##Description of the Project:
The aim of this project is to completely control and monitor the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 quadricopter with an Android device. You have 2 ways to control the drone in this app : via virtual sticks or via a Bluetooth gamepad.
The differents goals reached at this point are :
- Controlling the Drone’s movements
- Fetching the different Drone’s sensor data
- Receiving the Drone’s video stream
- Controlling the Drone’s movement using a Bluetooth gamepad (MYON mobile gamepad)
###How to Install:
- Download and unzip “StarstreamDroneGEII-Upgrade2017.zip” into an arbitory directory.
- Open the project in Android Studio, eventually upgrade the Gradle plug-in.
- Compile and download the app on an Android device which is in minimum version 5.0 (API 21).
- Set the limits to middle values (maximum values can causes instability for the drone) and select a pilotage mode (Virtual sticks or BT Gamepad)
- Then press the "Start" button and wait several seconds before landing.
- Enjoy flying the drone!
##Library Dependencies:
Our Project uses following libraries :
- Vitamio : https://github.com/yixia/VitamioBundle Used to handle the Drone’s video stream
- AR Drone Developer Guide : https://projects.ardrone.org/wiki/ardrone-api/Developer_Guide
- Open CV Documentation : http://docs.opencv.org/
- Vitamio Documentation : https://www.vitamio.org/en/docs/
- Handling Controler Actions : http://developer.android.com/training/game-controllers/controller-input.html
##Authors :
This project has been made by a group of 5 students of the GEII (Electrical and Industrial Computing Engineering) department of Université Savoie Mont Blanc in France for their last year term project. This has been updated by another group of 6 students from the same university in 2017. They have given a name to the project : "Starstream".
Students (2017) :
- BLANC Sofian
- CAPALDI Timothée
- MARMONT Maxime (@marmontm)
- MASSON Thomas
- PARIOT Valentin
- PETTIER Loïc (@loicpettier)
Original students :
- Bouguerra Bilel (@BilelBgr)
- Dancre Antoine
- Genoud Quentin
- Nabhan Stephane (@BlackStef)
- Ranarivelo Andre (@AJRdev)
Mentor :
- Caron Bernard
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
(January 2017)