A Symfony 6 application to retrieve and store music for Medlybox. Rewritten concepts from medlybox/import.
This project uses Docker and docker-compose to manage project dependencies. You will need up to date installed and working versions of both. PHP 8.2 is used within the nginx + FPM container setup. There is only one container running fpm for the vault service. Use the nginx image build to Medleybox
# Install PHP dependencies on to host
composer install
# Build docker images
# Start docker containers
Once the containers have started within the stack, you will have access to the Symfony Console via the provided bin script bin/docker-console
Bin scripts have been written to automate common CLI tasks:
Script | Description |
bin/docker-build | Build docker images via docker-compose |
bin/docker-console | Run the Symfony Console within the vault container |
bin/docker-entrypoint | Docker image entrypoint for vault. Starts FPM and then Nginx |
bin/docker-up | Start the stack locally via docker-compose |
bin/run-tests | Run PHP CS tests using phpstan and phpcs |
PHP Coding Standards tests using phpstan
and squizlabs/php_codesniffer
using the Symfony:risky ruleset. Use the run-tests
bin script to use the correct command line arguments for each program.
docker-compose exec vault bin/run-tests
Fix reported issues with phpcbf
vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=PSR12 --colors src
curl -d "uuid=dQw4w9WgXcQ" -X POST http://localhost:8084/entry/import
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
See LICENCE to see the full text.