Releases: mbientlab/MetaWear-SDK-iOS-macOS-tvOS
Releases · mbientlab/MetaWear-SDK-iOS-macOS-tvOS
General Update
MMS Support and Firmware 1.6.1
- Updated Pods
- Updated MMRL and MMS support
- Updated Cpp lib to latest
- Updated for BMI270, 3V regulator, and NAND flash
Bluetooth State Restoration fixes
Now saving CBPeripheral's provided to willRestoreState to prevent automatic disconnects.
Added retrieveConnectedMetaWearsAsync, this should be called before doing scans as restored devices might still be connected and thus won't show up on scanning.
Initial support for Bluetooth State Restoration
- Bluetooth State Restoration on MetaWearScanner.shared
- CPP submodule accessed with https instead of git protocol
Dependency Updates
- Updated Podspec with the swift-version key and latest Bolts-Swift 1.4.0
- MetaWear-SDK-Cpp v0.16.0
Added DFU subspec - handle bootloader updates
- Documentation for basic features of this API.
- Scripts to generate API reference docs.
- DFU subspec for handing firmware updates. New cases where bootloader change is required.
- Update Cpp API to v0.14.0.
- connectAndSetup will read device info if in MetaBoot mode.
- connectAndSetup could sometimes hang, canSendWriteWithoutResponse only valid after a first write.
- UI helpers didn't always invoke delegate methods on Main Thread.
NOTE This changes every single API call - large refactor of codebase will be needed
This releases aims to consolidate MetaWear API development by using the CPP library for the core of this API.
Xcode9 and Swift4
Some subtle, yet breaking API changes:
- checkForFirmwareUpdateAsync now returns string of the latest firmware version
- Remove DisconnectRequested error. If disconnectAsync is called while a connection is in progress, the connect task will finish with isCancelled
New features added:
- Adding isMetaBoot property on MBLMetaWear object. You can now "connect" to a MetaBoot board but will only be able to look at device information.
- Reading mac address by default on connection.
- Expose advertisementData on MBLMetaWear. Makes it possible to parse custom scan response packets.
- Exposing sleep mode, you can now put MetaWear devices in a deep sleep "off" state
- Added persistent configuration example (MBLRestorable) to StarterProject
- Sensor fusion can run without magnetometer
- Handle non 200 HTTP codes from the MetaWear server on DFU
- Pulling device name from advertisement data, it updates much quicker than the cached name property on the Peripheral object
Experimental features:
- Added ability to create "anonymous" events. This means you can download data from a board which was configured for logging by some other device.
- Added string identifiers to registers to assist with 1. above
Firmware v1.3.4 Support
2.9.0 Update to 2.9.0 - See release notes
New Docs and Exposed Packed Mode
The docs received a nice refresh and the packed mode for accelerometer and gyro has been exposed.