Codephile is an application specially made for all the competitive coders out there. With features like submission feed, contest reminders, user search, and many more, this app is a perfect companion for stalking your fellow coders and learning from them.
Project structure:-
| |-models {contains object models | used for communication with the back-end}
| |-screens {contains code for the UI}
| |-services {contains code for the buisness logic}
| |-resources {common resources like assets addresses}
| |-main.dart {entry point}
|-assets {contains icons, logos...}
We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. There are just a few small guidelines you need to follow.
- When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via the issues section before starting any major work.
- Once you have started work on any issue open a WIP pull request addressing that issue so that we know that someone is working on it.
- While writing any code for this project ensure that it is well formatted and consistent with the architecture of the rest of the project.
- Please make sure that you use the standard dart nomenclature.
- Before committing any change make sure their is no compilation warning or error.
Please start your commits with these prefixes for better understanding among collaborators, based on the type of commit:
feat: (addition of a new feature)
rfac: (refactoring the code: optimization/ different logic of existing code - output doesn't change, just the way of execution changes)
docs: (documenting the code, be it readme, or extra comments)
bfix: (bug fixing)
chor: (chore - beautifying code, indents, spaces, camelcasing, changing variable names to have an appropriate meaning)
ptch: (patches - small changes in code, mainly UI, for example color of a button, incrasing size of tet, etc etc)
conf: (configurational settings - changing directory structure, updating gitignore, add libraries, changing manifest etc)