- Add DatasetCalculationTask
- Update examples using feature synthesis
- Fix problem of feature graph filenames (in case of Windows)
- Fix problem of long filenames in examples
- Upgrade to featuretools 0.23.0
- Fix random_seed issue on stratified_folds()
- Documentation fixes
- Example changes
- Add DeepFeatureSynthesisTask
- Add EmailNotifier
- All tasks can retrieve also data as dataframes (instead only as URL/file path)
- Add examples with DeepFeatureSynthesisTask
- Upgrade dependencies
- Fixed versions in PyPI, Read the Docs.
- Update dependencies to latest
- Sphinx documentation mechanism added!
- PredictionTask now outputs also the model's probability (for positive class) for each sample.
- The PredictionTask now works for probabilistic models and a threshold is provided (default value is 0.5)
- Metrics in EvaluationCrossValidationTask now are computed correctly
- Examples are re-generated
- The EvaluationCrossValidationTask now supports parameters threshold_selection_by and metric_greater_is_better for selecting the best threshold based either on a threshold or a metric
- Support Python 3.8
- PredictionTask class is added
- Source code file path is now optional and can be given with set_source_code_file_path() in Experiment class
- Accuracy metric is added in HyperParametersSearchCrossValidationTask class
- Changes in examples
The initial release.