Website to facilitate communication between tutors and students depending on their classes.
Updated May/June 2019 to be more object-oriented as opposed to running procedural code.
Web Development Project 2018
Based forum layout on QUB student university website and built functionality from there.
- Mini CSS v3.01
- PHP5
- jQuery
- JavaScript
- MySQLi
- Documents can be uploaded by any admin or tutor who is enrolled in the subject, which can then be accessed for download by any user enrolled in the subject.
- Tutors and students enrolled in a subject can access a forum and create topics in that forum. They can then reply directly to a topic.
- Search functionality for both subjects and staff.
- Admin user can access a portal that allows them to create new users, subjects, search all available users, edit any user or subject and enroll students and tutors in subjects.
- Each user has a profile page that the user (or admin) can edit including updating password and adding a profile image (provided user is not a student).
- PHP/MySQL foum based on article:
- PHP OOP CRUD Tutorial - Step-By-Step Guide!:
- PHP OOP Database class using MySQLI and Singleton pattern: