on the filesystem to the corresponding obs:
docker exec -it ozone-hsc-mysql-1 rm /tmp/migration_file_paths.csv # if exists docker exec -it ozone-hsc-mysql-1 mysql -uroot -pmysql_root_password openmrs -e " SELECT 'file_path', 'new_file_path' UNION ALL SELECT o.value_text AS file_path, CONCAT( REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '/', 1), '/', '-'), '-', REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '/', -1), '.', 1), ' ', '-'), '/', '-'), '_', o.uuid, '.', SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '.', -1) ) AS new_file_path FROM obs o JOIN concept c ON o.concept_id = c.concept_id WHERE c.uuid LIKE '81f330b5-3f10-11e4-adec-0800271c1b75' AND o.value_text IS NOT NULL INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/migration_file_paths.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'; " docker cp ozone-hsc-mysql-1:/tmp/migration_file_paths.csv migration_file_paths.csv
Create the script file:
touch complex_obs_migration_script.sh
Open the script in an editor:
nano complex_obs_migration_script.sh
Copy the following script and save it:
#!/bin/bash # Get the directory where the script is located script_dir="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")" # Set the CSV file name (ensure this file exists and is in the same directory as the script) csv_file="$script_dir/migration_file_paths.csv" # Check if the CSV file exists if [[ ! -f "$csv_file" ]]; then echo "CSV file not found!" exit 1 fi # Read the CSV file line by line while IFS=',' read -r file_path new_file_path; do # Skip the header row if [[ "$file_path" == "file_path" ]]; then continue fi # Make file paths relative to the script's directory abs_file_path="$script_dir/$file_path" abs_new_file_path="/home/ubuntu/complex_obs/$new_file_path" # Check if the source file exists if [[ ! -f "$abs_file_path" ]]; then echo "File not found: $abs_file_path" continue fi # Create the target directory if it does not exist target_dir=$(dirname "$abs_new_file_path") if [[ ! -d "$target_dir" ]]; then echo "Target directory does not exist, creating: $target_dir" mkdir -p "$target_dir" fi # Move the file mv "$abs_file_path" "$abs_new_file_path" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Moved: $abs_file_path to $abs_new_file_path" else echo "Failed to move: $abs_file_path" fi done < "$csv_file" echo "File move process completed."
Save the script and give it execute permissions:
chmod +x complex_obs_migration_script.sh
Run the script from the root directory containing the unmigrated files:
Copy the moved files/documents into the
directory inside the OpenMRS container:docker cp /home/ubuntu/complex_obs/. ozone-hsc-openmrs-1:/openmrs/data/complex_obs/
Run the following database migration to convert the migrated observations on the file system into complex observations:
docker exec -it ozone-hsc-mysql-1 mysql -uroot -pmysql_root_password openmrs -e " UPDATE obs o JOIN concept c ON o.concept_id = c.concept_id SET o.value_complex = CONCAT( 'm3ks | instructions.default | ', CASE WHEN SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '.', -1) IN ('jpeg', 'png') THEN CONCAT('image/', SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '.', -1)) ELSE CONCAT('application/', SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '.', -1)) END, ' | ', CONCAT( REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '/', 1), '/', '-'), '-', REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '/', -1), '.', 1), ' ', '-'), '/', '-'), '_', o.uuid, '.', SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '.', -1) ) ), o.concept_id = (SELECT concept_id FROM concept WHERE uuid = CASE WHEN SUBSTRING_INDEX(o.value_text, '.', -1) IN ('jpeg', 'png') THEN '7cac8397-53cd-4f00-a6fe-028e8d743f8e' ELSE '42ed45fd-f3f6-44b6-bfc2-8bde1bb41e00' END LIMIT 1), o.value_text = NULL WHERE c.uuid LIKE '81f330b5-3f10-11e4-adec-0800271c1b75' AND o.value_text IS NOT NULL;"