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Video Surveillance for Road Traffic Monitoring

The goal of this project is to learn the basic concepts and techniques related to video sequences processing, mainly for surveillance applications. Road traffic monitoring and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are aimed to improve safety, efficiency and comfort at road transportation by means of information technologies.

Team 3

Members Contact
Sergio Montoya
Laia Albors
Ibrar Malik
Adam Szummer

Project presentation: Google Slides Report: Overleaf

Week 1

The contents of the first week are in the folder week1:

Instructions for task 1 and 2:


  -v INPUT_VIDEO  Input video for analyzing mIou/mAP
  -a ANNOTATIONS  XML Groundtruth annotations
  -s SAVE_PLOT    Whether to save the mIoU plot over time
  -r RUN_NAME     Name of experiment

See the notebook optical_flow_evaluation_and_plot.ipynb for tasks 3 and 4.

Week 2

The contents of the second week are in the folder week2:

The first task consists of modeling the background with a per-pixel Gaussian distribution. For running the code that evaluates the mAP using this background model and evaluates different values of alpha, run:

usage: [-h] -v INPUT_VIDEO -a ANNOTATIONS -r RUN_NAME [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -v INPUT_VIDEO  Input video for analyzing mIou/mAP
  -a ANNOTATIONS  XML Groundtruth annotations
  -r RUN_NAME     Name of experiment
  -d              Display predictions over the video

To try the different methods mentioned for task 3, we can use the script the same way as the above, but with an additional -m --method argument which can be one of MOG, MOG2 or LSBP. To get the results for the BSUV-net method, we have to first perform inference with their released weights, and then feed the masked video to the script, using BSUV as the chosen method. The already processed video sequence is available on this link.

The last task consists of generalizing both the adaptive and the non-adaptive modelings for the background from the firsts tasks to be used in color sequences. For running the code that evaluates the mAP using this background models (static or dynamic) with different color spaces and evaluates different values of alpha, run:

usage: [-h] -v INPUT_VIDEO -a ANNOTATIONS -r RUN_NAME -c COLOR_SPACE [-y] [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -v INPUT_VIDEO  Input video for analyzing mIou/mAP
  -a ANNOTATIONS  XML Groundtruth annotations
  -r RUN_NAME     Name of experiment
  -c COLOR_SPACE  Color space used to model the background
  -y              Use dynamic model for the background (static otherwise)
  -d              Display predictions over the video

Week 3

The contents of the third week are in the folder week3:

Task 1.1 evaluates mAP on off-the-shelf detectors:

usage: python -v INPUT_VIDEO -a ANNOTATIONS -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME [-d] [-g]

optional arguments:
  -v INPUT_VIDEO        Input video for analyzing mIou/mAP
  -a ANNOTATIONS        XML Groundtruth annotations
  -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME  Architecture name. Options: FasterRCNN / MaskRCNN / ...
  -d                    Display predictions over the video
  -g                    Use GPU for model inference

Example: python week3/ -v /home/sergio/MCV/M6/data/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/vdo.avi -a /home/sergio/MCV/M6/data/ai_challenge_s03_c010-full_annotation.xml -n FasterRCNN -g

Task 1.2 finetunes and evaluates finetuned detectors on part of the sequence:

optional arguments:
  -v INPUT_VIDEO        Input video for analyzing mIou/mAP
  -a ANNOTATIONS        XML Groundtruth annotations
  -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME  Architecture name. Options: FasterRCNN / MaskRCNN / ...
  -d                    Display predictions over the video
  -g                    Use GPU for model inference
  -t                    train
  -r                    name of the run


Example: python week3/ -v /home/sergio/MCV/M6/data/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/vdo.avi -a /home/sergio/MCV/M6/data/ai_challenge_s03_c010-full_annotation.xml -n FasterRCNN -g -r fasterRCNN_finetune -t

List of architectures available to run:

  • MaskRCNN
  • FasterRCNN
  • FasterRCNN_mobile
  • RetinaNet
  • SSD
  • SSDlite
  • FCOS

Train parameters are to be set in the code in the file in train function. If you wish to see the interminent log in a dashboard you need to create account in and provide your username in WANDB_ENTITY parameter meanwhile all results are printed in the console as well.

Task 1.3 can be used to apply different strategies of cross-validation when fine-tuning a given model:



optional arguments:
  -v INPUT_VIDEO        Input video for analyzing mIou/mAP
  -a ANNOTATIONS        XML Groundtruth annotations
  -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME  Architecture name. Options: FasterRCNN / MaskRCNN / ...
  -r RUN_NAME           Name of the experiment
  -s STRATEGY           Strategy used for cross-validation. Options: A, B, C. A by default
  -g                    Use GPU for model inference
  -t                    Specify to train, otherwise will evaluate

Task 2.1 and 2.2 can be used to perform tracking over the video sequence, using either Maximum Overlap (2.1) or a Kalman filter (2.2):



optional arguments:
  -v INPUT_VIDEO        Input video for analyzing mIou/mAP
  -a ANNOTATIONS        XML Groundtruth annotations
  -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME  Architecture name. Options: FasterRCNN / MaskRCNN / ...
  -r RUN_NAME           Name of the experiment
  -g                    Use GPU for model inference
  -d                    Display the tracked boxes and history

Week 4

The contents of the fourth week are in the folder week4:

Task 1.1 optical flow with block matching:

usage: python

Runs with optimal parameters that have been found using notebook.ipynb grid search that took 1200 min

Task 1.2 off-the-shelf optical flow:

For Farne Back and Horn Schunk run:

usage: python -n -r

optional arguments:
  - n                   number of runs
  - r                   random parameters search

For PyFlow run as per ReadMe in Pyflow folder

For MaskFlowNet run as per ReadMe in MaskFlowNet

Task 2 Multi-target single-camera (MTSC) tracking:

First we can fine-tune the architecture that we want with the specified sequences:


optional arguments:
  -d DATASET_PATH       Path to the dataset, train folder
  -s LIST_OF_SEQUENCES  The sequences we want to use for training. e.g. S01 S03 S04
  -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME  Architecture name. Options: FasterRCNN / MaskRCNN / RetinaNet ...
  -r RUN_NAME           Name of the experiment
  -g                    Use GPU for model inference

Then we can evaluate the object tracking task using the SORT implementation like this:

usage: python -v INPUT_VIDEO -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME -r RUN_NAME [-g]

optional arguments:
  -v INPUT_VIDEO        Input video for analyzing mIou/mAP
  -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME  Architecture name. Options: FasterRCNN / MaskRCNN / RetinaNet ...
  -r RUN_NAME           Name of the experiment
  -g                    Use GPU for model inference

If we want to use a fine-tuned model, we have to use the same RUN_NAME as in

Week 5

The contents are in the folder week5:

Task 1: Multi-target single-camera tracking (MTSC)

  • Finetune car detection network on sequences S01 and S04:
usage: python -d DATASET_PATH -s S01 S04 -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME -r RUN_NAME [-g]

optional arguments:
  -d DATASET_PATH       Path to the dataset, train folder
  -s LIST_OF_SEQUENCES  The sequences we want to use for training. e.g. S01 S03 S04
  -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME  Architecture name. Options: FasterRCNN / MaskRCNN / RetinaNet ...
  -r RUN_NAME           Name of the experiment
  -g                    Use GPU for model inference
  • Evaluate car finetune car detector on sequence S03:
usage: python -d DATASET_PATH -s S03 -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME -r RUN_NAME [-g]

optional arguments:
  -d DATASET_PATH       Path to the dataset, train folder
  -s LIST_OF_SEQUENCES  The sequences we want to use for training. e.g. S01 S03 S04
  -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME  Architecture name. Options: FasterRCNN / MaskRCNN / RetinaNet ...
  -r RUN_NAME           Name of the experiment
  -g                    Use GPU for model inference

Task 1.2

Task 2: Multi-target multi-camera tracking (MTMC)

We have three algorithms to do multi-target multi-camera (MTMC) tracking. To run them, first we should compute the tracklets files with the -s PATH_TRACKLETS script, to ease up computing.

  • Use the online algorithm and evaluate it.

optional arguments:
  -i SIM_THR         Similarity threshold
  -u MIN_IOU         IOU threshold for tracking
  • Use the offline algorithm that finds the connected components and evaluate it:
usage: python -d DATASET_PATH -s S01 S04 -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME -r RUN_NAME [-g]

optional arguments:
  -s SEQUENCE           Sequence of videos that we want to use. Options: S01, S03, S04
  -t PATH_TRACKLETS     Path to the folder where the thacklets are
  -g PATH_GT            Path to the ground truth files
  -i SIM_THR            Similarity threshold
  -a PATH_SAVE          Path to the folder where to save the detections with the new IDs
  • Use the offline algorithm that uses our version of the connected components algorithm and evaluate it:
usage: python -d DATASET_PATH -s S01 S04 -n ARCHITECTURE_NAME -r RUN_NAME [-g]

optional arguments:
  -s SEQUENCE           Sequence of videos that we want to use. Options: S01, S03, S04
  -t PATH_TRACKLETS     Path to the folder where the thacklets are
  -g PATH_GT            Path to the ground truth files
  -i SIM_THR            Similarity threshold
  -a PATH_SAVE          Path to the folder where to save the detections with the new IDs


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