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Video Surveillance for Road Traffic Monitoring (MCV-M6-Video-Analysis)

Team 1

Members Contact
Aditya Rana
German Barquero
Carmen GarcĂ­a
Juan Chaves

Project presentation: Google Slides. Final report: Overleaf

Index of contents

The contents of this repository are structured following a temporal line throughout the 5 weekly tasks we have been working on.

Week 1 - Introduction to the project

Week 2 - Background estimation

Week 3 - Detection and Tracking

Week 4 - Optical flow, Video Stabilization and Tracking

Week 5 - Multi-target multi-camera Tracking


Tasks 1 and 2

Tasks 1.1, 1.2 and 2 are implemented between the files and

Detection file, noise configuration and visualization options are chosen by cmd command. Despite that, some important "global" variables are:

VIDEO_PATH = path to vdo.avi ANNOTATIONS_FILE = path to annotations.xml with complete ground truth data (including still objects, bikes and cars)

This file can be parsed with the function utils.parse_xml_rects

DET_PATH = path to AICity detection data

This file can be parsed with the function utils.parse_aicity_rects. Path to rcnn, yolo and ssd detections already on the script. Select using the option: mode.

$ python -h
usage: [-h] -m MODE -n NAME [-d] [-s] [--noise NOISE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  yolo, rcnn or ssd
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Storage older name
  -d, --display         Whether to display the video or not
  -s, --save            Wheter to save frames and graphics for each of them or not
  --noise NOISE         Noise addition configuration. Format drop-pos-size-ar

Tasks 3 and 4

The tasks are implemented in jupyter notebooks with their corresponding name.

Week 3


Apart from the packages on requirements.txt. you must follow the instructions on this link for installing pygifsicle (used for reducing gif size).


  • on Linux (well, Ubuntu) run
    sudo apt-get install gifsicle
  • On windows you must look for an installer here
  • On Mac no further action (apart from pip install) is required, so you just relax and see your investment on Apple payoff.

If you want to use the state-of-the-art trackers implemented as part of the task 2.2, you need to run

git submodule update --init --recursive

And follow the installation instructions from the PySot submodule.

Data format

This week we have embraced MOTS Challenge format as our official file format. All object labelling and detection is stored on a txt with a line per detection with the following format:

'frame', 'id', 'bb_left', 'bb_top', 'bb_width', 'bb_height', 'conf', 'x', 'y', 'z'

Unknown data is represented with a -1. Example:



We have created a script for showing the video with our results, be it detection or tracking. The input to it always is a txt file with the described format.

  1. Add the path to your detection file to the list detections on with the following format:
    detections = [
            'name': 'gt',
            'full-name': 'Ground truth',
            'color': (0, 255, 0),
            'rects': utils.parse_xml_rects(GT_RECTS_PATH),
            'tracking': False
            'name': 'R101+IoU',
            'full-name': 'Retina Net R1o1 FPN 3x rp 128 + IoU tracking',
            'color': utils.get_random_col(),
            'rects': utils.parse_aicity_rects('./detections/retina101_track.txt', zero_index=0),
            'tracking': True
        # ...

We already provide the base and tracked detections we used inside week3/detections/ and week3/trackings_iou/ respectively

We assume the first detection on the list corresponds to ground truth data.

  • name: Name displayed on the bounding box on the visualizer
  • full-name: Name displayed on the visualizer legend and on the output AP file
  • color: color of the bounding box on (R, G, B). We use a helper funciton for generating a random color, but you can specify it yourself.
  • rects: The actual detection read with our parser functions (available for full annotations xml and mots challeng txt format)
  • tracking: whether we want the visualizer to choose the color of the boxes based on tracking information

This last parameter overwrites the selected color

Make sure, also, that your detection's 'name' is on the list USE_DET

# This list is intented to make filtering visualizations easier
USE_DET = ['gt', 'aigt', 'yolo', 'ssd', 'retina50', 'retina101', 'rcnn', 'R101+IoU']
  1. Launch the script It is convenient if you do so from inside week3.

  2. The video will play, painting provided detections. The following keyboard commands are available:

  • q: Quits the program
  • p: Changes visualization speed between 0, 15, 30 and 100 FPS
  • s: Saves an snapshot to your current directory with the name save_{frame_number}.jpg
  • g: Toggles gif recording. Once you press g, the recording starts, until you press g again. You have to press g before the video ends, otherwise the gif won't ne generated. You can create multiple gifs, just be patient after you press q or the video ends while they are generated. Gifs are saved to out_visualizer/{run}/gifs/.

You can check if you are recording or not (together with FPS information) on the bottom right corner of the video

A new folder is generated inside out_visualizer on each execution of the program.

Off the shelf models

For obtaining detections apart from the provided ones for Yolo, SSD and Mask RCNN, we have used detectron2. The script week3/ generates txt outputs for the specified models and configurations. Two list of variables are currently being iterated over:

  • models: which holds the name of .yaml files from Detectron's model zoo
  • batch: a list of integers with the number of region proposals used by the model (currently hardcoded).

A txt file named 'm6-aicity_{model}_rp{batch}.txt' is generated.

Fine-Tuning Your Models

The training scripts for the Faster-RCNN and Retinet are available in and respectively. Only the path to the dataset need to be provided to run a training session.

Training with video files is not starightforward in Detectron2 so all the frames of the video had to be split and stored as individual jpg files. This can be done using the file


2.1 . IOU Tracking

IOU tracking is performed using the script

  • Input is a txt file following the described format representing a detection.
  • An output following the same format, but now holding id information is generated by the script.

Both input and output paths must be specified inside's main.

2.2. Kalman tracking + state-of-the-art trackers

All trackers were implemented under the same architecture so they can be easily run and tested using the file:

$ python -h
usage [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-d DETECTIONS] [-t TRACKER]
                        [-th THRESHOLD] [-tl TRACKER_LIFE] [-M MAX]

optional arguments:optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        where results will be saved
  -d DETECTIONS, --detections DETECTIONS
                        detections used for tracking. Options: {retinanetpre, retinanet101pre, maskrcnnpre, ssdpre, yolopre}
  -t TRACKER, --tracker TRACKER
                        tracker used. Options: {"kalman", "kcf", "siamrpn_mobile", "siammask"}
  -th THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        threshold used to filter detections
  -tl TRACKER_LIFE, --tracker_life TRACKER_LIFE
                        tracker life
  -M MAX, --max MAX     max number of frames to run the tracker (by default it runs all video).
                        Set to '-1' by default.

The txt file with the results will be stored for posterior evaluation. A video with the tracking visual results will also be generated.

2.3. IDF1 computation

IDF is computed using the pymotmetrics-based script weeek3/ as follows:


GT_FOLDER and DET_FOLDER hold txt files with ground truth and detection data respectively. They must have the following structure:

Layout for ground truth data

Layout for test data

Ground truth and detection is matched according to SEQUENCE_X. Results are displayed on the console.

1.1 Compute optical flow

The implementation and sample usage of block matching optical flow can is provided in the file It includes

  • exhaustive search
  • three step search

The code for generating the visualizations in the slides is provided in

1.2. Off-the-shelf Optical Flow

The followin algorithm have been tested: -PyFlow -Lucas-Kanade -Farneback -SimpleFlow

The scripts to perform optical flow are in week4/opticalflow/pyflow. If you run any of them, you get running time, MSE, PEPN on the terminal and the optical flow representation is displayed.

2.1. Video Stabilization with Block Matching

The algorithm for video stabilization is based on a simple traslational model. To stabilize a video, call week4/ with the following arguments:

usage: [-h] -v VIDEO [-t {median,gaussian}] [-s KERNEL_SIZE] [-d] [-a] [-m MEMORY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VIDEO, --video VIDEO
                        Name of the video to stabilize. Must be an avi store in ../..
  -t {median,gaussian}, --kernel-type {median,gaussian}
                        Type of smoothing filter
  -s KERNEL_SIZE, --kernel-size KERNEL_SIZE
                        Size of the smoothing kernel
  -d, --display         Wheter to display frames s they are being processed or not
  -a, --angle           Wheter to try to compensate angles (not recommended)
  -m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
                        Size of the accumulated memory

An output video will be generated on output/ with the following naming convention:

outname = f'output/out{videoname}_mem{memory}_typ{kernel_type}_ker{kernel_size}_angle_{use_angle}.avi'

2.2. Off-the-shelf Video Stabilization

The following algorithms have been tested: -VidStab (script in week4/vidstab/ input and output video path are hardcoded. This script also plots trajectory and transform graphs.

$ python

-Video Stabilization Using Point Feature Matching in OpenCV (script in week4/vidstab/VideoStabilization/ input and output video path are hardcoded.

$ python

We also attempted:

But ultimately, we did not manage to make them work correctly.

3.1. Tracking with optical flow

The extension of the IOU tracker with optical flow has been implemented in the same architecture built for Week 3 tracking tasks. Therefore, trackers can be executed with the same script, specifying TRACKER to "flow_LK_median", "flow_LK_mean", "flow_GF_median", "flow_GF_mean" or "medianflow".

$ python -h
usage [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-d DETECTIONS] [-t TRACKER]
                        [-th THRESHOLD] [-tl TRACKER_LIFE] [-M MAX]

optional arguments:optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        where results will be saved
  -d DETECTIONS, --detections DETECTIONS
                        detections used for tracking. Options: {retinanetpre, retinanet101pre, maskrcnnpre, ssdpre, yolopre}
  -t TRACKER, --tracker TRACKER
                        tracker used. Options: {"kalman", "kcf", "siamrpn_mobile", "siammask", "flow_LK_median", "flow_LK_mean", "flow_GF_median", "flow_GF_mean", "medianflow"}
  -th THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        threshold used to filter detections
  -tl TRACKER_LIFE, --tracker_life TRACKER_LIFE
                        tracker life
  -m MIN, --min MIN     number of frame to start the tracker (by default it runs from the beginning of the video).
                        Set to '-1' by default.
  -M MAX, --max MAX     number of frames to finish the tracking (by default it runs until the end of the video).
                        Set to '-1' by default.

The txt file with the results will be stored for posterior evaluation. A video with the tracking visual results will also be generated.


All tasks were implemented in The algorithm will either pre-compute the background modelling or load it if it has already been computed before and saved in the checkpoints folder. The algorithm will output a .mp4 video file with the result and a gif of the first 200 frame for visualization purposes. The different algorithms can be selected by playing with the scripts parameters:

Sript Usage

The models available include

  • GaussianModel -> 'gm'
  • AdaptiveGM -> 'agm'
  • SOTA -> 'sota', and select which one to use with "--method" argument to the parser
$ python week2/ -h
usage: [-h] [-m {gm,agm,sota}] [-c {gray,rgb,hsv,lab,ycrcb}] [-M MAX] [-perc PERCENTAGE] 
               [-a N [N ...]] [-p P] [-d] [-meth {mog,mog2,lsbp,gmg,cnt,gsoc,knn}]

Extract foreground from video.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m {gm,agm,sota}, --model {gm,agm,sota}
                        The model used for background modeling. Default value is 'gm':Gaussian.
  -c {gray,rgb,hsv,lab,ycrcb}, --colorspace {gray,rgb,hsv,lab,ycrcb}
                        choose the colorspace used for background modeling. 
                        Default value is 'gray.
  -M MAX, --max MAX     max number of frames for which to extract foreground. 
                        Set to '-1' by default, which means take all the frames available.
  -perc PERCENTAGE, --percentage PERCENTAGE
                        percentage of video to use for background modeling
  -a N [N ...], --alpha N [N ...]
                        alpha value or values depending on color space used for modelling
  -p P, --p P           Rho (p): [AdaptiveGaussianModel] parameter controlling the inclusion 
                        of new information to model
  -d, --display         to display frames as they are processed
  -meth {mog,mog2,lsbp,gmg,cnt,gsoc,knn}, --method {mog,mog2,lsbp,gmg,cnt,gsoc,knn}
                        SOTA algorithm used for background subtraction. 
                        The '--model' parameter has to be set to 'sota' to be able to use this.

Random/Grid search

There is a folder specific for this with the hyperparameters search runner and the visualizer of the results (3D plot). We did not have time to implement an usable interface for this script and the parameters to try are hardcoded inside the script, as well as the main function, which was copied from the main runner.

The implementation of this week have been split into two well divided parts:

1. Multi-target single-camera (MTSC) tracking

The interface of the script used in previous weeks was adapted to this week's. Now, the usage is:

$ python -h
usage [-h] [-s SEQUENCE] [-c CAMERA] [-d DETECTIONS]
                      [-o OUTPUT] [-t TRACKER] [-th THRESHOLD]
                      [-tl TRACKER_LIFE] [-v] [-M MAX] [-m MIN]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEQUENCE, --sequence SEQUENCE
                        sequence to be run
  -c CAMERA, --camera CAMERA
                        camera to be run
  -d DETECTIONS, --detections DETECTIONS
                        detections to use for the tracker
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        where results will be saved
  -t TRACKER, --tracker TRACKER
                        tracker used. Options: {"kalman", "kcf", "siamrpn_mobile", "siammask", "medianflow"}
  -th THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        threshold used to filter detections
  -tl TRACKER_LIFE, --tracker_life TRACKER_LIFE
                        tracker life in number of frames
  -v, --video           if true, it saves a video with the visual results instead of the annotations
  -M MAX, --max MAX     max number of frames to run the tracker (by default it
                        runs all video). Set to '-1' by default.
  -m MIN, --min MIN     min number of frames to run the tracker (by default it
                        runs all video). Set to '-1' by default.

The txt file with the results will be stored for posterior evaluation. A video with the tracking visual results will also be generated if specified. This week, we also implemented several post-processing functions to filter the highest number of detections which are not considered in the ground truth and make the comparison fairer. This can be applied to the folder which generates the previous script by running:

$ python --input INPUT_FOLDER --output OUTPUT_FOLDER

2. Single-camera evaluation

Now, the output folder can be evaluated using the script of single evaluation:


Note: the DATA_PATH variable inside the '' file should point to the challenge dataset.

Multi-target multi-camera (MTMC) tracking

This scripts allow us to obtain the multitracking files for the different sequences. The files are saved in mtrackings/S0X/C0Y/method.txt. This is the folder format the metric script will need in order to evaluate the tracking.

$ python 

Note: Before running the script it is necessary to change the DATA_PATH variable to point to the challenge dataset. Also it is needed to indicate de Sequence number, and the method for matching prefered. (On the top of the code, in the Config options part)

Multi-camera evaluation

Now, the output folder can be evaluated using a script very similar to the one used in single-camera evaluation:


Note: the DATA_PATH variable inside the '' file should point to the challenge dataset.


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