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Protecting Australian Grassland

Objective: Provide Support & Useful Information to Farmers Regarding - Grazing, Livestock, and Natural Disasters
Product name: Amazing Grazing

Start date: August 6th, 2020
End date: November 1st, 2020

Website: Amazing Grazing
Product video: Product Video @ Youtube
Repository: Github
Audience: Australian English speaking farmers age 30-45

Table of Contents

1.0 Team members

  • Maxim Zaika
    • Education: Bachelors in Computer Science & Masters in Business Information Systems
    • Role in the team: leader, project manager, front-end & Back-end web developer, UX Designer
    • Linkedin:
  • Minjia Ji
    • Education: Masters in Business Information Systems
    • Role in the team: business analyst and researcher
  • Chongyang Liu
  • ChiHang Li

2.0 Programming languages

  • HTML, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, SCSS
  • SQL (phpMyAdmin)

3.0 Project description

Responsive mobile website developed by the Monash University students for the 'FIT5120 Industry Experience Studio Project' unit based on the Bootstrap 4 platform. The root cause of the problem has been researched from scratch based on the information provided online. Developers tried their best to utilise copyright/royalty-free resources. No help was provided by anyone since this problem is relatively new in Australia. In total, the project consisted of 3 iterations in 3 months.

4.0 Project iterations

  • Latest news regarding grazing, wildfires, drought, and livestock. These news’ are the latest possible and can be filtered based on the country and sorted by date. Few bugs are present here, which are fixed later on in iterations 2 and 3. To implement this feature GnewsAPI has been used.
  • Grazing techniques that need to be avoided/utilized by the farmers. Animated images, developed by us, are provided with the quick bullet-point information. Users can read additional information regarding these techniques and can download brochures.
  • Improvements: bug fixes of iteration 1. Iteration 1 content has no visible change due to not keeping track of this change.
  • Livestock statistics page contains the facts regarding the current livestock situation in Australia based on the dataset retrieved from Australian Government Data.Gov.Au. Users are given the option to sort the analysis based on the livestock. Additionally, we have provided predictions of what is going to happen in the future (like years 2030-2060). On top of that, various fact calculations are done based on the data (like beef, milk, wool, etc. remaining). Additionally, the user can view the graph.
  • Employment statistics show the current employment situation of farmers responsible for dairy or beef cattle, or sheep livestock. Employment numbers are shown by state. The highest qualification and age groups are provided. The datasets were retrieved from: Australian Government Joboutlook 1, Australian Government Joboutlook 2, and Australian Government Joboutlook 3. These datasets are represented using Tableau API. Additionally, analysis & URLs to various agricultural communities, where farmers can communicate with other farmers, are provided.
  • Lots of improvements to iterations 1 and 2. Various bug fixes and UX improvements. Mobile version is completely user friendly now on both mobile and desktop devices.
  • The drought page contains locations of drought based on the rainfall (mm). Users can learn what seasons are usually affected by drought. The dataset was retrieved from Australian Governement Bureau of Meteorology. Additionally, farmers can learn how drought impacts grassland, what the government does to assist them (with URLs to government dedicated websites), and what they can do to protect themselves.
  • The invasive species page contains various species (plants & animals). Farmers can know what impact do these species have on grassland and their livestock. Additionally, farmers can learn preventative measures against them and what states in Australia are infested by these species. Plant and animal datasets were retrieved from WeedsAustralia and Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. These datasets are represented using Tableau API. On top of that, users can download brochures of the preventative measures for their convenience.

5.0 Setup website

Note: find additional documentation like ER Diagram, System Architecture, etc. in the ../readme/ folder.

  1. [Locally] Configure XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.4 (or any other alternative):
    • Apache & MySQL must be configured within the XAMPP
  2. [Externally] Configure Amazon Web Server EC2 (or any other alternative) with LAMPP (or any other alternative):
    • Apache & MySQL must be configured within the LAMPP
  3. Website files must be stored in any of the methods mentioned above:
  4. Following actions need to be taken to launch the website:
    • Create the table amazing-grazing in your database
    • Add the server_config.php file to the main directory (if it is not there yet):
        define("DB_SERVER", "add-server-ip-here");
        define('DB_USERNAME', 'add-MySQL-username-here');
        define('DB_PASSWORD', 'add-MySQL-password-here');
        define('DB_NAME', 'add-table-from-MySQL-here');
        $con = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
        if ($con -> connect_error) {
        	die("Connection failed: " . $con->connect_error);
      • Modify DB_SERVER (server name), DB_USERNAME (username to access the database), DB_PASSWORD (password to access the database), and DB_NAME (table name)
    • Go to ../db_backup/full_db_backup. Import amazing-grazing.sql file to MySQL database
  5. [Website can run without this step, but it becomes vulnerable] When the server is fully configured, add .htaccess file to main directory (if it is not there yet):
    # Prevent access to Directory Listing
    Options -Indexes
    Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
    # Turn mod_rewrite on
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    # X-XSS-Protection, X-Frame-Options, X-Content-Type nosniff, HSTS Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    	Header set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
    	Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
    	Header set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
    	Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" env=HTTPS
    # Session cookies HTTP & SEcure Flag
    php_value session.cookie_httponly 1
    php_value session.cookie_secure 1
    # Rewrite everything to access to https except http
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^(localhost|
    RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]
    # To externally redirect /dir/foo.php to /dir/foo excluding POST requests
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !POST
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,}\s([^.]+)\.php [NC]
    RewriteRule ^ %1 [R=302,L,NE]
    ## To internally redirect /dir/foo to /dir/foo.php
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f [NC]
    RewriteRule ^ %{REQUEST_URI}.php [L]
    ### Website password protection
    #AuthUserFile /opt/lampp/htdocs/.htpasswd
    #AuthType Basic
    #AuthName "Restricted Access to AG"
    #Require valid-user

6.0 Configure identical parts of every page

6.1 Configure the navigation bar

6.1.1 Edit content

  • Option 1: directly modify the table nav_bar in the MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/nav_bar.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

6.1.2 Make direct changes to HTML/PHP code

  • Open ../php/navigation.php in notepad, read comments, modify the content, save it, and reload the page

6.2 Configure the headers of every page

  1. Headers (main image and the title) are not stored in the database. To modify the images or text, open any of the web page file using notepad.
  2. Go to commented out section called Page header, make direct modifications, save them, and reload the page

6.3 Configure the footers/license of every page

  1. Footers are not stored in the database. To modify the content, open any of the web page file using notepad.
  2. Go to commented out section called Footer or License, make direct modifications, save them, and reload the page

6.4 Configure breadcrumbs

  1. Open any of the webpages other than index.php (it is not on this page)
  2. Go to commented out section called Breadcrumbs, make direct modifications, save them, and reload the page

6.5 Configure & set up the Feedback floating button

6.5.1 How does it work and where does it go?

  • HTML generation of the interface is explained below.
  • When user clicks send, javascript ../js/amazing-grazing/feedback.js catches the click of a feedback-form form, then uses function .ajax() to access ../php/feedback.php server file, which then compares the tokens (read more below) to ensure that the sender is authorized, and uses sql query to write to MySQL database table called user_feedback

6.5.2 The following code needs to be inside the page

Note: perform these actions when creating a new page ONLY

  • Add the following line to the <body> of the webpage:
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode(feedbackRead(basename(__FILE__, '.php')));?>
  • Add the following code to the top of the webpage before <html>:
      if (empty($_SESSION['csrf_token'])) {
         $_SESSION['csrf_token'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
- Add the following code to the top of the webpage inside the `<head>` section (used for sending tokens between the client and server to verify the identity):
  <meta name="csrf-token" content="<?php $_SESSION['csrf_token']; echo $_SESSION['csrf_token']; ?>">
  • Add the following scripts to the bottom of the <body> section:
    <script src="js/amazing-grazing/feedback.js"></script>
    <script src=''></script>
  • The HTML is generated via .PHP file. To modify it, open ../php/generate-feedback-tab.php in notepad, read comments, perform direct manipulations, save the file, and reload the page

6.6 Configure & set up the floating back to top button

Note: perform these actions when creating a new page ONLY

  • Add the following line to the bottom of the <body> section before <scripts>:
    <div class="scrollToTop js-top"><a href="" class="js-gotop"><i class="fa fa-arrow-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></div>
  • Add the following script to the bottom of the <body> section:
    <script src="js/amazing-grazing/main.js"></script>
  • Scroll to top button... section of ../js/amazing-grazing/main.js file is responsible for the back to top button

6.7 Configure tableau graphs

Note: perform these actions if necessary ONLY

  • Tableau graphs are located on the livestock-statistics.php, employment-statistics.php, drought.php, and invasive-species.php pages
  • Tableau server needs to be installed on the local machine to perform modifications (refer to Tableau documentation to learn more)


  1. Go to the folder dataset_and_tableau and select any of the folders related to your page:
    • Folder tableau-drought
    • Folder tableau-employment-statistics
    • Folder tableau-invasive-species
    • Folder tableau-livestock-statistics
  2. Open any of the tableau files (with .twb extension) in any of the folders mentioned above, modify, and publish as public
  3. Open the tableau page where your public graph is located, click on the "share" button, copy and paste "Embed Code" in some other .txt editor
  4. Retrieve id of the first <div> container, retrieve src of the <img> container, value of the <param name='name'> container, and value of the <param name='static_image'> container
  5. Refer to the following sections related to the dedicated webpages to learn where to insert content retrieved in step 4

7.0 Configure index.php page

7.1 Modify the SERVICES section

7.1.1 Modify the HEADER and SUBHEADER

  1. Directly access index.php in notepad
  2. Dind SERVICES section
  3. Modify directly, save, and reload the page

7.1.2 Modify cards content

  • Option 1: directly modify index_offerings table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/index_offerings.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

7.1.3 Modify cards in HTML

  • Ensure that the the following line is inside the SERVICES CARDS section (it is used to retrieved content from the database):
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode(generateOfferings2($con));?>
  • Open../php/home_offerings.php in notepad, read comments, modify the content, save it, and reload the page

8.0 Configure livestock-statistics.php page

8.1 Modify the spinner

8.1.1 Spinner content

  • Option 1: directly modify livestock_spinner table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/livestock_spinner.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

8.1.2 Spinner content in HTML

  1. Ensure that the the following line is inside the "Spinner containing livestock, beef..." section (it is used to retrieve content from the database) of the livestock-statistics.php:
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($spinner_full);?>
  2. Open ../php/livestock-statistics-content.php in notepad, read comments, refer to section 1) Spinner, perform manipulations, save the file, and reload the page

8.1.3 Javascript spinner animated-spinner.js

  • The following javascript file is responsible for the spinner execution on load of the page (located at the bottom of the <body> section:
    <script src="js/amazing-grazing/animated-spinner.js"></script>

Note: each time page is resized, it needs to be refreshed to ensure that the spinner fits the screen size - suggested future improvement. Refer to the ../js/amazing-grazing/animated-spinner.js file to read more.


8.2.1 Modify the HEADER, SUBHEADER, and CONTENT

  • Option 1: directly modify livestock_landing table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/livestock_landing.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

8.2.2 Modify the HEADER, SUBHEADER, and CONTENT in HTML

  1. Ensure that the the following line is inside the "Livestock reduction impacts..." section (it is used to retrieve content from the database):
<?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($live_intro);?>
  1. Open ../php/livestock-statistics-content.php in notepad, read comments, refer to section 2) Intro, perform manipulations, save the file, and reload the page


8.3.1 How does it work?

  • On page load:
    1. The script at the bottom of the page (refer to comments) automatically simulates the click on the year set by default.
    2. This click triggers javascript function yearSelection in js/amazing-grazing/livestock-prediction.js file.
    3. This function calls function .ajax() to access the ../php/prediction_POST.php file to receive cards content from MySQL database, updates the data base on the year & filters selected, calculates facts using fomulas, decides what cards to show.
      • ../php/prediction_POST.php accesses the following tables in MySQL database: livestock_prediction_dataset and livestock_cards
  • Click on year selection:
    1. Year selection triggers javascript function yearSelection in js/amazing-grazing/livestock-prediction.js file.
    2. Same as point (c or 3) above
  • Click on filter selection:
    1. Filter selection options trigger javascript function selectLivestock in js/amazing-grazing/livestock-picker.js file.
    2. This function identifies active/inactive buttons, unchecks all other buttons if TOTAL button is clicked, sends error if all buttons are inactive, and simulates click on the year (Refer to above section On page load b-c (or 2-3)).
  • Click on display graph:
    1. Triggers function at the bottom of the webpage related to the "display graph" id #hide-graph.
    2. This function clears the place where graph is supposed to go, identifies filter parameters and year, calls function .ajax() to access ../php/livestock-graph.php file to receive various urls, ids, etc. related to tableau, then uses this data to create a graph.
      • ../php/livestock-graph.php accesses the livestock_graph table in MySQL database

8.3.2 Modify the HEADER and SUBHEADER

These are not stored in the database

  1. Directly access livestock-statistics.php in notepad
  2. Scroll down to "CONSEQUENCES OF LIVESTOCK..." section
  3. Modify directly

8.3.3 Modify SORT options

It is not stored in the database

  1. Directly access livestock-statistics.php in notepad
  2. Scroll down to "Sorting" section
  3. Modify directly

8.3.4 Add/modify/remove tableau graphs

  • Option 1: directly modify livestock_graph table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/livestock_graph.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

Note: refer to section * 6.7 Configure tableau graphs to learn what each string related to tableau does and where to get it

8.3.5 Add/modify/remove card content

  • Option 1: directly modify livestock_cards table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/livestock_cards.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

8.3.6 Modify cards in HTML

Note: perform operations if necessary ONLY

  • Open ../js/amazing-grazing/livestock-prediction.js in notepad
  • Find function contentHTML()
  • Perform modifications, save, and refresh the page

8.4 Livestock tableau graphs and datasets

8.4.1 Livestock datasets

  1. Accessed by going to ../dataset_and_tableau/datasets-livestock-statistics/:
    • File 1: livestock_year_1973_2016.xlsx is the original datasets. It is not in database and not used.
    • File 2: livestock_year_2017_2060.xlsx is the predicted dataset based on the previous dataset. It is stored in livestock_prediction_dataset database table.

8.4.2 Livestock tableau graphs

  • Website has many graphs related to various filters for years. Tableau is used to generated these line graphs.
  • Tableau server is required to be installed on your local machine to modify the tableau files.
  • Go to ../dataset_and_tableau/tableau-livestock-statistics/ folder, and select the graph needed for modifications.
  • Perform modifications to the graphs referring to Tableau Documentation, then publish this graph publicly, and retrieve required content. Refer to 6.7 Configure tableau graphs section to learn more.

9.0 Configure employment-statistics.php page

9.1 Modify FARMERS CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE, video, and image section

9.1.1 Modify content

Both headers, subheaders, content, image, and video can be modified through MySQL database:

  • Option 1: directly modify emp_landing table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/emp_landing.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

9.1.2 Modify in HTML

Note: perform operations if necessary ONLY

  • employment-statstics.php contains "Left and right sides (video & content) retrieved from db" section that stores the following code (used to access the database and create HTML content):
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($emp_landing);?>	
  • Open ../php/employee-statistics-content.php file in notepad, read the comments, scroll down to section 1) Landing, perform changes, save, ane reload the page
    • Section 1) Landing retrives the content directly from the database's table emp_landing and converts it to HTML


9.2.1 How does it work?

  • On load:

    1. Click of the sort button $(emp_type_select).trigger("click"); is simulated in the <script> section at the bottom of the employment-statistics.php page based on the id of the button selected by default. Examples of ids: #e-beef, #e-dairy, and #e-sheep.
    2. These buttons have .select-employment class. Function selectEmployment() in the ../js/amazing-grazing/employment-picker.js is listening for a click of this class, which is simulated in step 1.
    3. Once this function is triggered, it receives the id of step 1, and sends this id to function selectEmploymentType() in the same file.
    4. This function compares the received id with the clicked id and retrieves the content of the graph and its license (graph data and license are not stored in the database - suggested improvement).
    5. Then this function sends all the content of step 4 to the function placeGraph() in the same file, which generates the graph. This function inserts the graph into employment-statistics.php section that has id set as #tableau-chart. Addtitionally sets license to a text box with id #reference
    6. Function selectEmployment() from step 2 continues execution and sends a request using function .ajax() to the server file ../php/employment-card-POST.php to retrieve the content of all the cards in HTML format.
    7. It inserts HTML content directly to employment-statistics.php section that has id cards-data.
      Note: refer to ../js/amazing-grazing/employment-picker.js file to learn more in the commented out section.
  • On sort button click:

    • Refer to 'On load step b (or 2)'

9.2.2 Modify the HEADER and SUBHEADER

Note: It is not stored in the database

  1. Directly access employment-statistics.php in notepad
  2. Find "Section 3: NUMBER OF EDUCATED..." section
  3. Modify directly

9.2.3 Modify SORT options

Note: It is not stored in the database

  1. Directly access employment-statistics.php in notepad
  2. Find "Sorting" section
  3. Modify directly

Additionally, if more sorting options have been added to HTML, then the function $(".select-employment").click(function() in the <script> at the bottom of the page needs to be modified.

9.2.4 Add/modify/remove tableau graphs

Note: it is not stored in the database - suggested improvement

  1. Open ../js/amazing-grazing/employment-picker.js in notepad
  2. Find function selectEmploymentType()
  3. Replace content where necessary, save, and reload page

Note: Refer to section 6.7 Configure tableau graphs to learn what each string related to tableau does and where to get it from.

9.2.5 Add/modify/remove card content

  • Option 1: directly modify emp_cards table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/emp_cards.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

Note: tables emp_age, emp_education, and emp_state are related to each card. This data can be modified, but it is related to datasets used in this project. Refer to section 9.4.1 Employment datasets to learn more.

9.2.6 Modify cards in HTML

Note: perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. Open ../php/employment-card-POST.php
    • This file retrieves card, employee age, employee education, and employee region affected content from MySQL database from the following tables:
      • emp_state,
      • emp_education,
      • emp_age, and
      • emp_cards
    • Then it converts all the content to HTML and sends to file ../js/amazing-grazing/employment-picker.js using function .ajax(). Refer to section 9.3.1 How does it work? to learn more
  2. Perform direct manipulations, save, and reload the page

9.3 Employment tableau graphs and datasets

9.3.1 Employment datasets

  1. Accessed by going to ../dataset_and_tableau/datasets-employment-statistics/:
    • File 1: livestock_farmers.xlsx is the original dataset. It is not in database and not used.
    • File 2: farmers_data.xlsx. Data wrangling has been performed on this file. It is stored in the following tables:
      • emp_state,
      • emp_education,
      • emp_age, and
      • emp_cards

9.3.2 Employment tableau graphs

  • Website has three graphs generated in tableau.
  • Tableau server is required to be installed on your local machine to modify the tableau files.
  • Go to ../dataset_and_tableau/tableau-employment-statistics/ folder, and select the graph farmer123.twbx
  • Perform modifications to the graphs referring to Tableau Documentation, then publish this graph publicly, and retrieve required content. Refer to 6.7 Configure tableau graphs section to learn more.


9.4.1 Modify the HEADER and SUBHEADER

Note: these are stored in the database

  1. Directly access employment-statistics.php in notepad
  2. Find "Section 4: AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITIES" section
  3. Modify directly

9.4.2 Modify Carousel content

  • Option 1: directly modify emp_agri_comm table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/emp_agri_comm.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

9.4.3 Modify Carousel in HTML

Note: Pperform operations if necessary ONLY

  • employment-statistics.php contains Start carousel section that stores the following code (used to access the database and create HTML content):
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($emp_agri);?>
  • Open ../php/employee-statistics-content.php file in notepad, read the comments, scroll down to section "2) Agricultural communities", perform changes, save, ane reload the page
    • Section '2) Agricultural communities' retrieves content directly from the database's table emp_agri_comm and converts it to HTML

10.0 Configure techniques.php page

10.1 Modify Carousel section

10.1.1 How does it work?

  • On load:
    1. Section Section 2: Grazing Technqiues of the webpage contains the following line, which connects to the server file called ../php/retrieve_techniques.php:
      <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode(retrieveTechniques($con));?>
    2. The line above connects to the database table techniques_landing to retrieve all 4 techniques
    3. Sections Pop up seasonal grazing modal, Pop up rotational grazing modal, and Pop up patch-burn grazing modal contain the following lines of code, which also connects to the server file called ../php/retrieve_techniques.php:
      • Pop up seasonal grazing modal:
        <?php echo retrieveTechniquePage($con, "SEASONAL GRAZING", "Carousel");?>
      • Pop up rotational grazing modal:
        <?php echo retrieveTechniquePage($con, "ROTATIONAL GRAZING", "Methods");?>
      • Pop up patch-burn grazing modal:
        <?php echo retrieveTechniquePage($con, "PATCH-BURN GRAZING", "No");?>
    4. Above lines connect to the database table technique_selected to retrieve the content of all the pages that can be accessed by clicking Read more buttons

Note: refer to commented out sections of ../php/retrieve_techniques.php to learn more.

10.1.2 Modify carousel in HTML

Note: perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. Directly access ../php/retrieve_techniques.php in notepad
  2. Find retrieveTechniques($con) section
  3. Read comments, modify, save, and reload the page

10.1.3 Modify carousel content

  • Option 1: directly modify techniques_landing table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/techniques_landing.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

10.1.4 Modify seasonal grazing content

  • Option 1: directly modify technique_selected table in MySQL
    • Column selected-techn contains the title of the techniques, for example SEASONAL GRAZING. The row related to this content needs to be modified.
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/technique_selected.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

To modify the suggestions content:

  • Option 1: directly modify suggestion_tech table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/suggestion_tech.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

10.1.5 Modify continuous grazing content

Note: there is no dedicated content for this technique because the objective of the website is to avoid promoting it

10.1.6 Modify rotational grazing content

  • Option 1: directly modify technique_selected table in MySQL
    • Column selected-techn contains the title of the techniques, for example ROTATIONAL GRAZING. The row related to this content needs to be modified.
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/technique_selected.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

To modify the suggestions content:

  • Option 1: directly modify suggestion_tech table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/suggestion_tech.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

10.1.7 Modify patch-burn grazing content

  • Option 1: directly modify technique_selected table in MySQL
    • Column selected-techn contains the title of the techniques, for example PATCH-BURN GRAZING. The row related to this content needs to be modified.
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/technique_selected.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

To modify the suggestions content:

  • Option 1: directly modify suggestion_tech table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/suggestion_tech.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

10.1.8 Modify grazing techniques in HTML

Note: perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. Directly access ../php/retrieve_techniques.php in notepad
  2. Find retrieveTechniquePage($con, $page, $extraContent) section
  3. Read comments and modify directly

11.0 Configure drought.php page

11.1 How does it work?

  • On load:
    1. Executes section 2: Drought species impact grasslands with the two following sections:
      1. Graph containing drought regions
        • This section executes tableau graph together with the javascript Description: executes the drought page graph at the bottom of the page. Refer to 6.7 Configure tableau graphs section to learn more.
      2. Invasive species impact grasslands section
        • This section executes the "DROUGHT IMPACTS GRASSLANDS" section, the subheader, and the content using the following line
          <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($drought_intro);?>
          which connects to the server's database through the server file ../php/generate-feedback-tab.php.
        • Section 1) Intro of this file retrieves the information from the drought_landing table and generates HTML that is sent to the client
    2. Executes section 3: What the government does:
      1. The HEADER and SUBHEADER are executed in the HTML itself
      2. Section Flip cards contains the following line of code:
        <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($governmentInfo);?>
        which connects to the server's database through the server file ../php/generate-feedback-tab.php.
        • Section 2) what the government does of this file retrieves the information from the drought_government table and generates HTML that is sent to the client
    3. Executes section 4: PREPARE YOURSELF FOR DROUGHT
      1. The HEADER and SUBHEADER are executed in the HTML itself
      2. Section Actions that farmers can take contains the following line of code:
        <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($prepareInfo);?>
        which connects to the server's database through the server file ../php/generate-feedback-tab.php.
        • Section 3) Prepare yourself for drought of this file retrieves the information from the drought_prepare table and generates HTML that is sent to the client


11.2.1 Modify content

Note: both headers, subheaders, content, image, and video can be modified through MySQL database:

  • Option 1: directly modify drought_landing table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/drought_landing.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

11.2.2 Modify content in HTML

Note: perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. Directly access ../php/drought-content.php file in notepad
  2. Find 1) Intro section
  3. Read comments and modify directly

11.3 Drought tableau map

11.3.1 Add/modify/remove tableau map

Note: it is not stored in the database - suggested improvement

  1. Open drought.php in notepad
  2. Find section Graph containing drought regions
  3. Replace content where necessary, save, and reload page

Note: refer to section 6.7 Configure tableau graphs to learn what each string related to tableau does and where to get it from.

11.3.2 Drought tableau datasets

  • Accessed by going to ../dataset_and_tableau/datasets-drought/:
    • File 1: drought-condition.xlsx is the dataset that has been data wrangled and inserted into the tableau. It is not stored in the database.

11.3.3 Drought tableau graphs

  • Website generates one map in tableau.
  • Tableau server is required to be installed on your local machine to modify the tableau files.
  • Go to ../dataset_and_tableau/tableau-drought/ folder, and select the tableau map AU Drought.twbx
  • Perform modifications to the map referring to Tableau Documentation, then publish this graph publicly, and retrieve required content. Refer to 6.7 Configure tableau graphs section to learn more.


11.4.1 Modify HEADER and SUBHEADER

Note: these are not stored in the database

  1. Directly access drought.php file in notepad
  2. Find "Section 3: What the government does" section
  3. Modify directly

11.4.2 Modify flip cards content

  • Option 1: directly modify drought_government table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/drought_government.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

11.4.3 Modify flip cards content in HTML

Note: perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. The following line must be within the Flip cards section of the drought.php webpage (it retrieves database content from a drought-content.php file)
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($governmentInfo);?>
  2. Open ../php/drought-content.php file in notepad
  3. Read comments, find 2) What the government does section, perform changes directly, save, and reload the page

11.4.4 Modify URL of source

Note: it is not stored in the database

  1. Directly access drought.php file in notepad
  2. Find "Flip cards get inserted here" section
    <h5 class="pull-right"><u><i><a href="">Learn more</i></u></a></h5>
  3. Modify directly



Note: It is not stored in the database

  1. Directly access drought.php file in notepad
  2. Find "Section 4: PREPARE YOURSELF FOR DROUGHT" section
  3. Modify directly

11.5.2 Scrollable cards content

  • Option 1: directly modify drought_prepare table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/drought_prepare.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

11.5.3 Scrollable cards content in HTML

Note: Perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. The following line must be within the Actions that farmers can take section of the drought.php webpage (it retrieves database content from a ../php/drought-content.php file)
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($governmentInfo);?>
  2. Open ../php/drought-content.php file in notepad
  3. Read comments, find 3) Prepare yourself for drought section, perform changes directly, save, and reload the page

12.0 Configure invasive-species.php page

12.1 Modify the spinner

12.1.1 Spinner content

  • Option 1: directly modify species_spinner table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/species_spinner.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

12.1.2 Spinner content in HTML

Note: Perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. The following line must be within the Spinner containing root cause, animals, management... section of the invasive-species.php webpage (it retrieves database content from a ../php/invasive-species-content.php file)
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($spinner_full);?>
  2. Open ../php/invasive-species-content.php in notepad
  3. Read comments, find 1) Spinner section, perform changes directly, save, and reload the page

12.1.3 Javascript spinner animated-spinner.js

  • The following javascript file is responsible for the spinner execution on load of the page (located at the bottom of the <body> section:
    <script src="js/amazing-grazing/animated-spinner.js"></script>

Note: each time page is resized, it needs to be refreshed to ensure that the spinner fits the screen size - suggested future improvement. Refer to the file to read more.


12.2.1 Modify content

Note: Both headers, subheaders, and content can be modified through MySQL database:

  • Option 1: directly modify species_landing table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/species_landing.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

12.2.2 Modify content in HTML

Note: Perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. The following line must be within the Invasive species impact grasslands section of the invasive-species.php webpage (it retrieves database content from a ../php/invasive-species-content.php file)
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($species_intro);?>
  2. Open ../php/invasive-species-content.php in notepad
  3. Read comments, find 2) Intro section, perform changes directly, save, and reload the page


12.3.1 How does it work?

  • On load:

    1. .ajax() function (located at the bottom of invasive-species.php file) that accesses the server's ../php/invasive-species-gallery.php file to retrieve the gallery content in HTML format from the database's table species_types and push it to the content with id #animals-content (located in the Gallery section of the invasive-species.php:
      <div class="col-md-12 sort-species-item filter-animals">
         <div id="animals-content" class="carousel-species owl-carousel ftco-owl">
            <!-- animals content goes here -->
      • class sort-species-item represents that everything within this class is treated as a sortable item.
    2. .ajax() resizes the gallery items to make the height similar.
    3. .ajax() activates the carousel, sorting/filtering animations.
  • On "Show affected areas" click;

    1. These buttons contain .location-button class, which is triggered upon users click.
    2. The modal with id #tableau-chart gets cleared just in case old graph is there
    3. This part is done on load: server file ../php/invasive-species-gallery-get-js.php is executed that accesses species_types table once again to retrieve graph/map content and license in the form of javascript if-else statements that are pushed to the javascript using the following php line:
      <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($if_statement);?>
    4. Content retrieved in step 3 is used to generate the graph, push it inside the #tableau-chart.
    5. Then this function generates the license container that goes below the graph.

Note: the following code of the "Sort" section is responsible for sorting the galleries:

<li data-filter=".filter-plants" class="filter-active">Plants</li>
  • data-filter=".filter-plants" assigns a unique identifier to an item, which gallery follows
  • class="filter-active" makes an item active by default. You may exclude this line if the item is not active by default.
  • Plants is the name of an item that user sees

12.3.2 Modify filter items

Note: These are not stored in the database - suggested improvement if more items added. Perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. Directly access invasive-species.php file in notepad
  2. Find "Sort" section
  3. Add/remove/replace items referring to 12.3.1 How does it work? section.


Note: these are not stored in the database

  1. Directly access invasive-species.php file in notepad
  2. Find "3: INVASIVE SPECIES & LOCATIONS" section
  3. Modify directly

12.3.4 Gallery cards content

  • Option 1: directly modify species_types table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/species_types.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

12.3.5 Gallery cards in HTML

Note: perform operations if necessary ONLY

  • It is retrieved by the system using .ajax() from the ../php/invasive-species-gallery.php file and species_type database table. Refer to 12.3.1 How does it work? to learn more.


  1. Open ../php/invasive-species-gallery.php file in notepad
  2. Read comments, modify, save, and reload the page


12.4.1 HEADER, SUBHEADER, and HEADERS of Plants & Animal cards

Note: these are not stored in the database

  1. Directly access invasive-species.php file in notepad
  2. Find "4: PREVENTATIVE MEASURES" section
  3. Modify directly

12.4.2 Plants & Animal cards content

  • Option 1: directly modify species_measures table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/species_measures.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

12.4.3 Plants & Animal cards in HTML

Note: Perform operations if necessary ONLY

  1. The following lines must be within the Invasive species impact grasslands section of the invasive-species.php webpage (it retrieves database content from a ../php/invasive-species-content.php file)
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($plants_measures);?>
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($animal_measures);?>
  2. Open ../php/invasive-species-content.php in notepad
  3. Read comments, find 3) Preventative Masures section, perform changes directly, save, and reload the page

12.5 Invasive species tableau graphs and datasets

12.5.1 Invasive species datasets

  1. Accessed by going to ../dataset_and_tableau/datasets-invasive-species/:
    • File 1: Athel Pine.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Athel Pine plant.
    • File 2: Buffalos.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Buffalo animals.
    • File 3: Buffel Grass.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Buffel Grass plant.
    • File 4: Camels.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Camels animals.
    • File 5: Cattle.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Cattle animals.
    • File 6: Donkeys.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Donkey animals.
    • File 7: Goat.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Goat animals.
    • File 8: Horses.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Horse animals.
    • File 9: Kangaroos.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Kangaroo animals.
    • File 10: Mesquite.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Mesquite plants.
    • File 11: Mission Grass.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Mission Grass plants.
    • File 12: Pigs.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Pig animals.
    • File 13: Prickly_Acacia.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Prickly Acacia plants.
    • File 14: Rabbit.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Mission Rabbit animals.
    • File 15: Reed Sweetgrass.xlsx is the data wrangled file that contains the locations of Reed Sweetgrass plants.

Note: above datasets are not stored in the database but directly forwarded to tableau API map.

12.5.2 Invasive species tableau graphs

  • Website has many locations of invasive species. Tableau is used to generate maps.
  • Tableau server is required to be installed on the local machine to modify the tableau files.
  • Go to ../dataset_and_tableau/tableau-invasive-species/ folder, and select the graph needed for modifications.
  • Perform modifications to the graphs referring to Tableau Documentation, then publish this graph publicly, retrieve required content, and update species_types table. Refer to 6.7 Configure tableau graphs section to learn more.

13.0 Configure news.php page

Note: News are generated using GnewsAPI. News are not stored in the database. Tokens that are used to connect to google servers are stored in the database. There are 7 tokens in database and each token allows 100 transactions daily. It is important to reset the counter every day to 0 to let users use them. Drop down content of the topics and region is also stored in the database. Refer to 12.1 How does it work? section to learn more.

13.1 How does it work?

  • On load:
    1. Client connects to the server's file ../php/news_navigation.php to generate the drop down buttons.
      • The following php line must be located inside the News Navigation section of the news.php:
        <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode(generateNewsNav($con, $startDate));?>
      • Once it is connected, the topics and regions are retrieved from the following tables: news_region_content and news_topic_content. This content is used to generate the HTML code, which is sent to the client to display the navigation bar. Read comments in ../php/news_navigation.php to learn more.
    2. Client connects to another server's file ../php/gnewsAPI.php to do the following actions:
      • The following php line must be located inside the All The news are displayed here section of the news.php:
        <?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode(newsGenerator($newsData, $totalNews));?>
        1. Retrieves the token from the server's table g_news_api, use it, and increases the counter of g_news_count row in the table.
        2. Retrieves user's current date and reduces it by 3 to ensure that the news are 3 days old.
        3. Connects to the GnewsAPI using its dedicated URL, which retrives the news in JSON format.
        4. Then it uses newsGenerator($data, $total) function to generate the news in HTML format, which is pushed to the client's side to display the news. Refer comments in ../php/gnewsAPI.php to learn more.
  • On topic, country, or date selection:
    1. The javascript ../js/amazing-graizing/news-picker.js is listening for a click of any of the drop-down items using .updateNewsJS class
    2. Then it retrieves the id of the clicked class, which allows it to catch what option user has selected
    3. It retrieves all of the user's selections, converts the long names of the states to short, like "Australia" is converted to "au"
    4. It clears the current news section that has id #update-news
    5. Uses .ajax() function to connect to the server's file ../php/gnewsAPI_POST.php (which is similar to gnewsAPI.php but with slight modifications)
    6. Then, ../php/gnewsAPI_POST.php:
      1. Retrieves the token from the server's table g_news_api, use it, and increases the counter of g_news_count row in the table.
      2. Retrieves user's current date and reduces it by 3 to ensure that the news are 3 days old.
      3. Connects to the GnewsAPI using its dedicated URL, which retrives the news in JSON format.
      4. Then it uses newsGenerator($data, $total, $sort) function to generate the news based on the sort user has selected in HTML format. This HTML code is pushed back to .ajax() function, which sends this HTML code to the id called update-news 250 milliseconds after. Refer to comments in ./php/gnewsAPI_POST.php to learn more.

Note: The system can be improved by automatically resetting the GnewsAPI tokens when reached the limit.

13.2 Modify topics

  • Option 1: directly modify news_topic_content table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/news_topic_content.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

13.3 Modify countries/regions

  • Option 1: directly modify news_region_content table in MySQL
  • Option 2: open ../db_backup/news_region_content.sql in notepad, modify the content, and import it to MySQL

Then, open ../js/amazing-graizing/news-picker.js in notepad, find Country selection section, and add the following line:

if (regionName == "Country_Long_Name") { regionName = "Country_Short_name" }
  • Where Country_Long_Name is the same name as inside the drop down menu or news_reg_topic column in news_region_content table.
  • Where Country_Short_name is the short name for the country, for example if the long name is Australia, then the short name is au.

Note: Refer to comments in ../db_backup/news_region_content.sql to learn more.

14.0 Licence / Copyright