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Running Jorkens from source on Linux

mcthulhu edited this page May 18, 2021 · 1 revision

I'm still having problems building a binary for Linux, so I thought I'd post instructions on how to run it from source on Linux. I hope these are clear. I just tested this on a fresh install of Ubuntu 21.04 and it seems to work.

(python3 should be installed by default in Ubuntu, but you can type python3 to verify)

sudo apt install python3-pip

(pip is not installed by default, no idea why)

pip install stanza

(if this hangs (known pip/gnome-keyring bug on Ubuntu, apparently), adding "export PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring" to your .bashrc seems to fix the problem).


and at the Python prompt, type

import stanza

and then'es')

(the es is the language code for Spanish; if you want a different language model, replace the language code) (repeat as needed for however many languages you want supported)



to exit Python

sudo apt install npm

This should install both npm and node.js together; type npm --version and node --version to verify.

git should be installed by default in Ubuntu, but you can type git --version to verify.

git clone

(this downloads the source code from GitHub and puts it in a "jorkens" folder)

cd jorkens

rm package-lock.json

npm i

(this will install all the dependencies listed in package.json; ignore the irrelevant error messages at the end about electron-builder)

npm start

This last command is what runs Jorkens, and this is the only command needed to run it again later. After Jorkens opens, use File/Open file to open an epub book. In subsequent sessions, the last book opened should be resumed automatically.

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