Finds all automorphisms on a given poset. Determines all of the possible permutations that are automorphisms and counts them. Additionally, there is a checker that takes in a poset and a permutation, and then determines if the permutation is an automorphism. Run automorphismFinderAndChecker for the most up to date version
automorphismSimple is a more automated checker in which you just run automorphism() in the terminal and you will get prompts for inputs. automorphismSimple and automorphismsBasic both have the same functionality. However, automorphismSimple requires less work while inputting the poset.
automorphsimFinderAndChecker does everything automorphismSimple does but also has an in built poset checker that determines if the inputted poset is valid. It also finds the automorphisms faster than the other versions in most cases. It also prints to a file.