This is the version of the electrographic seizure detection algorithm mentioned in Chang et al., 2019, JoVE. This algorithm can be used to automate the time-consuming task of annotating epileptiform events in long local field potential (LFP) recordings, particularly from acute in vitro 4-AP seizure models, and ultimately expedite preclinical seizure research.
- Mimic how human experts detect the onset and offset of epileptiform events from single channel LFP recordings
- The ictal events detected and classified by the algorithm were >90% in agreement with human experts
- The electrographic seizure onset times detected by the algorithm were within 1s of the annotations by human experts.
- The algorithm is fast, required no training, and user-friendly for life science researchers (Video Tutorial Available)
- Windows PC
- MatLab R2015a (or later)
- Wavelet Toolbox
- Microsoft Office
- 8 GB of RAM
Please read the Full Documentation (.pdf) in repository for complete details.