- Daniel Fuentes - daanyfuentes@gmail.com - DanielFuentes16
- Daniel Yuste - danielyustegalvez@gmail.com - DanielYG
- Sergi García Sarroca - g.garcia.sarroca@gmail.com - SoftonCV
- Isaac Pérez Sanz - ipesanz
This project is related to basic concepts and techniques related to video sequences mainly for surveillance applications. It contains the work of the authors along 5 weeks achieving different objectives:
- The use of statistical models to estimate the background information of the video sequence.
- Use of deep learning techniques to detect the foreground.
- Use optical flow estimations and compensations.
- Track detections.
- Analyze system performance evaluation.
Main Tasks:
(a) Detection metrics:
- [] IoU & mAP for (ground truth + noise)
- [] mAP for provided object detections
(b) Detection metrics. Temporal analysis:
- [] IoU vs time
(c) Optical flow evaluation metrics:
- MSEN: Mean Square Error in Non-occluded areas
- PEPN: Percentage of Erroneous Pixels in Non-occluded areas
- Analysis & Visualizations
(d) Visual representation optical flow:
- Optical Flow Plot
Main Tasks:
Update Missing Work from Week 1 :
(a) Detection metrics:
- IoU & mAP for (ground truth + noise)
- mAP for provided object detections
(b) Detection metrics. Temporal analysis:
- IoU vs time
Week 2 tasks:
(a) Background Estimation:
- Gaussian Modelling
- Evaluation
(b) Stauffer & Grimson:
- Adaptive Modelling
- Comparison with task (a)
(c) Comparison with state-of-the-art
(d) Adding Color Spaces
Background Estimation
Denoised Test
Main Tasks:
(a) Object detection:
- Off-the-Shelf
- Fine-tune to your data
(b) Object tracking
Fast R-CNN
Mask R-CNN
(a) Optical Flow:
- Optical Flow with Block Matching
- Off-the-Shelf Optical Flow
(b) Video stabilization:
- Video stabilization with Block Matching
- Off-the-shelf Stabilization
(c) Object Tracking:
- Object Tracking with Optical Flow
Visual Results:
Optical Flow
Video Stabilization
Main tasks:
(a) Multi-target single-camera (MTSC) tracking:
- Read the Data & Evaluation description for Track 3 (Multiple-camera tracking).
- Obtain results for SEQ 1 & SEQ 4
(b) Multi-target multi-camera (MTMC) tracking
Slides for the project: T06-Google Slides
Link to the article: Group06-Report