Series of seminars for the course of Data Mining and Machine Learning, MSc Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering, University of Pisa
A set of lectures on computing with Python, using Jupyter notebooks.
Download Anaconda from the official website and follow the instructions for your OS.
To open these notebooks in Jupyter, download the files or git clone
this repository to a directory on your computer, and from that directory run:
$ jupyter notebook
This will open a new page in your browser with a list of the available notebooks.
As long as you don't have a clean setup for local runtime, you may practice with these online executable versions:
You can use the following clean notebook for practice (remember to download the notebook so as not to lose your progress)
Alternatively, you can use Colab Notebooks, a jupyter-based environment provided by Google (notebooks are stored in your G-Drive / G-Suite)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Some content is derived or adapted from the Python notebooks by Ing. Nicola Tonellotto, available here and from the Python notebooks by J. R. Johansson, originally available here