NOTE: This project is currently on hold. I plan to start again from scratch but using a more simple setup using Preact.
A React.js powered personal productivity system to help you achieve something every single day and build a habit of daily self improvement.
Live demo: (coming soon).
NOTE: The project is still in early development and may not yet be fully functional.
This project is a fun way for me to make something substantial using a React based tech stack. I used Vue.js in many projects in the past and I've recently shifted to Svelte as my framework of choice. I still use React in client projects but I realised I didn't have open source React projects, hence this concept was born.
Built using:
- React.js JavaScript framework
- Material Deisgn with Material Components for React + SASS CSS preprocessor
- GraphQL API with Apollo GraphQL server/client
- MongoDB NoSQL database
- Jest test framework
- Babel JavaScript transpiler + Webpack asset bundler
- Microservice architecture using Docker containers
"It's not always that we need to do more but rather that we need to focus on less."
— Nathan W. Morris
Get out of the rut of feeling like you didn't achieve anything valuable today.
Decide on small tasks you want to achieve daily and how how many points they're worth. Make a commitment to complete tasks every day to a minimum score. It doesn't matter if the tasks are small but they should move you forward towards your personal goals. Lots of little steps each day will add up to big changes over time.
Unit | Functionality |
packages/frontend-client |
A headless (static) web app users interact with in their browser. |
packages/backend-api-server |
API for the web app to safely and performantly access the database. |
packages/backend-database |
A MongoDB database instance to persist user data. |
No Zero Days
is an MIT licensed open source project. See LICENCE.
© 2018 Max Milton