A pay libary for Android, and which support Wechat pay and Ali pay. And developer can easily use Wechat pay in two line code. And developer can easily use Ali pay in three line code.
add these code in your app build.gradle as follow:
dependencies {
//add pay libaray
compile 'io.github.mayubao:pay_library:1.0.1'
//1.create request for wechat pay
WechatPayReq wechatPayReq = new WechatPayReq.Builder()
.with(this) //activity instance
.setAppId(appid) //wechat pay AppID
.setPartnerId(partnerid)//wechat pay partner id
.setPrepayId(prepayid)//pre pay id
// .setPackageValue(wechatPayReq.get)//"Sign=WXPay"
.setTimeStamp(timestamp)//time stamp
//2. send the request with wechat pay
//set the callback for wechat pay
//wechatPayReq.setOnWechatPayListener(new OnWechatPayListener);
Notes:WechatPayReq have no method to set the money, because the money info is include in the parameter 'prepayid'.
Ali Pay first way(Not Recommend, and its partner rsa private key export in the client , it is very dangerous!)
//step 1 create config for ali pay
AliPayAPI.Config config = new AliPayAPI.Config.Builder()
.setRsaPrivate(rsa_private) // rsa private key from partner (pkcs8 format)
.setRsaPublic(rsa_public)//ali rsa public key
.setPartner(partner) //set partner
.setSeller(seller) //set partner seller accout
//step 2 create reqeust for ali
AliPayReq aliPayReq = new AliPayReq.Builder()
.with(activity)//Activity instance
.apply(config)// the above custome config
.setOutTradeNo(outTradeNo)//set unique trade no
.setPrice(price)//set price
.setSubject(orderSubject)//set order subject
.setBody(orderBody)//set order detail
.setCallbackUrl(callbackUrl)//set callback for pay reqest
//step 3 send the request for ali pay
// set the ali pay callback
//aliPayReq.setOnAliPayListener(new OnAliPayListener);
//step 1 create raw ali pay order info
String rawAliOrderInfo = new AliPayReq2.AliOrderInfo()
.setPartner(partner) //set partner
.setSeller(seller) //set partner seller accout
.setOutTradeNo(outTradeNo) //set unique trade no
.setSubject(orderSubject) //set order subject
.setBody(orderBody) //set order detail
.setPrice(price) //set price
.setCallbackUrl(callbackUrl) //set callback for pay reqest
.createOrderInfo(); //create ali pay order info
//step 2 get the signed ali pay order info
String signAliOrderInfo = getSignAliOrderInfoFromServer(rawAliOrderInfo);
//step 3 step 3 send the request for ali pay
AliPayReq2 aliPayReq = new AliPayReq2.Builder()
.with(activity)//Activity instance
.setRawAliPayOrderInfo(rawAliOrderInfo)//set the ali pay order info
.setSignedAliPayOrderInfo(signAliOrderInfo) //set the signed ali pay order info
//set the ali pay callback
//aliPayReq.setOnAliPayListener(new OnAliPayListener);
-dontwarn io.github.mayubao.pay_library.**
-keep class io.github.mayubao.pay_library.** {*;}
#wechat pay
-dontwarn com.tencent.**
-keep class com.tencent.** {*;}
-dontwarn com.alipay.**
-keep class com.alipay.** {*;}
-dontwarn com.ta.utdid2.**
-keep class com.ta.utdid2.** {*;}
-dontwarn com.ut.device.**
-keep class com.ut.device.** {*;}
-dontwarn org.json.alipay.**
-keep class corg.json.alipay.** {*;}
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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