an (under development!) CLI for querying the awesome MediathekViewWeb project.
There are currently 2 supported commands (media query
and media detail
). These are meant to be used in succession, as media detail
requires a specific entry id optained from your last query.
This command allows to query the MediathekViewWeb database. It supports similar filters which are implemented as optional flags.
The most basic query only requires a string, describing what you are searching for: media query "tagesschau"
More specific searches can be achieved by using flags.
$ media query [QUERY] [-t <value>] [-s <value>] [-c <value>] [-l <value>] [-p <value>] [--dmin <value>]
[--dmax <value>] [--sortBy timestamp|duration] [--sortOrder desc|asc] [--future]
QUERY :string - describe what you are searching for
-c, --channel=<value> :string - limit search to a specific channel [e.g. 'ARD']
-l, --limit=<value> [default: 15] :number - limit search results
-p, --page=<value> :number - use pagination to view specific result page
-s, --topic=<value> :string - search for a specific topic (Sendung) [e.g. 'tagesschau']
-t, --title=<value> :string - search for a specific title [e.g. 'Wetten dass...']
--dmax=<value> [default: 99999] :number - maximum duration (in minutes)
--dmin=<value> :number - minimum duration (in minutes)
--future :bool - choose to allow results of future entries
--sortBy=<option> [default: timestamp] :string - define what to sort by
<options: timestamp|duration>
--sortOrder=<option> [default: desc] :string - define sorting order
<options: desc|asc>
This command allows to view more information for a single entry. It requires the respective media id, which is displayed for every result of media query
$ media detail [ID]
ID :number - the respective Entry ID of the last query to show details for
show detailed information for a specific mediathek entry
$ media detail 4
$ npm install -g mediathek-cli
$ media COMMAND
running command...
$ media (--version)
mediathek-cli/0.3.0 linux-x64 node-v16.10.0
$ media --help [COMMAND]
$ media COMMAND
- add support for downloading media
- overhaul inspection of a single result