The integration of machine learning (ML) into optimization aims to enhance the efficiency of traditional iterative solvers. A significant challenge in deploying ML models for real-world problems lies in ensuring feasibility, i.e., adherence to physical and engineering constraints.
Extensive research has been conducted on developing ML optimization proxies that ensure feasible decision-making. A commonly used approach is adding penalty terms to minimize constraint violations. While effective across various optimization problems, this approach does not eliminate violations entirely (soft feasibility). To achieve hard feasibility, some methods incorporate repair modules that adjust solutions using iterative algorithms or explicit mapping functions to enforce constraint satisfaction directly.
This repository illustrates and compares different repair mechanisms for linear constraints, including LOOP-LC [1], LOOP-LC 2.0[2], and DeepOPF+[3], with a focus on their feasibility achievement methods. Instead of focusing on accuracy, we highlight the intuition and implementation of each approach to restore feasibility.
[1] Li, Meiyi, Soheil Kolouri, and Javad Mohammadi. "Learning to solve optimization problems with hard linear constraints." IEEE Access 11 (2023): 59995-60004.
[2] Li, Meiyi, and Javad Mohammadi. "Toward rapid, optimal, and feasible power dispatch through generalized neural mapping." 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE, 2024.
[3] Zhao, Tianyu, et al. "DeepOPF+: A deep neural network approach for DC optimal power flow for ensuring feasibility." 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). IEEE, 2020.
We consider a simple optimization problem:
Subject to:
$d_4$ is an input parameter. -
$p_1, p_2, p_3$ are the optimization variables.
Traditional neural networks cannot guarantee the feasibility of constraints (1b)-(1f). A repair layer is introduced to transform neural network outputs into feasible solutions.
$\hat{p_i}$ : NN predictions before the repair layer. -
$\tilde{p_i}$ : Feasible outputs after the repair layer.
To have a better understanding of the feasible range of problem (1), we start with a concept called variable elimination. Equality constraint (1f) relates
This reduces the problem to two independent variables (
Reformulated Problem:
Subject to:
This reformulation reveals that the problem involves a 2D feasible range within a 3D space.
The figure below illustrates the feasible range of constraints (1b)-(1f), where:
- Blue points represent all feasible solutions.
- Feasible solutions lie on a 2D plane within the 3D space.
LOOP-LC (Learning to Optimize with Linear Constraints):
- The NN predicts independent variables ((\hat{p_1}), (\hat{p_2})) within box constraints(
$-1\leq \hat{p_1}\leq 1,-1\leq \hat{p_2}\leq 1$ ). - A gauge map ensures a one-to-one mapping between the box range and the feasible range.
- The repair layer maps predictions to feasible solutions (
$\tilde{p_1}, \tilde{p_2}, \tilde{p_3}$ ).
- The NN predicts independent variables ((\hat{p_1}), (\hat{p_2})) within box constraints(
LOOP-LC 2.0:
- The NN predicts unconstrained variables (
$\hat{p_1}, \hat{p_2} \in \mathbb{R}$ ). - Feasible predictions are retained. For infeasible predictions, a generalized gauge map rescales them to the boundary.
- The NN predicts unconstrained variables (
- The NN predicts full-size variables (
$\hat{p_1}, \hat{p_2}, \hat{p_3}$ ). - Feasible predictions are retained. For infeasible predictions, an iterative solver projects them onto the feasible boundary by finding the closest point.
- The NN predicts full-size variables (
The figure below compares predictions before and after repair for each method ((d_4 = 1)):
- Red points: NN predictions before repair. (We use evenly distributed pints to represent any possible NN prediction)
- Green points: Predictions after repair.
- Blue points: Feasible solutions.
Model | Hard Feasibility | Layer Type | Differentiable | Iterations | Intuition |
LOOP-LC | Yes | Explicit | Yes | No | NN predictions are mapped to feasible points using a gauge map for one-to-one mapping. |
LOOP-LC 2.0 | Yes | Explicit | Yes | No | Feasible predictions are retained; infeasible ones are rescaled to the boundary using a generalized gauge map. |
DeepOPF+ | Yes | Implicit | No | Yes | Feasible predictions are retained; infeasible ones are projected onto the feasible boundary using iterative solvers. |
- LOOP-LC uses a one-to-one mapping to ensure feasibility for all NN predictions.
- LOOP-LC 2.0 rescales infeasible predictions to the boundary while retaining feasible ones.
- DeepOPF+ iteratively projects infeasible predictions to the closest feasible points.
Below is appendix and code part.
This is code to achieve feasibility repairment in LOOP-LC model
def LOOP(hat_p1, hat_p2,hat_p3=0,d4=1):
# This function achieve feasibility repairment in LOOP-LC model
# input: NN's predictions hat_p1, hat_p2, (hat_p3,d4)
# output: model's predictions tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3, satisfying (1b)-(1f)
# LOOP-LC require an interior point to search for optimal solution
interior_p1= d4/3
interior_p2= d4/3
interior_p3= d4/3
# phy_b= max(abs(hat_p1),abs(hat_p2))
phy_b= np.maximum(np.abs(hat_p1),np.abs(hat_p2))
# print("phy_b",phy_b)
# print(phy_b.shape)
v1=hat_p1/(-interior_p1+1) # for 2b
v2=-hat_p1/(interior_p1) # for 2b
v3=hat_p2/(-interior_p2+1) # for 2c
v4=-hat_p2/(interior_p2) # for 2c
v5=(-hat_p1-hat_p2)/(-d4+interior_p1+interior_p2+1) # for 2d
v6=(hat_p1+hat_p2)/(d4-interior_p1-interior_p2) # for 2d
v7=(hat_p1+hat_p2)/(1-interior_p1-interior_p2) # for 2e
v8=(-hat_p1-hat_p2)/(1+interior_p1+interior_p2) # for 2e
# v1~v8 are with shape (n,), for each row index, find its maximun value among v1~v8 and form phy_s, phy_s is with shape (n,)
# v1~v8 can be calculated through matrix operation to accerlerate computation
phy_s= np.maximum(np.maximum(np.maximum(np.maximum(np.maximum(np.maximum(v1,v2),v3),v4),v5),v6),np.maximum(v7,v8))
# print("phy_s",phy_s)
# print(phy_s.shape)
# scale =phy_b/phy_s, to improve accuracy, we use float
# print(scale.shape)
return tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3
We use evenly distributed points within the cube [-1, 1] x [-1, 1](x [-1, 1]) to show all possible output of neural network(before repair) and apply LOOP-LC method.
# Generating evenly distributed points as (hat_p1, hat_p2) within the cube [-1, 1] x [-1, 1]
x = y = np.arange(-1, 1.01, 1)
p1, p2 = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')
# Flatten the grids into arrays of coordinates
hat_p1, hat_p2 = p1.flatten(), p2.flatten()
hat_p3=1-hat_p1- hat_p2 # assume some value of hat_p3 to plot, but LOOP does not use this information
nn_predictions = np.vstack((hat_p1, hat_p2, hat_p3)).T
# apply LOOP method
# for each point in hat_p1, hat_p2, use function LOOP to get tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3
tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3 = LOOP(hat_p1, hat_p2)
LOOP_predictions = np.vstack((tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3)).T
And we plot the points before and after repairment:
model_predictions = LOOP_predictions
# Adjust the figure size for better fit and visibility
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plotting points that are within the feasible range with transparency
ax.scatter(filtered_points[:, 0], filtered_points[:, 1], filtered_points[:, 2], color='blue', alpha=0.1)
# Plotting nn_predictions color is red use mark x
ax.scatter(nn_predictions[:, 0], nn_predictions[:, 1], nn_predictions[:, 2], color='red', marker='x')
# Plotting model_predictions color is green use mark o,size is 50
ax.scatter(model_predictions[:, 0], model_predictions[:, 1], model_predictions[:, 2], color='green', marker='o', s=50)
# add lines with arrows for each pair (nn_prediction,model_prediction), arrow is from nn_prediction to model_prediction, connection nn_prediction and model_prediction
for i in range(len(nn_predictions)):
ax.plot([nn_predictions[i, 0], model_predictions[i, 0]], [nn_predictions[i, 1], model_predictions[i, 1]], [nn_predictions[i, 2], model_predictions[i, 2]],
color='black', linestyle='--')
ax.quiver(nn_predictions[i, 0], nn_predictions[i, 1], nn_predictions[i, 2],model_predictions[i, 0] - nn_predictions[i, 0],
model_predictions[i, 1] - nn_predictions[i, 1], model_predictions[i, 2] - nn_predictions[i,2], color='orange', length=0.5)
# Improving the view angle
ax.view_init(elev=90, azim=45) # Adjust the elevation and azimuth for a better view
# Adjust margins and layout more conservatively
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)
plt.tight_layout(pad=0) # Apply a generous padding
# set x,y,z between [-2,2]
ax.set_xlim([-2, 2])
ax.set_ylim([-2, 2])
ax.set_zlim([-2, 2])
ax.set_title('Feasible Region where d4 = 1 \n blue area are feasible solutions to problem (1) \n red marks are predictions by NN(before repair)\n green circles are predictions after LOOP-LC repair')
This is code to achieve feasibility repairment in LOOP-LC 2.0 model
def LOOP2(hat_p1, hat_p2,hat_p3=0,d4=1):
# input hat_p1, hat_p2, (hat_p3,d4)
# output tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3 satisfying 1b-1f
interior_p1= d4/3
interior_p2= d4/3
interior_p3= d4/3
# print(phy_b.shape)
v1=hat_p1/(-interior_p1+1) # for 2b
v2=-hat_p1/(interior_p1) # for 2b
v3=hat_p2/(-interior_p2+1) # for 2c
v4=-hat_p2/(interior_p2) # for 2c
v5=(-hat_p1-hat_p2)/(-d4+interior_p1+interior_p2+1) # for 2d
v6=(hat_p1+hat_p2)/(d4-interior_p1-interior_p2) # for 2d
v7=(hat_p1+hat_p2)/(1-interior_p1-interior_p2) # for 2e
v8=(-hat_p1-hat_p2)/(1+interior_p1+interior_p2) # for 2e
# v1~v8 are with shape (n,), for each row index, find its maximun value among v1~v8 and form phy_s, phy_s is with shape (n,)
phy_s= np.maximum(np.maximum(np.maximum(np.maximum(np.maximum(np.maximum(v1,v2),v3),v4),v5),v6),np.maximum(v7,v8))
# find max value between all-one vector and phy_s and form phy_s1, phy_s1 is with shape (n,)
# print(phy_s.shape)
# scale =phy_b/phy_s to improve accuracy, use float
# print(scale.shape)
return tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3
Again, we apply LOOP-LC 2.0 method and plot the predictions.
# apply LOOP2 method
# for each point in hat_p1, hat_p2, use function LOOP to get tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3
tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3 = LOOP2(hat_p1, hat_p2)
LOOP2_predictions = np.vstack((tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3)).T
model_predictions = LOOP2_predictions
# Adjust the figure size for better fit and visibility
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plotting points that are within the feasible range with transparency
ax.scatter(filtered_points[:, 0], filtered_points[:, 1], filtered_points[:, 2], color='blue', alpha=0.1)
# Plotting nn_predictions color is red use mark x
ax.scatter(nn_predictions[:, 0], nn_predictions[:, 1], nn_predictions[:, 2], color='red', marker='x')
# Plotting model_predictions color is green use mark o,size is 50
ax.scatter(model_predictions[:, 0], model_predictions[:, 1], model_predictions[:, 2], color='green', marker='o', s=50)
# add lines with arrows for each pair (nn_prediction,model_prediction), arrow is from nn_prediction to model_prediction, connection nn_prediction and model_prediction
for i in range(len(nn_predictions)):
ax.plot([nn_predictions[i, 0], model_predictions[i, 0]], [nn_predictions[i, 1], model_predictions[i, 1]], [nn_predictions[i, 2], model_predictions[i, 2]],
color='black', linestyle='--')
ax.quiver(nn_predictions[i, 0], nn_predictions[i, 1], nn_predictions[i, 2],model_predictions[i, 0] - nn_predictions[i, 0],
model_predictions[i, 1] - nn_predictions[i, 1], model_predictions[i, 2] - nn_predictions[i,2], color='orange', length=0.5)
# Improving the view angle
ax.view_init(elev=elev, azim=azim) # Adjust the elevation and azimuth for a better view
# # Manually adjust the position of the labels to prevent cutting off
# ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.05)
# ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.05, 0.5)
# ax.zaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, 0.5)
# Adjust margins and layout more conservatively
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)
plt.tight_layout(pad=0) # Apply a generous padding
# set x,y,z between [-2,2]
ax.set_xlim([-2, 2])
ax.set_ylim([-2, 2])
ax.set_zlim([-2, 2])
ax.set_title('Feasible Region of probelm (1) where d4 = 1 \n blue area are feasible solutions to problem (1) \n red marks are predictions by NN(before repair)\n green circles are predictions after LOOP-LC 2.0 repair')
# save fig, dpi=500, name: LOOP-LC2_elev_elev_azim_azim.PNG
plt.savefig('LOOP-LC2_elev_'+str(elev)+'_azim_'+str(azim)+'.png', dpi=500)
This is code to achieve feasibility repairment in DeepOPF+ model
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def DCOPFP(hat_p1, hat_p2, hat_p3, d4=1):
# Ensure input vectors have the same length
assert hat_p1.shape == hat_p2.shape == hat_p3.shape, "Input vectors must have the same shape"
# Initialize output vectors
tilde_p1 = np.zeros_like(hat_p1)
tilde_p2 = np.zeros_like(hat_p2)
tilde_p3 = np.zeros_like(hat_p3)
# Define the number of elements
n = hat_p1.shape[0]
# Loop through each element and solve the optimization problem
for i in range(n):
# Extract current values
p1i, p2i, p3i = hat_p1[i], hat_p2[i], hat_p3[i]
# Define the objective function
def objective(p):
p1, p2, p3 = p
return (p1 - p1i) ** 2 + (p2 - p2i) ** 2 + (p3 - p3i) ** 2
# Define the constraints
constraints = [
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda p: p[0]}, # p1 >= 0
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda p: 1 - p[0]}, # p1 <= 1
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda p: p[1]}, # p2 >= 0
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda p: 1 - p[1]}, # p2 <= 1
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda p: p[2]}, # p3 >= 0
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda p: 1 - p[2]}, # p3 <= 1
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda p: 1 - (p[0] + p[1])}, # p1 + p2 <= 1
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda p: (p[0] + p[1]) + 1}, # -1 <= p1 + p2
{'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda p: p[0] + p[1] + p[2] - d4} # p1 + p2 + p3 = d4
# Initial guess
initial_guess = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
# Solve the optimization problem
result = minimize(objective, initial_guess, constraints=constraints)
# Store the results
if result.success:
tilde_p1[i], tilde_p2[i], tilde_p3[i] = result.x
print(f"Optimization failed for index {i}: {result.message}")
return tilde_p1, tilde_p2, tilde_p3
We consider a chain power system: (G1,L1)-(G2,L2)-(G3,L3)-(L4)
We have:
We apply power transfer distribution factor matrix and assume x is 1, d1~d3 is 0, we can reformulate these constraints. Combined with cost function f, we will get the optimization problem (1).