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File metadata and controls

132 lines (94 loc) · 8.28 KB


Zio-http-authorization is a library for basic effectful role-based access-control in ZIO-http applications.

Basic concepts


A role is a effectively a tag that is associated with Users in a many-to-many fashion and potentially required by many AuthorizationPolicies.

This library defines the following default roles:

  • SUPER - intended to be assigned to users with system-wide, completely unrestricted access.
  • ADMIN - intended for users with administrative permissions, e.g. to manage other users.
  • USER - intended for standard users.


A permission is again a form of tag, but this time representing a (kind of) action a user may be permitted to perform on a Resource. It is also associated with Users in a many-to-many fashion, but this time tupled with a descriptive ResourceSelector. Thus, an AuthorizationPolicy may require a user to hold a certain permission for the specific resource in order to be authorized.


A resource is a type of object that can be protected by AuthorizationPolicies. It is usually a class that represents an aggregate-root in a domain model. In the bounded context of authorization, this library defines a resource via a trait that extends Product with Serializable and is generic in the type of its descriptor. The desriptor-type is constrained to be an instance of a ResourceDescriptor.


A resource-descriptor is used to access metadata about a resource at runtime. It is defined as a trait which extends Product with Serializable, is generic in its type of user-id and tenant-id. It defines the following type-members:

  • IdType - the type of the resource's id
  • TenantIdType - the type of the resource's tenant-id

Additionaly, it defines the following values

  • resourceName of type String | Symbol
  • resourceId of the generic id-type
  • tenantId an Option of the generic tenant-id type. This value is an Option to support single-tenant applications and resources which do not belong to a specific tenant.


A resource-selector is simiar to a ResourceDescriptor, except that the resourceId is also an Option. If any option is None, the selector will match resources with any value for these fields. Otherwise, the selector will only match resources with the same value for these fields.


A user is the subject of authorization and the holder of Roles and Permissions, which are associated to the user together with a ResourceSelector. A user is identified by a unique id of a generic type constrained to the the union UUID | Symbol | String | Number | Product with Serializable and by an optional tenant-id of a generic type constrained to the same union. The tenant-id is optional to support single-tenant applications and users (e.g. SUPER-users) which do not belong to a specific tenant.


An authorization-policy encapsulates a specific authorization-logic for a specific type of resource and specific type of user. It is generic in its type of User and Resource and defines a single authorize-method which takes a resource of the generic type or an Iterable thereof, also takes a user of the generic type and returns a ZIO-effect which may either fail with a UserNotAuthorizedForResourceException or succeed with the (filtered) resource.

This library provides a GenericAuthorizationPolicy which takes a set of required roles and a set of descriptions of required permissions, and provides an authorization-effect which succeeds if the user holds all required roles and all required permissions for the resource and fails otherwise.

Furthermore, the AuthorizationPolicy namespaces provides a secured function. This is a higher-order-function which takes a ZIO-effect parameterized by a zio.http.Request, a specific type of User and a specific type of Resource, as well as a set of Roles and a set of Permissions to produce a new parameterized effect which will first authorize the user for the resource and then execute the original effect if authorization succeeds, and otherwise fail with a UserNotAuthorizedForResourceException. Thus, it modifies the effect's failure-type to be a union of its original failure-type and UserNotAuthorizedForResourceException.


An EndpointPolicyProvider is used to procure an AuthorizationPolicy given a zio.http.Request. It holds a default AuthorizationPolicy which is applicable to all types of users and resources and is used when no other matching policy can be found. It also permits registration of additional policies as partial functions from zio.http.Request to AuthorizationPolicy which are applied in the order of their registration / definition. The first matching policy (or the default) is used to authorize the request.


AuthorizationPolicies can either be procured from within an endpoint via an EndpointPolicyProvider or via secured function. The latter is useful when you wish to keep the definition of security-requirements for an enpoint within the endpoint's definition. The former is useful when a way of registering policies as a separate aspect is required.

The following exemplifies usage of the secured function:

import mbauer83.zio_http_authorization.Role
import mbauer83.zio_http_authorization.User._
import mbauer83.zio_http_authorization.Resource._
import mbauer83.zio_http_authorization.AuthorizationPolicy._

import zio.http._
import zio.ZIO
import zio.ZIOAppDefault

class SecuredExampleUsage extends ZIOAppDefault:

  val pathEffect: Request => GenericUser[String, Nothing] => Resource[StringResourceDescriptor] => ZIO[Any, Nothing, String] =
    (r: Request) => (u: GenericUser[String, Nothing]) => (res: Resource[StringResourceDescriptor]) => ???

  val app: App[Any] = 
    Http.collectZIO[Request] {
      case req @ Method.GET -> Root / "test" => {
        val securedPathEffectFn = secured(pathEffect)(Set(Role.SUPER), Set("read"))
        val user: GenericUser[String, Nothing] = ???
        val resource: Resource[StringResourceDescriptor] = ???
        val securedEffect = securedPathEffectFn(req)(user)(resource)

        (for {
          okBodyText <- securedEffect
        } yield Response.text(okBodyText)) orElse ZIO.succeed(Response(Status.Forbidden))

  override val run =

This is an example for usage of an EndpointPolicyProvider:

package mbauer83.zio_http_authorization

import mbauer83.zio_http_authorization.User._
import mbauer83.zio_http_authorization.Resource._
import mbauer83.zio_http_authorization.AuthorizationPolicy._
import mbauer83.zio_http_authorization.EndpointPolicyProvider._

import zio.ZIO
import zio.ZIOAppDefault
import zio.http._

class ProviderExampleUsage extends ZIOAppDefault:

  val examplePolicy = GenericAuthorizationPolicy(Set(Role.USER), Set("read"))

  val policyProvider = new DefaultEndpointPolicyProvider(AllowAllPolicy[User[?, ?], Resource[?]], (req: Request) => req match {
      case r: Request if r.url.toString().contains("/someResource") => examplePolicy.asInstanceOf[AuthorizationPolicy[User[?, ?], Resource[?]]]

  val effectFn: (Request, GenericUser[String, Nothing], Resource[StringResourceDescriptor]) => ZIO[Any, Nothing, String] =
    (r: Request, u: GenericUser[String, Nothing], res: Resource[StringResourceDescriptor]) => ???

  val app: App[Any] = 
    Http.collectZIO[Request] {
      case req @ Method.GET -> Root / "someResource" => {
        val user: GenericUser[String, Nothing] = ???
        val resource: Resource[StringResourceDescriptor] = ???

        (for {
          authPolicy         <- policyProvider.getPolicy[GenericUser[?, ?], Resource[?]](req)  
          authorizedResource <- authPolicy.authorized(user)(resource)
          okBodyText         <- effectFn(req, user, authorizedResource)
        } yield Response.text(okBodyText)) orElse ZIO.succeed(Response(Status.Forbidden))

  override val run =