Custom keyboard designed by me The aim was to create a layout that would take advantage of what your thumbs can do to help with ergonomics. While also keeping compatibility with the controls of most games and allowing standard keycaps to be used.
There are still some units for sale, if you would like to purchase one for NZD 280 + shipping please contact me directly at Happy to discuss doing the build for you / soldering some components before sending it out at no additional cost.
- Larger footprints for resistors
- Added second plate option
- Plate now extends to edge of case
- Case updated to have even thickness either side of screws
Files for laser cutting at:
Acrylic sizes Middle layers: any number of pieces making up 9mm in thickness (production ones were either 2x4.5mm or 6mm and 3mm) Base layer: any thickness (production ones were either 6mm or 4.5mm)