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Releases: mbarbetti/pidgan

PIDGAN v0.2.0

02 Jul 10:58
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What is PIDGAN?

PIDGAN is a Python package built upon TensorFlow 2 to provide ready-to-use implementations for several GAN algorithms (listed in this table). The package was originally designed to simplify the training and optimization of GAN-based models for the Particle Identification (PID) system of the LHCb experiment. Today, PIDGAN is a versatile package that can be employed in a wide range of High Energy Physics (HEP) applications and, in general, whenever one has anything to do with tabular data and aims to learn the conditional probability distributions of a set of target features. This package is one of the building blocks to define a Flash Simulation framework of the LHCb experiment.

List of available modules

  • algorithms
    • BceGAN-ALP [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • BceGAN-GP [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • BceGAN [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • CramerGAN [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • GAN [k2/k3] - 🆙
    • lipschitz-regularizations [k2/k3] - 🆙
    • LSGAN [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • WGAN-ALP [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • WGAN-GP [k2/k3] - 🆙
    • WGAN [k2/k3] - 🧩
  • callbacks
    • schedulers
      • LearnRateBaseScheduler [k2/k3] - 🆙
      • LearnRateCosineDecay [k2/k3] - 🐛
      • LearnRateExpDecay [k2/k3]
      • LearnRateInvTimeDecay [k2/k3]
      • LearnRatePiecewiseConstDecay [k2/k3]
      • LearnRatePolynomialDecay [k2/k3]
  • metrics
    • Accuracy [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • BaseMetric [k2/k3] - 🆙
    • BinaryCrossentropy [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • JSDivergence [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • KLDivergence [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • MeanAbsoluteError [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • MeanSquaredError [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • RootMeanSquaredError [k2/k3] - 🧩
    • WassertsteinDistance [k2/k3] - 🧩
  • optimization
    • callbacks
      • HopaasPruner [src]
    • scores
      • BaseScore [src]
      • EMDistance [src]
      • KSDistance [src]
  • players
    • classifiers
      • AuxClassifier [src] - 🧩
      • AuxMultiClassifier [src] - 🧩
      • Classifier [src] - 🧩
      • MultiClassifier [src] - 🧩
      • ResClassifier [src] - 🧩
      • ResMultiClassifier [src] - 🧩
    • discriminators
      • AuxDiscriminator [k2/k3] - 🧩
      • Discriminator [k2/k3] - 🆙
      • ResDiscriminator [k2/k3] - 🆙
    • generators
      • Generator [k2/k3] - 🆙
      • ResGenerator [k2/k3] - 🆙
  • utils
    • checks
      • checkMetrics [src]
      • checkOptimizer [src]
    • preprocessing
      • invertColumnTransformer [src]
    • reports
      • HPSingleton [src]
      • getSummaryHTML [src] - 🆙

🆙 Upgrade to Keras 3

Keras 3 has introduced new appealing features but at the cost of breaking the backward compatibility with the previous versions as reported in #4. PIDGAN has been massively rewritten to be compatible with the new [mul...

Read more


05 Jan 23:36
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Relying on TensorFlow and Keras as backends, pidgan is a Python package designed to simplify the implementation and training of GAN-based models intended for High Energy Physics (HEP) applications.

Available modules

🐛 Bug fixes

  • invertColumnTransformer

    Problem. When the column indices passed to a transformer of the scikit-learn's ColumnTransformer aren't adjacent, this custom function has an unexpected behavior mixing the output columns.
    Solution. The function has been rewritten from scratch trying to follow a logical procedure that should mitigate new issues with the inversion of the ColumnTransformer.

🧩 Minor changes

Since regularization terms applied to either generator or discriminator can be extremely data-dependent, if they are computed also during the test step, it can produce loss values significantly different from the ones resulting in the train step. Hence, the GAN algorithms were updated so that the various _compute_*_loss methods take an additional boolean argument, called test, to avoid to compute any regularization terms during the test steps.

‼️ Note

This is the first release for Zenodo.


20 Nov 18:18
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Relying on TensorFlow and Keras as backends, pidgan is a Python package designed to simplify the implementation and training of GAN-based models intended for High Energy Physics (HEP) applications.

Available modules

✨ New features


10 Nov 12:45
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Relying on TensorFlow and Keras as backends, pidgan is a Python package designed to simplify the implementation and training of GAN-based models intended for High Energy Physics (HEP) applications.

Available modules

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Generator

    Problem. Using the generate() method with seed=None, the generator player used to produce always the same output.
    Solution. The default seed value used by the tf.random.set_seed() method has been removed.

First beta release of the pidgan package out now! 🔥

07 Nov 19:51
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Relying on TensorFlow and Keras as backends, pidgan is a Python package designed to simplify the implementation and training of GAN-based models intended for High Energy Physics (HEP) applications. Originally designed to develop parameterizations to flash-simulate the LHCb Particle Identification system, pidgan can be used to describe a wide range of LHCb sub-detectors and succeeds in reproducing the high-level response of a generic HEP experiment. The pidgan package will be publicly presented during the Fifth ML-INFN Hackathon: Advanced Level where it will be used to parameterize high energy particle jets as detected and reconstructed by the CMS experiment.

Available modules