All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update CPP lib
- Update CPP lib
- Update CPP lib
- Add more tests
- Update iOSDUFLibrary
- Remove Mocks
- Update CPP lib (fix odr bug)
- Add more Tests
- Lower required versions
- Update iOSDUFLibrary pod for Swift 5.5 CBPeripheral API change
- General update and cleanup (no major changes)
- Update pods and new CPP SDK 0.20.0
- Update tests
- Update for MMS
- Update some helper functions (processors)
- Update pods and new CPP SDK 0.19.1
- Pull request from user to add debug statement and make bleQueue public
- Issue between repo and cocoapods
- Updated Bolts-Swift
- Updated iOSDFULibrary
- iOS13 support
- iOS13 default ios build settings for StarterProject + Bluetooth requirements
- MetaWear-SDK-Cpp v0.18.4.
- Swift 5
- Macro programming could drop commands if more than 16 were issued in rapid succession
- MetaWear-SDK-Cpp v0.18.0.
- Restart scanning if BLE state toggles off then on
Removed MBL_MW_ prefix from constants to fix duplicate symbol errors.
- Updated iOSDFULibrary to 4.2.2
- Mock gyro and sensor fusion
- Switching Projects to original build system for Xcode 10 (workaround for CocoaPod issue)
- MetaWear-SDK-Cpp v0.17.0
- macOS StarterProject
- Mock magnetometer
- Changing MetaWearScanner.shared to a non-restorable type. It requires exta steps, so people should have to opt in by using MetaWearScanner.sharedRestore instead
- Threading issues when accessing advertisement data (name, rssi, and averageRssi)
- Support for MblMwBoschAnyMotion and MblMwCalibrationState data types
- MetaWear-SDK-Cpp v0.16.3
- MetaWear.readRSSI - get RSSI value after connection
- More mocked modules with spoof'd MetaWear's
- MetaBoot status not updated if scanning wasn't used
- MetaWearScanner.retrieveConnectedMetaWearsAsync function
- Save CBPeripheral's retrieved in willRestoreState
- Bluetooth State Restoration on MetaWearScanner.shared
- CPP submodule accessed with https instead of git protocol
- Updated Podspec with the swift-version key and latest Bolts-Swift 1.4.0
- MetaWear-SDK-Cpp v0.16.0
- Documentation for basic features of this API.
- Scripts to generate API reference docs.
- DFU subspec for handing firmware updates. New cases where bootloader change is required.
- Update Cpp API to v0.14.0.
- connectAndSetup will read device info if in MetaBoot mode.
- connectAndSetup could sometimes hang, canSendWriteWithoutResponse only valid after a first write.
- UI helpers didn't always invoke delegate methods on Main Thread.