This project aims to develop a REST API for blog-app using Golang and PostgreSQL, adhering to a clean architecture approach. The project is easily runnable using Docker and Docker Compose.
Clone the project:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd go-blog-app
Run the project using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up --build
This command starts the PostgreSQL database and the Golang REST API server.
You can access the API using an API client (e.g., Postman or cURL). The fundamental endpoints of the API are:
- POST /users/register : Creates a new user registration.
- POST /users/login : Logs in with an existing user and creates a session (JWT token).
- GET /users/profile : Provides access to the user's profile.
- POST /articles/create : Creates a new article.
- GET /articles : Retrieves all articles.
- GET /articles/:id : Retrieves details of a specific article. (Replace ":id" with the article ID.)
This project follows the principles of Clean Architecture. The core components include:
- Domain: The layer containing fundamental rules and data structures representing the business logic.
- Use Cases: The layer implementing application functionality and business workflows.
- Interfaces: The layer containing external components for interaction, such as HTTP Server and Database.
- Frameworks & Drivers: The layer directly interacting with external components and connecting lower layers.
If you wish to contribute to this project, please discuss your changes by opening an issue before submitting a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.